View Full Version : A Light Friday

02-03-2012, 03:49 PM
A duck waddles into a convenience store.
He waddles down the isle, and up to the counter. He hops up on the counter, looks at the clerk, and says "Got grapes?"
The clerk, a bit confused, stumbles for a minute and then replies, "Sorry no. We don`t carry grapes here."
The duck shrugs, jumps off the counter, down the isle, and waddles out the door.

The next day the duck waddles back into the convenience store.
He waddles down the isle, and up to the counter. He hops up on the counter, looks at the clerk, and says "Got grapes?"
The clerk is puzzles by this second exchange and replies, "Sorry, no, we still don`t have grapes, and probably never will."
The duck shrugs, jumps off the counter, down the isle, and waddles out the door.

The next day, the duck AGAIN waddles back into the convenience store.
He waddles down the isle, and up to the counter. He hops up on the counter, looks at the clerk, and says "Got grapes?"
The clerk is starting to get upset, and replies, "Look duck, we didn`t have them yesterday or the day before. I told you, we do not nor will we ever carry grapes."
The duck shrugs, jumps off the counter, down the isle, and waddles out the door.

The next day, the duck is back in the convenience store.
He waddles down the isle, and up to the counter. He hops up on the counter, looks at the clerk, and says "Got grapes?"
The clerk is furious. "Look duck. We don`t have grapes. We never will. STOP ASKING. If you ask me again about grapes, I`ll nail your freakin` beak to the counter."
The duck shrugs, jumps off the counter, down the isle, and waddles out the door.

The next day the duck waddles back into the convenience store.
He waddles down the isle, and up to the counter. He hops up on the counter, looks at the clerk, and says "Got nails?"
The clerk, even more confused, replies, "No, we don`t have any nails here."
"Good. Got grapes?"

Round Two

A pony walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender says "speak up, I can`t hear you!"
The pony says "sorry, I`m a little hoarse."

Round Three

A Polar bear walks into a restaurant and says to the waiter, "I`ll have a seal steak......................... and a side order of lemmings." The waiter says, "what`s with the big pause?" The bear replies, "I don`t know but my father had them, too!"

Round Four

Two atoms bump into each other. One says "I think I lost an electron." The other asks "Are you sure?" to which the first replies "I`m positive."

OKay, I`m done.

02-03-2012, 03:58 PM
Haha. Always nice to have a good laugh like this.

02-03-2012, 04:46 PM
Lmao, love them all!

02-03-2012, 04:51 PM
Haha too funny Mark

02-03-2012, 04:56 PM
Love it, thanks for the laugh.

02-03-2012, 08:37 PM
OK I got one

Two guys walk into a bar
the third one ducks.