View Full Version : What is Brazilian Carnauba

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04-14-2004, 10:06 AM
Yesterday I got some Pizazz Wax after reading and seeing some pics that Anthony (The God of Detailing) Orosco posted.

It said 100% pure Brazilian Carnauba Wax, the paste is light purple in color has a very intense grape fragrance. Its also very hard, but goes on the car with ease.

I used it on my neighbors red corvette that sits in his drive way. This car is washed every two weeks but is driven very little. There are a fair amount swirls marks so I did a small panel, and WOW the car stood up and looked great almost wet as Anthony said (not that I doubted him)
I can see that there are some fillers but the shine was over the top.

OK after all that and sorry, what is Carnauba?

I`ll be using it on a sliver corvette this weekend to see what the results look like will post pics to this thread then.

Here is the link to the thread that Anthony posted that got me intersted in this wax



04-14-2004, 11:19 AM

Thanks I just tried and it won`t go threw try and send it to mine


04-14-2004, 11:21 AM
I dont think I would put too much stock in this guy, but that is JMO, read this article about how clay is bad to use http://www.carcareonline.com/viewarticle.aspx?art=0

04-14-2004, 11:32 AM

Thanks I did and I can see that this also another site for detailing supplies. I would still like to read up on it, so far I have seen decent results, but then I`ve not put this to the test as of yet!

04-14-2004, 12:48 PM
No wax is 100% carnuba as carnuba is a very hard substance. I think advertising that means the carnuba in it is 100% brazillian carnuba. I comes from the carnuba palm tree. It is harvested from the leaves and like I said is very brittle and has high melting point (in it`s natural state). Natural Carnuba ranges in color from a pale yellow to a greenish brown color depending on how old the plant is it was harvested from.

So it a percentage of Carnuba in a wax - the higher the percentage the better (I guess I don`t make wax ;) ). The plants mainly grow in South America, specifically Brazil. It`s the carnuba that adds the "hardness" and protection. The paste wax is usually mixed with some kind of solvant or petrolium product to get the "paste" consistancy, plus other stuff (dyes, water, fragrance what have ya..)

probably more than you ever wanted to know about carnuba ;)

04-14-2004, 12:54 PM
I think I read somewhere that you only get about 20% carnuba in a wax. The rest is man made materials.

04-14-2004, 12:58 PM
Some Zymol waxes go as high as 40% I think

04-14-2004, 01:19 PM
I`ve heard that some of the higher end zymol waxes have to be applied with your fingers because the wax has to melt a little before you can get it on the car. I know that is true with Vintage. That stuff doesn`t go on well with a pad at all. I feel like I waste too much product using my hands though.

Either way... Carnauba is like rock in its pure form so you would think that the more carnauba is in a `wax` the better. I don`t know how much carnauba is in P21S or Souveran or anything, but it is enough that it blows my socks off. I`m always in search of a new carnauba to make me smile so I`ll have to try this grape pizza wax. :lol

04-14-2004, 01:26 PM
Jngrbrdman, cool avatar.

04-14-2004, 01:34 PM
Thanks. :) Me and the wife do good work I guess. :naughty

04-14-2004, 01:41 PM
Great Smile on that Boy!!!

This wax is really hard that was the first thing that I noticed beside the smell, but I knew of the smell Anthony warmed me.

On the foam pad you can baerly see the resdiue of it after doing a few sections of a car. SO if the percentage of the carnauba is based on how hard it is, then this should be fairly high.

Most all the paste waxes that I have used, over time have been soft real soft in comparsion to this.


Thanks for the answer that is what I was interested in knowing

04-14-2004, 01:49 PM
TOL`s website says it is 25% carnauba. Not 100%. I`ll bet that 100% of that 25% is carnauba though. On the other hand, I don`t think it would be effective advertising to say that its "Some Brazilian carnauba and about three times as much other stuff that isn`t impressive enough to advertise with." :lmfao I wonder.... What is the carnauba content of gumballs and tic tacs? hmmmmm....

04-14-2004, 01:49 PM
I too got suckered in from Anthony`s post about the Pizaaz wax and had to buy some. :D I wanted something that really shines on silver. So far I have not used it yet, but the first thing I noticed was how big the container was that I came in. It seems like it is twice as big as my other waxes. When I opened it, WOW, my mouth started watering! LITERALLY! The smell is that of grape bubble gum. mmmm Delicious, although probably not low carb! I cant wait to use it or seem beemer`s pics. My collage of paste wax seems to be growing out of control.

So far:

Trade Secret
Pinnacle Souveran
TOL Pizaaz
Soon to be Natty`s

04-14-2004, 01:50 PM
Just as a follow up - ;) the higher the concentration of Carnuba, the less durability - Carnuba does not survive the elements (sun, wind, rain) it`s the addition of polymers and/or silicone that adds the durability...

04-14-2004, 01:53 PM
or apples :lol it`s used on fruits and vegitables, good for furniture too ;)