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03-10-2002, 03:54 PM
I had been searching for a leather conditioner that I could live with for quite some time. Both the Corvette and the daily driver (2002 Ford Escape SUV) have leather seats and I treat both vehicles the same as far as cleaning/conditioning.

My past purchases had included: Pinnacle Leather Conditioner, Eagle One Leather Conditioner, Meguiar`s and Connelly Hide Food.

These are strictly my experiences with these products, but I found the following: The Pinnacle has a very strong/overbearing artificail leather scent. I found the Pinnacle to be too thin in consistency for my liking as well; I also felt that it`s conditioning ability was mediocre. The price tag on the Pinnacle is rather high as well. The Eagle One was disappointing in that it left behind a dull finish; it`s conditioning ability was also mediocre. I ended up returning the Meguiar`s to the store because it smelled like pine needles and it`s performance was poor. I had tested a small area with the Meguiar`s and was not pleased. Surprisingly, the Hide Food was not what I had expected either. It conditioning ability was the best out of those that I had mentioned, but it leaves behind a tacky feeling. Also smells like kerosene.

Anyway, I happened to stumble across the Race Glaze Leather Conditioner at an Auto Supply store recently and I figured I`d give it a try. The consistency is a definite improvement (much thicker than Pinnacle) and the smell is actually a light vanilla scent which is different. It also performs very well. I applied with a terry covered pad and allowed it to sit for about 15 minutes or so, and then buffed with a CMA Miracle Towel.

I am very pleased with the results, especially in the Corvette. The cost, I felt, was reasonable at $12.95 for a large bottle. Went back and bought the other bottle that they had as well.

Just wanted to pass this "find" along to everyone else. I don`t see the Race Glaze name mentioned too much here. :nixweiss

C. Charles Hahn
03-10-2002, 04:52 PM
I know you use zaino products...... tried Z10?? this seems to be the best I have used as compaired to meguiars, eagle one, and lexol. All 3 above gave bad coverage for me, and I disliked the smell of each. Z10 is #1 in my book.

03-11-2002, 02:48 PM
SLPCar Luvr -

Actually, the only 2 Zaino products that have are the Z-16 Tire Gloss and the Zaino Glass Polish. I do not use Zaino on the finish of either of my vehicles.

Fromwhat I have read, the Zaino Z-10 has a fairly strong leather scent - do you find that to be the case? What is the consistency like? Thanks.

03-30-2011, 10:34 AM
I was wondering what does everyone else tend to do to stay healthy.

I hate running but every once a week I go running is still cold thought. But I enjoy lifting weights :)

I hit the gym 4 or 5 days a week.

What`s the best protein out there other than whey and what brand?

"You can help create your own luck, you can make things happen through hard work and intelligence."- Donald J. Trump

Street Dreams
03-30-2011, 11:29 AM
The best protein is subjective, its like saying whats the best type of LSP.

First off whey actually is the ideal choice for a general purpose protein. Besides whey there is micellar casein (derived from milk), thats a slow digesting protein. Great for before bed because it slowly absorbs into your system over the course of a few hours opposed to whey which absorbs in your system within 30 minutes or so.

I only drink casein before bed as there is really no other use for it IMO. If you dont have that it isnt essential, just replace with whole milk for a similar effect, much less costly too. As a matter of fact if you need more protein in your diet and are hitting the gym regularly than whole milk should be a staple in your diet anyway. Best times to drink it are with high carb meals like pasta and rice if your trying to build lean mass. The enzymes in whole milk help breakdown complex carbs so they can easily be stored in your body opposed to simply pooping them out later, your body needs to retain its nutrients in order to grow, the more you retain the better the effect.

If it makes any difference whey protein increases protein synthesis more so than casein... hence why its the better all around protein and can be taken literally any time of day.

As far as brands go thats up to you, I prefer the simple approach.... ingredient lists with less than 10 ingredients is what I like to see, so many companies continually keep adding in extra ingredients to their protein blends to make it sound superior and on paper the stuff looks great but when you look at the doses they are barely enough to have a significant effect.

My 2 choices to a simple no BS brand would be..

-AtLargeNutrition Nitrean - what I use now
-Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey gold standard - what I used for the past 4 years

03-30-2011, 01:07 PM
Good info here! Well I am at 5"10 I weight right now 235 I use to weight 250.

Honestly I been working mainly on my chest, biceps and triceps.

For some reason I am having a problem now loosing belly fat. Last year was easier. I dont know if because around here the weather is still under 70 degress or I dont know what else can it be X_X

I need to start consuming a gallon of water everyday like I did before. I usually what i do when i go running is take a gallon of really cold water leave it in the car while I am running. I bought a gold gym sauna so apply lotion all over my chest, belly and arms then I wear the sauna then go running for an hour. When I get back I am dripping sweat. :D

Then I take a a shot of 2 scoops of optimum pro complex protein choco flavor then take a nap then hit the gym. When I dont go running I just go straight to the gym do a 25 min bicycle cardio then hit the weights.

Just found out my lovely mother is doing lasagna with white rice later :D

Any more advice you suggest to cut the BEEP belly fat? :redface:

03-30-2011, 01:09 PM
I bike about 14 miles on week days, and about 30 on week ends, unless im with friends. I dont eat meat. So for protein I eat alot of tofu, dairy etc etc.

My bike is a 08 Orbea Onxy, with a upgraded Rolf Prima wheel set. Its a blast to ride:smile:

03-30-2011, 02:31 PM
I`ll detail cars occasionally.

03-30-2011, 03:07 PM
@audiguru I am a new Yorker ever since I moved to GA I left the pleasure of riding a bicycle behind :(

But I`m thinking in buying a bad ass one to go around a bicycle trail around here I still don`t know which one to get.:)

"You can help create your own luck, you can make things happen through hard work and intelligence."- Donald J. Trump

03-30-2011, 03:08 PM

So I end up doing the pasta mom had to run somewhere lol :)

"You can help create your own luck, you can make things happen through hard work and intelligence."- Donald J. Trump

03-30-2011, 04:05 PM
@audiguru I am a new Yorker ever since I moved to GA I left the pleasure of riding a bicycle behind :(

But I`m thinking in buying a bad ass one to go around a bicycle trail around here I still don`t know which one to get.:)

"You can help create your own luck, you can make things happen through hard work and intelligence."- Donald J. Trump

where in NY are you?

03-30-2011, 04:25 PM

This is the protocol I am living by right now. Very easy to live by, fast for 16 hours and then eat good foods for 8 hours.

My strength has still went up during these last 7 weeks, example:

chin up start -1 x body weight
chin up week 7 2 sets of 5 set of 4

Bench press with dumbells 60x8 one set
Bench press with dumbells 95x6 90x7 80x10

Dips to start- body weight x 5
Dips week 7- body weight + 50x6 body weight+40x8

I eat about 2400 calories in 8 hours on my work out days (Mon, Wed,Fri) and eat about 1800 calories the other 4 days. Saturday I eat whenever, Sunday I stop eating at 8, Mon-Fri I eat at Noon and stop at 8.

People may think its crazy but it really works and I feel great.

I have also went down 2 pants sizes in 7 weeks!

03-30-2011, 05:00 PM
where in NY are you?

I`m from the Bronx but I live in GA now lol I hate it I was thinking in moving to Chicago for college and was planning in bringing out my detail business again over there. But I`m thinking now where`s better to run my business here in GA or Chicago.

"You can help create your own luck, you can make things happen through hard work and intelligence."- Donald J. Trump

03-30-2011, 05:05 PM

This is the protocol I am living by right now. Very easy to live by, fast for 16 hours and then eat good foods for 8 hours.

My strength has still went up during these last 7 weeks, example:

chin up start -1 x body weight
chin up week 7 2 sets of 5 set of 4

Bench press with dumbells 60x8 one set
Bench press with dumbells 95x6 90x7 80x10

Dips to start- body weight x 5
Dips week 7- body weight + 50x6 body weight+40x8

I eat about 2400 calories in 8 hours on my work out days (Mon, Wed,Fri) and eat about 1800 calories the other 4 days. Saturday I eat whenever, Sunday I stop eating at 8, Mon-Fri I eat at Noon and stop at 8.

People may think its crazy but it really works and I feel great.

I have also went down 2 pants sizes in 7 weeks!

Sounds interesting I honestly don`t believe in diet. I have always been told eat a lot and work hard. But I don`t go eating junk food either lol Here in my house we eat a lot I mean a lot of rice along with chicken or meat. Pasta somethimes, salads, soups, fish, turkey. My mom cooks healthy the problem is I eat more than a normal portion lol

"You can help create your own luck, you can make things happen through hard work and intelligence."- Donald J. Trump

03-31-2011, 10:06 AM
I just started getting back into the gym again about 3 weeks ago. I`ve been lifting 4-5 days a week and I`m focusing a lot on core workouts now in hopes that it reduces my back pain after those 8+hr detailing sessions. I don`t do any running as my knees suck, so it`s usually the elliptical or arc trainer for me.

I do plan on picking up a Hybrid bike very soon though (Trek, Cannondale, Specialized...). I live about 5 miles from my work and I plan to bike to work a few times a week now. I mapped it out and 98% of the routes are on trails or paths....with people talking/texting on there phones these days I don`t like the idea of biking on main roads.

I`m by no means over weight at 170-175 and 5`8"....but I`ve noticed a little bit of a gut forming over the last few years as I get older, and it`s really pissing me off. :cursing:

I`ve also been using the Optimum Whey Protein for the last 5 or so years now. (Vanilla or Strawberry-Banana = yum) ;)
