View Full Version : This Made The Hair Stand Up On Me!

02-01-2012, 08:20 PM
Today I had one of those moments that made the hair stand up on my arms. I inherited my father’s jewelry several years ago after my Mom’s passing. For years I have worn his wedding ring, it gives me power and strength. Several years back while staying at a friend’s house overnight, I took my ring and watch off and stuck it in a zipper pouch in my briefcase, before we went out to dinner. When I came home I didn’t unpack it and didn’t think about it, as I don’t wear it often.
The next time I wanted to wear it, it wasn’t in my jewelry box, and I couldn’t recall where I had put it, figuring I would run across it soon. Sometime later I was using the briefcase and found the watch but not the ring. I told my wife about it and we scrubbed the places it could be, I checked some places two or better times, she did the same. I resided that I had lost it and that’s was it. Today while leaving the house on business, I decided to wear my watch and original wedding ring, I opened up my jewelry box, and my eyes focused in on my father’s wedding ring. The hair stood up on my arms and it sent a chill all over my body! My wife and I looked in that box many times, why I saw it today beats me!

02-01-2012, 08:22 PM
Count your lucky stars.

02-01-2012, 08:29 PM
I had a similar experience with something that belonged to my dad. I won`t steal your thunder by telling the story but it left me wondering.....

02-01-2012, 09:12 PM
i like to think that God sometimes lets our loved and lost ones watch over us with his guardian angels.

02-01-2012, 11:03 PM
i like to think that God sometimes lets our loved and lost ones watch over us with his guardian angels.

Beemer Boy -- I am so glad that this happened to you in this manner. The hairs standing up is a brief moment in time where you were connected to your Father again, and that feeling is unlike any other feeling around. I have felt that similarly for different deeply personal, religious things in the past as well.

What tropicsteve has just said is so true !!
I have read many true stories regarding things like this.
Our loved ones who leave us have the same thoughts, fears, cares, love, etc., for us where they are now.
For reasons unknown to us, some may get an opportunity to come back briefly to help us, calm us, give us hope, reasons for things that happened that gives us peace and understanding..

Your Dad really loves you, that is so great !


02-02-2012, 02:54 AM
Some things just cant be explained!

People may die but their souls live on.:dance1

For anyone who doesnt beleive this ,the book "life after life" by Ramond Moody is a good and convincing read .

02-02-2012, 10:23 AM
I had a similar experience with something that belonged to my dad. I won`t steal your thunder by telling the story but it left me wondering.....

First all thanks to everyone that replied.

By all means tell your story, my post was about the unexplained. Would enjoy hearing of yours.

Deep Gloss
02-02-2012, 11:47 AM
Sounds to me like Pops is still looking out for you and lending a helpful hand!

Never under estimate the power of a Fathers love!

VEry Cool!

02-02-2012, 02:59 PM
That is kinda spooky isn`t it? I`m glad you found that ring.....that would have bothered you for the rest of your born days.

02-02-2012, 04:55 PM
Glad you found it Dave and that was very nice what happened =)

02-02-2012, 05:52 PM
I disagree with YOU finding the ring! The ring (or your dad) found YOU!
That raised hairs on my arm,,Thank`s for sharing it with us.

02-02-2012, 06:44 PM
Glad you found the ring. It`s really odd in life when you may be thinking of someone or not how something like this happens or you come across to remind you of them.

Since you asked... We had a relative pass while in the hospital several years back. She always had this paticular Seth Thomas (working) wooden clock by her bed while my wife was growing up. My wife recieved it after her death. It was stopped on 4:30 when we found it. She died at 4:30 AM. Just being sceptical we wound it 2 other times each time it stopped within a minute +/- 4:30; wound at different times and it is a 5 day clock. The last time it was wound it would no longer work. It sits today at 4:29.5. My wife did not get to say goodbye, she was her only grandaughter. It was found later the nurses treated her with stroke medication when she was diagnosed with a heart condition (in her records) The medication killed her. It was the first time I really wondered about things like this.

Truly glad you have your treasure back sometimes its tangible things that bring you close to lost loved ones. The sound of a voice can fade but these items bring back memories that don`t.

02-02-2012, 07:08 PM
Sounds like your dad is playing games with you haha, glad you have your ring back.