View Full Version : Carpro Tar X Disappointment

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12-31-2011, 08:05 PM
I originally was going to post a review of this product but I decided against it after doing a test spot.

I had tar all along the driver side of my truck and I decided it would be a good day to test the Tar X sample I had sitting on the shelf. I decided to start on the worst section such was the bed behind the wheel. I sprayed Tar X on the paint first and let it dwell. Within a few seconds you could see the tar start to melt. I was really Impressed and excited. My truck has Xpel film on the hood, front bumper and along the rockers. I moved on to the film and sprayed it on the tar. Let it dwell a minute and agitated with my microfiber mitt. I noticed a little film or fogginess on the film. I rinsed the whole section immediately and saw the film was left looking dull and stained where I sprayed Tar X. I washed the whole panel with Blackfire car wash and dried. The paint looked fine but the film did not change in appearance. It feels like there is some kind of film on the Xpel film.

I decided to try Tar X one more time on the door. Some may think that`s dumb but I wanted to be sure it wasn`t the film that was the issue. I sprayed on and agitated immediately. Right away I saw the same issue and that spot felt the same as the bed section.


As you can see the spot almost looks dirty. In person it looked white like dirt on a panel. If I didn`t know better II would have thought I missed a spot when I washed the door.

Back to the bed- I felt the film and examined it closely to see what I might be able to do to fix the issue. It felt like there was something on the film so I decided to rub with my nail to see if it removed anything. I couldn`t make it look worse at this point. After scratching lightly on a spot I did see that the white was removed from that spot. I went inside and grabbed some Poli Seal to see what it would do. I applied with a foam applicator and it removed the white look from the film and made the film look clear once again. It did not remove the dull look though. I think I`ll need to use something more aggressive to get the film back to its original appearance.


As you can see I only applied to the upper section of the film. You can see the lower section still looks white and foggy. That was actually the good section when I started and I only applied Poli Seal to the worst area.

I had plans so I had to stop there and go in. Tomorrow morning I`ll get back to work.


Tar X is a great product for removing tar but if there is paint protection film this is not the product I would use. I wish it wouldn`t have had this reaction to the Xpel film as I wanted to use it further. On just painted surfaces this stuff rocks and works really well but it`s useless for my truck since I have the film everywhere. I wouldnt hesitate to use it on a car that didn`t have the film.

Once I correct the areas I will be Opticoating the film and I may try Tar X again to see if there is any change in results.

12-31-2011, 08:13 PM
Thanks for the review. I have wondered about how some of these new products would interact with films.

12-31-2011, 08:55 PM
Thanks for the review. I have TarX but haven`t used it yet. I guess some care should be taken.

12-31-2011, 08:56 PM
1st not so positive thing i have heard about this product

12-31-2011, 09:05 PM
I checked before I got the sample and Carpro said it was safe on paint protection film so I don`t understand. I thought I left it dwell too long on the bed so that`s part of the reason I tried again on the door but I didn`t let it dwell. Same result just not as bad.

12-31-2011, 09:08 PM
Ive seen posted before where its said to be safe on film. Did you contact the company? What brand film is it?

12-31-2011, 09:22 PM
Ive seen posted before where its said to be safe on film. Did you contact the company? What brand film is it?

Xpel brand film.

I haven`t contacted the company. I`m going to search for Avi`s FAQ post and probably PM him.

I`m not looking for anything from Carpro because testing new products includes some risks. Besides the paint is fine and the film is small enough that I can easily replace it if I can`t restore the gloss.

Edit: never mind. The FAQ was for Iron X

12-31-2011, 10:22 PM
Good information, I have some Tar X on the way. Looks like I will need to do a test spot before doing an entire panel.

01-01-2012, 12:46 AM
Sorry to hear about the issue on the film. TarX is a treat the way it melts the tar no doubt. I have read CQ and other products react differently to different plastic films as well. It`s the expel I`ve seen the other problems with as well.

Not to say I would trust TarX on any plastic films without a test spot first. I allowed some to start drying on my headlight once and got some white when it dried (as reported in my update here http://www.autopiaforums.com/forums/detailing-product-reviews/36892-review-carpro-tar-x-2.html)

I thought I would have to polish it out but it came out with a good scrub with mf towel and UWWP if I recall correctly.
I`m curious to find what removes the dullness for your expel film. Maybe Plexus? Maybe finish level plastic polish?

01-01-2012, 03:55 AM
Hi Chris
i replied your PM,
im very sorry to hear that, until now we didnt have any complain about clear bra`s , but i think i better revised the precautions since we cant control all the clear films types used around the world, so might better to avoid using TarX on such surfaces.
clear films use polyethylene plastic , which is very weak polymer based , that could be one on the reason it stained it.

01-01-2012, 09:24 AM
my tacoma has a different finish on the rocker panels. factory applied. looks to be for protection. wonder if same problem applies.

01-01-2012, 10:57 AM
Great reminder to use caution when dealing with films or plastics

01-01-2012, 11:19 AM
Hi Chris
i replied your PM,
im very sorry to hear that, until now we didnt have any complain about clear bra`s , but i think i better revised the precautions since we cant control all the clear films types used around the world, so might better to avoid using TarX on such surfaces.
clear films use polyethylene plastic , which is very weak polymer based , that could be one on the reason it stained it.

Thanks for the reply Avi. There are a lot of different companies that produce films so it could just be the make up of this particular film is more susceptible to chemicals.

Sorry to hear about the issue on the film. TarX is a treat the way it melts the tar no doubt. I have read CQ and other products react differently to different plastic films as well. It`s the expel I`ve seen the other problems with as well.

Not to say I would trust TarX on any plastic films without a test spot first. I allowed some to start drying on my headlight once and got some white when it dried (as reported in my update here http://www.autopiaforums.com/forums/detailing-product-reviews/36892-review-carpro-tar-x-2.html)

I thought I would have to polish it out but it came out with a good scrub with mf towel and UWWP if I recall correctly.
I`m curious to find what removes the dullness for your expel film. Maybe Plexus? Maybe finish level plastic polish?

I have some plastic polish and Xpel said I can use a 3M polish on the film if I`m careful. I`ll have to look up which one it was but I know it was more aggressive than SIP so I might try that as well.

01-01-2012, 12:11 PM
I would try a finish pad, maybe even a LC blue or red pad and the finest polish you have, maybe even start with OPT poliseal or the like to see if you can fix it.

wendell jarvis
01-01-2012, 01:00 PM
Wondered about this product...........now I know