View Full Version : Advice

04-21-2004, 08:27 AM
I have a regular customer with a Landcruiser that I wash every 2 weeks. Her husband has a Porsche Cayenne that he recently purchased and I have washed twice since he has had it. Both say they are quite pleased with the work, hence the repeat every 2 weeks. The other day I rode by the house on my way to the zoo with the kids and I saw someone washing the Cayenne. I quickly made a u-turn to see who it was and what I observed appauled me. There were 2 guys in a beat up Camry washing the black Porsche with bath towels in a bucket. I couldn`t really stop to check it out fully but one thing I did notice was that they were using a type of glass cleaner similar to Windex but in a bottle that you can buy from a dollar store. I was really upset about this and am going this morning to do the Landcruiser. I almost feel like skipping the car and cancelling the deal every 2 weeks. Anyone ever have a situation like this and/or what should I do??

04-21-2004, 08:32 AM
Hold on a minute, My 2c`s
A little conversation with them,
1. Maybe she was giving a couple of local kids some money when they ask`d to wash the car.
If this is an ongoing thing, I would ask them directly. I would not stop doing the work unless there answer was not to my liking.
We need more info on why these guys were doing what they were doing...But i would keep my cool,
If I didn;t like the answer, I may just raise my prices over the next month or so, and see what happens.

04-21-2004, 08:39 AM
If the vehicle shows the effects of the wash job it received, a few well chosen comments might be in order.

"Omigosh, what happened to the Porsche?"

Maybe even throw in: "It looks like someone has been dragging a dirty wet towel over it".

"Has anyone else had any problems with someone vandalizing cars where you have left the vehicle?"

"Maybe you need to be more careful where you leave it so someone doesn`t do anymore damage to it. It`s too nice a vehicle to let that happen."



04-21-2004, 12:40 PM
I failed to mention that these were not local kids. It appeared to be the type of guys that sit under trees on milk crates all day and drink beer. (Catch my drift?)

04-21-2004, 12:50 PM
Maybe they where trying to make some cash for beer....OK that was a joke:lmfao

I`d go see what the car looks like then ask. You wonblt loose the biz for just asking. See what they have to say, it could be about price, or a number of other things.

Its like shopping for grocerys I don`t just shop at one store. Give the customer the benfit and ask, you`ll be happy about it

04-21-2004, 01:59 PM

No I didn`t catch that drift discribe the guy under the trees and explain WHAT YOU ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-21-2004, 02:36 PM
NEW AGAIN - he`s talking about my relatives :lol

Dude - you should forget about it and not stop taking in money becuase of that - like the others said, just check out the porsche and if it is swirl city make a comment or ask "did you go through a car wash or something? there are swirl marks all over the car.." Drum up more business for yourself by offering to remove them (for a fee of course :) )..

don`t get all possessive : - ) - ever see Seinfeld where his mechanic steals his car becuase he doesn`t think he is taking good enough care of it?? :)