View Full Version : Are you a slob? Does your console look like this? I`ll show u how to fix it!

Orinda Auto Detail
11-21-2012, 12:59 PM
Clean a console can be very annoying getting every edge, crack, crevous, ect....
Here`s the tricks I`ve learned over the years to get it done as fast as possible because cleaning interiors sucks.

Cheapy MF towel
Little paint brush
Some APC that is properly diluted for interiors. The one I use is 1:30
A credit card or plastic card of some sort
(Amazing its the same list of stuff I had for cleaning vents,You can do all your hard surfaces with this list items)
Grimey for sure
Start by spraying the console with apc
I love these little paint brushes. Just stiff enough to clean with out scratching and like 30 cents at ace hardware. You should always tape the metal edge though to avoid accidents....Not that I`ve ever done that and learn the hard way having to buy a 1300 piece of plastic in a mercedes a couple years ago. That did not happen.
Make sure to put the gear selecter in all postions to get everything. Good Ideal to have the e- brake on while doing this and your foot on the brake just in case.
With a credit card or plastic card wrapped in a cheapy MF towel get the edges.
Wipe down and q-tip anything that needs and enjoy the fact that these results were achieved in less 4 minutes with picture taking.

11-21-2012, 01:02 PM
Thanks for the tips, Joe!

11-21-2012, 01:11 PM
Something that I learned in doing cars like this, is use an air compressor to blow all the junk out of the corners before applying any cleaning processes. This really has helped me in getting it cleaner and quicker in most cases

Thanks for the write up and tips

Orinda Auto Detail
11-21-2012, 01:18 PM
Something that I learned in doing cars like this, is use an air compressor to blow all the junk out of the corners before applying any cleaning processes. This really has helped me in getting it cleaner and quicker in most cases

Thanks for the write up and tips
I do that as well just wasn`t sure if everyone had compressed air

11-21-2012, 01:21 PM
I do that as well just wasn`t sure if everyone had compressed air

Yea I know, I have one but at times I use my shop vac with an extra small cervical attachment, seems to work pretty well in most cases

C. Charles Hahn
11-21-2012, 01:27 PM
cervical attachment

So you`re saying detailing nasty consoles is literally a pain in the neck? :rofl

11-21-2012, 01:30 PM
So you`re saying detailing nasty consoles is literally a pain in the neck? :rofl

Yes I am:):)

Until I start using the AC getting the junk out of the cracks was a pain in the neck:rofl:rofl

11-21-2012, 01:43 PM

I`ll 2nd the notion of using compressed air while detailing a car. It`s one of those tools that if you don`t have it you`ll not miss it...However, if you do have a compressor and use it you`ll be lost without it...:bigups

Nothing like getting junk out of your crack....

Now, I`m not one of these tree hugging fanatics that needs to cover themselves in a level 4 bio suit in order to take out the trash...BUT...when I work with compressed air, I`ve learned to wear safety glasses to avoid all that junk blowing back in my face....I learned the hard way...

11-21-2012, 01:57 PM
I rented a car a couple weeks ago that had cookie crumbs and what appeared to be spilled milk stuck all in the cracks of the console. Needless to say I could NOT leave town untill I straigtened that mess out :inspector:

11-21-2012, 02:02 PM
I rented a car a couple weeks ago that had cookie crumbs and what appeared to be spilled milk stuck all in the cracks of the console. Needless to say I could leave town untill I straigtened that mess out :inspector:

I don`t feel bad about a weekend rental I had that I waxed before we drove it

11-21-2012, 02:12 PM
I`ve never gone that far ^
I do make sure the area within vision is clean and my windows are spotless though :rockon

11-21-2012, 02:50 PM
Nice work Joe :yourrock

11-21-2012, 11:35 PM
awesome writeup! And it only took 4 minutes to do the whole thing lol

what apc were you using?