View Full Version : PVA Applicator what am I doing wrong?

04-30-2004, 09:05 PM
I know alot of people on here and Steve himself has said this is the best way to apply EX, EX-P and nattys wax but for some reason everytime I try amd use it the product doesnt seem to spread very well. It kind of just leaves big clumps of whatever I am using with it all over and doesnt spread well. So I always resort back to the Megs Yellow Pads. I know these things work as I seen Steve in person use one but for some reason I cant do it.

Got any idea`s or tips?

04-30-2004, 10:14 PM
could it be that you are using to much product / if done properly I find that you dont really notice it on the car that much


05-01-2004, 01:02 AM
I used a PVA applicator once and wasn`t very good at. I put on a very uneven coat. I attribute this to inexperience. From the rave reviews this applicator gets I know it must be me. Next time I do a car I`ll break out the PVA and try again. I can only get better.

05-01-2004, 02:12 PM
This first time I used a PVA, I used too much EX which resulted in some minor clumping. By the second coat, I`d gotten the hang of things. The applicator needs to be well wrung out, but evenly damp. Place one very thin line of product down the length of the applicator, then swipe back and forth over the surface like one would use a chalkboard eraser. Go over each section 2-3 times for complete and even coverage.

While I like the PVA for EX and EX-P, I prefer to use a regular yellow foam applicator for Natty`s.

05-01-2004, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by awd330
While I like the PVA for EX and EX-P, I prefer to use a regular yellow foam applicator for Natty`s.

Same here........... products that are similar in consistency to EX, EX-P work nice with the PVA applicator. The paste waxes seem to apply easier with the foam apps. I also prefer the foam apps with products that are really "liquid".......... like Liquid Souveran, #26 liquid.......... Etc.

05-01-2004, 11:14 PM
with Trade Secret and it`s awesome get the thinnest even coat I possibly can!

05-02-2004, 05:42 AM
I was never particularly good at getting super-thin coats of Zaino or UPP, but with the PVA, I was able to spread 1 oz. of Zaino thin enough to do a customer`s new black Grand Prix, which is a big car, TWICE, and have enough left over for a full coat on my Jetta. I probably still had enough left over for a second coat on the top surfaces. I wet the sponge, but dry it by squeezing it as much as I can in a waffle-weave MF towel to get it as dry as possible.

05-02-2004, 11:47 AM
I found that by cutting the PVA in two, it makes it much easier to use for Natty`s and TS. And like Groebuck said, you can get some awsome thin layers of TS.

I also noticed that as you use the sponge, it dries up, so maybe try and keep it moist or switch to a new one. Just a thought.