View Full Version : Other Forums (non detail related)

05-23-2012, 12:12 AM
This may turn into a full blown rant, but here it goes. For the past 3 days I`ve been trying to join a forum dedicated to comic/toy collectors of a specific brand. Its clearly stated you will be banned from the site for talking bad about them anywhere on the web so I can`t say any more than that lol. Anyway, I spent the first 5 hours trying to register because every email address I have was rejected because it wasn`t the address provided by my ISP. The thing is, I have Version WiFi and they don`t provide email. The customer support email didn`t work, and under the "Contact Us" section I left a generic message with no reply. I finally talked my wife into letting me use her University email just so I could register. Once that was done, I find a write up for new users about how to change your email to Gmail or Yahoo or whatever. For a $10.00 donation to the site, you can change your email to whatever you like. Thank God! I sent a donation, but couldn`t contact anyone about how to change my address. It turns out new members aren`t able to post, contact moderators, or do anything until the administration could review the account. Its been 2 days and still nothing. I`m not sure where a forum benefits from making it so difficult just to join. If it wasn`t for the fact that I`m trying to sell about 10 Grand worth of rare toys and comics I would have said forget it after my email was rejected the first time. I`m just wondering if others have ran into this at some point, and for those who know a lot about the inside workings of these sites, why would someone set up an online community to be such a pita just to get in the door?

05-23-2012, 05:33 AM
Not forum guy myself. Guessing the are trying to limit the spamming and hackers. Does seem a bit much, though.

Old Pirate
05-23-2012, 06:26 AM
Just go to Comic Con this year and sell your items and stop by their booth to let them know what happen to you, also enjoy pocketing the dinero you made also.