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04-15-2004, 02:33 PM
Ok, so I`m trying to get a brochure for some local dealerships. Yeah, yeah I know don`t go to them. But I figure I`ll give em a chance. Heck I live in an apartment and pay 140 a month for rent, so money isn`t an issue for me. I just want to be able to make some money and do what I love, DETAILING. So I figure a few cars from dealerships will provide that.

Here`s what I go...some critiquing would be VERY WELCOME. JNGRBRDMAN, couldn`t find your email, so figured might as well just post it all here on DC. :D

04-15-2004, 02:34 PM
hmmm, had some problems attaching it. Let me know if it works for y`all. Not smart at this stuff. :D

04-15-2004, 02:52 PM
$140.00 a month for rent are you kidding I pay more than that a week for food....Good Luck!!

04-15-2004, 02:56 PM
That`s what happens when you got three other roomates in a cheap 550 a month place. :D We`re all highschool friends too, so it`s sweet.

04-15-2004, 03:01 PM
You forgot to mention that you received breif training from the very prestigious Jngrbrdman`s Academy of Auto Detailing. :lmfao

Knowing a little bit about the market you are going to be working in, I think I have a couple suggestions that might be helpful.

I learned the hard way not to advertise any prices. My business card says "work starting at $35". That kind of covers my ass just in case someone wants me to do something like just detail their engine and they bock at the $35 charge. Its says right on my card that prices start at $35 so they can`t really complain. If you put something like that on your flyer then it looks better. Its like how people advertise cars "For under $20,000" when in reality the car is $19,999. Big numbers scare but low numbers attract. The price may very well be over $70, but you`ll at least get them in the door to sell them that price. Bring them in to see what they can get for $35 and then sell them the $70. Its all about selling. :)

Instead of telling them what is going to be done on their vehicle for a particular price, just let them know what kind of services you can offer. They may not care about the exterior or the engine, but your services on the interior are interesting. Maybe say something like "Services offered include: blah blah blah" and include everything you can do.

You know, if you want then you can come over and we can pound one out. I`ve made flyers like this before and we can print a few of them in color for potential high end clients or something. This is the kind of stuff that I like doing almost as much as detailing. :) My door is always open if you`d like a little help getting it put together in a way that will maximize the impact it has on people.

04-15-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Beemerboy
$140.00 a month for rent are you kidding I pay more than that a week for food....Good Luck!!

yeah I drop $150 a week just to go to work!

04-15-2004, 06:47 PM
Thanks a ton anthony. I`ll have to drop by for sure!!! That`ll be sweet to get a real pamphlet. I like my logo, my sister in law does graphic design for a living and made it quick for me. I like it though. So business cards and logo are good.

I might have to stop by tommorow and we can go over it. I might drop a couple of these pamphlets off at some dealerships real quick to see if they want the servicethough, but I definitly need to get some high class brochures though.

But my brother for 5 years detailed for dealerships at about 60 bucks a car, and he did really good doing it too. Had a contract with almost every dealership in Logan. So that`s where I got the idea.

I really don`t want to do partial services for dealerships. I just want full details or nothing.

So my real intention is for this to be a Dealer only brochure.

So if you could help me make a real one I`d owe you YET AGAIN.

Oh, and can I put you as a reference if I need be anthony? You really did put me through a clinic at your place. :bigups

04-15-2004, 08:25 PM
Hey, if you want to come over on Friday afternoon then let me know. I`ve got to go out to West Valley to get some PC pads and I`ll show you a couple places to get the good stuff. :bigups

04-15-2004, 09:24 PM
Sounds like a plan. I`ve changed the brochure already. Added some bullets and a little color. But for dealers I don`t really care. I figure with the deal I`m offering I don`t need to bust it on the marketing end. It speaks for itself, and if not, I`ll just get private clients for more money (soooo lazy though)

Tommorow would be tight. Let me check with the ladies though. My chicas always like to do stuff on friday nights (let me pretend anthony, that`s all I ask) but I`ll see if I`m available. ;)


04-15-2004, 09:39 PM
:lmfao Alright dude... you do that. lol

Don`t skimp on the marketing. The prices may sell themselves, but a little flashy bling bling never hurt anything either. Don`t let them thing you are a low budget operation that is too lazy to come up with a good sales pitch. If they get the impression that you aren`t serious about things from your flyer then they may not even hire you to start with. Do what you need to do in order to get your foot in the door and then let your work sell it for you from there. Then sit back and wait for referals. You just gotta get your foot in the door.

04-15-2004, 11:06 PM
Immaculate: Who (or where) are you getting your brochure/pamphlet designed through? Is this something your doing on your own (with your own designs from your computer and then printing them out?) or are you working with a logo/business printing company ?


04-15-2004, 11:11 PM
He`s just doing them himself. That`s why I`m trying to talk him in to coming over to my place so we can spruce them up and make them look more professional.

04-16-2004, 04:37 AM
Anthony is steering you in the proper direction - pay him a visit. Listen to him on the pricing - I`m not in the detailing business but I would expect most dealers are going to be very price sensitive. If that`s right, the wrong number will get the door closed before you get your foot in it.

Post the results when you are done!

04-16-2004, 02:04 PM
Not only was I just doing the brochures myself, that was a quick draft that took me about 20 minutes to do. :D I was counting on my charming personality to get me through with the dealers. ;)

My logo and business cards are professionally done however. My sister in law does graphic design for a living and did it for me, just cause. Not to mention that her husband, my brother, is the one that gave me all his old detailing stuff, including a rotary (I have a PC now too) and so forth. So my family helps. But I`m basically Anthony`s Padawan learner now. :D

But I mainly just wanted to meet with dealers, and have a little information for them.

70 bucks should be good for dealers around here. My brother did 60 bucks about 10 years ago for dealers, and he didn`t even buff the exterior.

Anthony!!! My man, let me know when you`re going to be home. I Got plans tonight, but not this afternoon, I`m 100% planning on stopping by and seeing you. IT`d be sweet to get some professionalism to my little crap brochuers. And a stop by West Valley is always tempting. :lmfao

Let me know when you`ll be in. I`ll give you a call when I get home. Thanks Anthony and everyone for your advice and help. :)

04-16-2004, 09:26 PM
Just returning from a auto mechanic seminar, they bring up a nice valid point with should be mentioned here:
Customers do picture associations rather then word associations.

Point in case... EVERYONE has seen this and knows it has something to do with autos. Without looking it up, do you know what it means?http://img1.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Central/stp_logo.gif.
Scientifically Treated Petroleum (if you knew it more power to you, not too many know) :)

In other words, a customer reading your brochure may be scratching their heads while reading. Where as if they saw logos they sit back and say, "yeah, I’ve seen that somewhere or another."

Either way, nice brochure :bigups

Just my .02