View Full Version : Real Speed: Top 10 Flybys

05-18-2012, 07:54 AM
Top 10 Low Pass Flybys of All Time - YouTube

05-18-2012, 11:13 PM
Keeping with the airplane theme. I wouldn`t want to be a passenger on any of these landings.
The Best Crosswind Landings Ever! - YouTube

05-18-2012, 11:44 PM
#3 = Nerves of steel :D
Those are some great videos. People who have never been to a good airshow or been around those jets have no clue how damn loud that is. I used to work a 1/2 mile from the airport here, and they hosted an amazing air show every year. A couple years ago, the Blue Angels were there and practiced for almost a week before the show. We got an up close and personal show for days before hand, and my ears rang for 2 weeks afterward. We actually had to replace some windows in the shop because of them, but it was so cool we didn`t even care. Not every day you can say the Blue Angels blew your windows out :rockon

Old Pirate
05-19-2012, 06:55 AM
Yes its a rush when your going 500 mph or more in the backseat of a F-4 , F-105 or F-16, it was pure rush!
I used to be a Air Traffic Controller ( my younger days )and always someone wanted a fly by with me having 16 plus in the pattern. I also had the fun to called in a air strike. It was fun watching everything first hand.

05-19-2012, 03:37 PM
that`s awesome. it`s funny that when the fighter jocks are smoking by that fast, it`s difficult to hear them approaching until they are right on top of you. then the concussion hits you and those guys are gone !

05-19-2012, 05:38 PM
those are amazing... the air show was here at andrews afb today. had too much to do but the show is always awesome to see..

05-20-2012, 03:24 PM
I don`t know why but I just now watched this.......FREAKING AWESOME! I was a Navy Air Traffic Controller and witnessed some amazing flybys both out at sea and land based. I loved it when The Blue Angels were at our base because we could basically take the day off and enjoy the show from the best seats in the house.

Video #2 with that old Boeing 4 holer doing the low pass over the desert took coconut sized juevos to pull off.

05-21-2012, 06:12 AM
I love the F/A 18 going over the water. Imagine being one of the people on the boat. The story, IIRC, is that it was it was former decorated fighter pilot turned Blue Angel`s last flight (retiring) and it happened somewhere near San Francisco. So cool!

05-21-2012, 07:50 AM
those are amazing... the air show was here at andrews afb today. had too much to do but the show is always awesome to see..

I`ve only been once and it was great. But it seems like it sneaks up every year and I miss it. I once had a customer who was literally on the other side of the street from Andrews. I was there when the Thunderbirds were practicing for the show. Needless to say not much work got done.

05-21-2012, 09:02 AM
Keeping with the airplane theme. I wouldn`t want to be a passenger on any of these landings.
The Best Crosswind Landings Ever! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PdUdaXDHm4&feature=related)

I`ve seen this one before! CRAZY!