View Full Version : How to get a great detail when living downtown

11-19-2012, 11:33 AM
Hi All!

I live in the downtown area of a major US city and find even basic car cleaning to be a challenge. The detailing shops are not easily accessible and I only have street parking so I cant really use my own equipment.

Anyone else share my pain? Have any suggestions?

11-19-2012, 11:54 AM
Two words: Waterless Wash

Sure you won`t be able to get a full detail in, but you can keep your car looking shiny nonetheless.

Also, go to a pay by the coin car wash and pay for the water to rinse your car. If the owner is cool or absent, then just keep your car under the shade, do a waterless/rinseless wash, clay, and wax it. Then when you`re back to downtown, upkeep with waterless wash :)

11-19-2012, 08:33 PM
Welcome to AutopiaForums!

11-19-2012, 08:41 PM
you need to suck up to the local firefighters. those guys are always washing and detailing at the firehouses. i`m sure if you detail the chief`s car for free, he`ll probably let you detail yours there also. :)

11-19-2012, 08:46 PM
+1 on waterless wash - all you need is the spray bottle of product and some quality microfiber towels. As long as the car isn`t too dirty, this process should work nicely for you.

11-19-2012, 10:57 PM
Hi mobileauto and welcome to AF! I too am new to the site and you`ve come to the right place to find a solution to your detailing needs. Everyone who mentioned waterless/rinseless washes is correct, you`ll have a great looking ride with little water and time investment. I just started using a waterless and rinseless wash about 3 weeks ago and it rocks on time and water saved. The results are awesome, no scratching just get some good product to use along with 6-12 MF towels and that`s a good start. Read about detail processes and product reviews here and find some paint protectant, wax/sealant you could apply in sun or shade and you`ll be off to a great start! :welcome: again enjoy the forum there`s lots of experienced people who are willing to share their knowledge.

11-20-2012, 06:03 AM
:welcome: to the forums.

+1 more on the rinseless wash. 2 bucket method and towels and I just used it for the first time on Sunday and it works. Only thing is I should have rinsed mine off first because it was gritty but I am 10 to 13 miles in each direction from a car wash. I wasn`t expecting to clean my car this way yet or would have rinsed it before I left town on Friday. But I can say it does work great. Never tried waterless but there are threads here on both. Good luck!

Dean. :rockon