View Full Version : Need to borrow PC`s Rochester & Buffalo NY

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04-17-2004, 09:06 AM
Hi all,
I am going to be teaching a class on saturday the 24th for several local auto enthusiasts (25-35 of them), and they would like to learn how to use the PC. Since i only own 1 at the moment, i was wondering if there was anyone that would let me borrow theirs for the afternoon. It will be returned in beautiful condition (i wil clean them up real nice), and if anything happens, i will take full responsibility and purchase a new one, no matter the circumstance. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP, this really is important. And if you feel like being extra nice, i could really use some pads too, but thos obviously require reward, and i will give a free bottle of some sort of product (whatever i order a 1-5 gal of that day ) Everything will be being carefully supervised by 3 experienced detailers, and all pads/PC`s will be very well respected by this group.

Thanks in advance for any help

Michael Gleeson

Edit: oh, this is on Autopia, but a member suggested i throw it at you guys too :cool

04-17-2004, 07:31 PM

04-17-2004, 09:57 PM
My dad is a very generous man and would bend over backwards to help just about anyone. Having said that he always told me there are some things you just never loan (i.e. car, guns, lawnmower or golf clubs) unless you don`t want/need them. Though he never mentioned a PC, I think they fall in this catergory. They never come back in the same condition they were in when you lent them out. Often times you won`t know this until you`re out counting on the item to work. Dad said if someone asks and you feel inclined to help them take your equiptment and do it for them. Looking back after all these years I think dear old dad was right. I guess there is no harm in asking. :rolleyes:

04-17-2004, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by AtlantaBoy

Whats funny about it?? I have helped out a ton of people (not so much on this board, mostly autopia and others), so is it a problem if i ask for something for once?? It isn`t like i dont know what i am doing, and there wont be supervision of the machines so if you dont care to help, why bother posting?? Seriously, is it really even possible to break a PC, i have heard of it maybe once, and if it happened i can just pick up a new one and send the person a nice brand new one before they even knew the old one broke.

Thanks for the Bump though


04-17-2004, 10:15 PM
uh .................nevermind:ranton :ranton :boohoo :boohoo

04-17-2004, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by bigron62
uh .................nevermind:ranton :ranton :boohoo :boohoo

how come?

04-17-2004, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by tpgsr
It isn`t like i dont know what i am doing, and there wont be supervision of the machines

Here in lies the problem with lending something of value, WE DON`T KNOW what you just stated to be true.

Orignially posted by tpgsr
Seriously, is it really even possible to break a PC

Yes, it is!

Orignially posted by tpgsr
i have heard of it maybe once, and if it happened i can just pick up a new one and send the person a nice brand new one before they even knew the old one broke.

Same comment as above, WE DON`T KNOW that you are a man of integrity, true to his word and with the ability to buy a new PC.

Seriously though I`m sure you are good at what you do and have no reason to believe otherwise. The problem is that there is risk involved to someone nice enough to help you out. Just a few type written words doesn`t change that fact.

04-17-2004, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by GearHead_1
Seriously though I`m sure you are good at what you do and have no reason to believe otherwise. The problem is that there is risk involved by someone nice enough to help you out. Just a few type written words doesn`t change that fact.
This post is one that seems to come closest to expressing my feelings.
Being in the Midwest, I`m not going to be involved in this project and it is unlikely I would be involved with any project of this nature unless I knew the person involved.

But, it doesn`t really seem necessary to take shots at tpgsr for asking.
Like he said, if you don`t want to do it, then don`t do it.
Keep in mind that DC is the friendly forum. :)

Charles (With flame suit on)

04-17-2004, 10:48 PM
ok sure:


Those are the 2 detail related forums that i post on, and all of the posts that i have made. You will find 95% of them to be me helping someone out or lending instruction or whatever. I never asked YOU to trustme, hell you live in UTAH im not going to UTAH to pick up a PC, i was told that i might find more local people here in a thread i had on autopia. So I tried. I was looking for ROCHESTER or BUFFALO, i wasn`t going to do shipping etc... Just local pick-up, so really you would have a chance to meet me and determine for yourself if you wanted me to walk away with your PC. And really it isn`t like these machines are gold. They cost what $110. Not exactly a bently or even a ford focus for that matter. If it made someone feel better, i would hand the $110 in cash as a deposit. It really wasn`t that big of a deal :shrug: Oh well, i guess that detail city just isn`t going to work out for this no big deal. Back to the real world.

04-17-2004, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by CharlesW
This post is one that seems to come closest to expressing my feelings.
Being in the Midwest, I`m not going to be involved in this project and it is unlikely I would be involved with any project of this nature unless I knew the person involved.

But, it doesn`t really seem necessary to take shots at tpgsr for asking.
Like he said, if you don`t want to do it, then don`t do it.
Keep in mind that DC is the friendly forum. :)

Charles (With flame suit on)
Exactly, i didn`t want anyone far away, I WANTED LOCAL! just rochester and buffalo as the title suggests.

You are right if you open it, have no desire, JUST CLOSE It, no need to try and create intraweb drama.

04-17-2004, 10:53 PM
yes there is no call for being rude to another member or questioning their integrity:nono

that being said tpgsr, welcome to DC .....and i suggest picking an extra PC up at a home depot or lowes and returning it if you do not need it , or just keeping a spare if this is going to be a regular business venture:dunno :)

04-17-2004, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by Poorboy
yes there is no call for being rude to another member or questioning their integrity:nono

I can`t speak for others here but I in no way intended to be rude or question someone`s integrity. As I re-read the post it appears that I`m the only one that posted anything about integrity. Therefore I believe that this comment was directed towards me. I suggest you take a look at what I said and how I said it. I posted in a manner that I believe is the way others may perceive this request. Never did I attack anyone. I simply listed reasons that one may choose to not get involved. Sorry if I`ve offended anyone.

04-17-2004, 11:16 PM
expression on boards can get easily misunderstood and i totally understand what you were taught, yet I also was taught to trust first and then let the other person make the mistake of abusing that trust...I`ve built my business on it and many people including Charles can tell you that they`ve had product in their hand before the bill:dunno there`s no animosity meant in these threads and there never needs to be ...we are here to enjoy our time and maybe do some sharing:bigups

04-17-2004, 11:27 PM
Thanks poorboy, I felt as it was a personal attack on my integrity and self as a whole, and due to this i have now formed an opinion of not only GearHead, but of this board, and after this post here, i will have no more to do with either. So nevermind that this thread was created, i will head back to waters where people arent so fast to be judgemental assholes when there was nothing that they should have even responded to.

Poorboy: that post you just created speaks as to why you will be successful (aside from your superb products) You are a true gentleman and business man:bigups to you.

04-17-2004, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by tpgsr
Thanks poorboy, I felt as it was a personal attack on my integrity and self as a whole, and due to this i have now formed an opinion of not only GearHead, but of this board, and after this post here, i will have no more to do with either. So nevermind that this thread was created, i will head back to waters where people arent so fast to be judgemental assholes when there was nothing that they should have even responded to.

Poorboy: that post you just created speaks as to why you will be successful (aside from your superb products) You are a true gentleman and business man:bigups to you.

I`m sorry to have offended you. That wasn`t my intent. I have not passed judgement on you. I don`t know you and wouldn`t do so until I had at least come to know who you are. In fact one of my posts said that I suspected you were good a what you do. So it now appears that only one of us has passed judgement (as I am now an asshole). I never meant to push someone away from this board and am sorry to hear that this is what you have decided to do. I would ask you to forgive me and reconsider, DC has a great deal to offer. Once again I didn`t feel that I was launching a personal attack on anyone only stating my experiences and my feelings as to the way others may percieve the initial request. I have been accused of attacking someone`s integrity (which I didn`t, saying that I don`t know someone or their level of integrity isn`t the same as saying you don`t have integrity. That would be an attack), of have passing judgement (I haven`t) and using the word trust (I never did) I am convinced that the misunderstandings that happen during a thread such as this are because we don`t hear the inflection in each others voice. Sorry.