View Full Version : aluminium trim

04-11-2004, 07:03 PM
Am working on a 1966 Ford Fairlane 500 restoration to "show car" condition. Aluminium trim is perfect but highly oxidized. What does anyone suggest to return this to a showroom new shine? You guys are really a great help to us new guys!! Thanks

04-14-2004, 06:05 PM
Didn`t realize this never got any replies.
Sorry about that.

My only experience with polishing aluminum has been with Never Dull cotton wadding or Mothers Mag and Aluminum Polish. Both do the job, but neither one is particularly easy. Seems to take a lot of rubbing with either of them.


Now I know why I didn`t see it before. It`s in the Professional Forum. That`s sure not me. :D

04-14-2004, 09:02 PM
Are you sure that trim isn`t anodized aluminum or stainless steel?

If anodized, the use of an abrasive polish will destroy the anodizing.

04-14-2004, 09:07 PM
you may be able to use Propolish to clean that up. You may want to check with Steve (poorboy)

04-14-2004, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by forrest
Are you sure that trim isn`t anodized aluminum or stainless steel?

If anodized, the use of an abrasive polish will destroy the anodizing.
A couple of questions.
1. Would anodized aluminum or stainless steel oxidize?
2. Would either the cotton wadding or the Mag & Wheel Polish be considered abrasive?


04-14-2004, 09:37 PM
Anodized can become clouded, which isn`t really oxidation, but the anodizing failing. Stainless doesn`t oxidize, but some SS alloys deteriorate.

Mag & Aluminum Polish is an abrasive. Nevr Dull is basically mineral spirits on cotton wadding - it`s not abrasive but a chemical cleaner that merely wipes away the tarnish. It does no true polishing.

04-14-2004, 09:50 PM
Thanks for all the input. I will check this out cautiously as I don`t want to screw it up.