View Full Version : Long overdue website updates...

11-17-2011, 08:15 PM
It`s been far too long since I`ve had my web guy update my site, so I finally got off my arse and made some updates. Added some new artwork on each page, really expanded the merchandise section, and also changed the logo on each page to my more refined `signature` style. The old one was a stiff, more mechanical representation of my hand signature. Oh...and added links to my FB and Twitter accounts so peeps can get right to `em.

TMoore Graphics | Welcome (http://www.tmooregraphics.com)

Check it out and let me know what ya think.

I also just finished this gem up about a month back or so. Haven`t gotten an actual shirt yet, but the guy said all the club members are lovin` them.

http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/380285_122212031221902_100002993170837_114028_9120 35609_n.jpg

Lastly...as many of you know, I do my own car cards each year and this years` is almost done and ready to go on press.

Here`s a peek at the outside of it...


Hope ya dig it!

As usual, comments and critiques are welcomed. And if you like my site/illustrations..."like` it on FB to stay updated on the latest happenings.


C. Charles Hahn
11-17-2011, 09:03 PM
Looking awesome, Tony! Love that Buick club shirt.

Incidentally, I`m doing a detail right now for a guy who owns a web development firm, and in trade he`s going to be working with me on a new site that will feature and be consistent with the logo and design work you did for me. Look for updates from me soon as well! :D

11-18-2011, 01:06 PM
Really liking the site Tony!

Im thinking it might be time for a bit of a logo upgrade (for me that is...) ;)

11-18-2011, 02:11 PM
Nice site Tony.

A lot of the logos seem familiar too. I like the renderings page a lot and the car at the top from stock through several changes. Nice touch.

11-18-2011, 02:32 PM
Looking awesome, Tony! Love that Buick club shirt.

Incidentally, I`m doing a detail right now for a guy who owns a web development firm, and in trade he`s going to be working with me on a new site that will feature and be consistent with the logo and design work you did for me. Look for updates from me soon as well! :D

Thanks Charlie. I`m anxious to see your updated site with the new logo. It`ll be a great step for ya having an all new look for your biz.

Really liking the site Tony!

Im thinking it might be time for a bit of a logo upgrade (for me that is...) ;)

Thanks. A logo upgrade can be a great way to `re-invent` yourself and breath some new life into your biz.

Nice site Tony.

A lot of the logos seem familiar too. I like the renderings page a lot and the car at the top from stock through several changes. Nice touch.

Thanks. Speaking of familiar...I was looking at my site as I was putting the updates together and find that I`ve done a lot of work for auto detailers. I think it stems from the fact that detailers (most `true` detailers) are anal retentive and see the value that the proper attention to detail with their business can make. I mean that in a good way.

I`ve said this my entire career and I still say it today...a crappy logo=the owner takes no pride in his/her business. In the end, your logo `shows` your customers the kind of person/business you are and how serious you take it. If your logo looks like you invested some time and effort, it provides a good feeling to your customer that you are the right person for the job. If your logo looks `cheap` and poorly thrown together then customers feel you approach your work the same way.

Sorry to get off on that tangent there, but I really do think that auto detailers are finicky and see the value in a good logo and the impression it leaves on a customer.

Thanks again for the comments guys!

11-18-2011, 02:58 PM
As always Tony, you rock. Seeing the Mach 1`s on your site makes me smile as I have one framed and hanging in my office. Nice site!