View Full Version : exterior door post molding?

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Redcar GUY
01-25-2002, 08:51 AM
The same guy that had me do that last dueley truck liked it so much he wants me to do some of his other cars~

Full size Dodge VAN
Full size Dodge Pickup
<span style=`font-size: 14px;`>dump truck

Wait till I have pics of the dump truck LOLHahahahahahahah:)

01-25-2002, 10:03 AM
and I want to hear how sore your arms are going to be.... plus I get to use a new smiley!


01-25-2002, 10:10 AM
We need before and after ...and then a get a massage from nice swedish girl!!1 With pictures of her of course...

01-25-2002, 10:58 AM
If you do that dump truck, I will have to zaino my neighbors school bus....she joked about it before......Hmmmmmm......and zaino does look nice on bright yellow! LOL

01-25-2002, 12:31 PM
LOL DK, anything for the kids! I guess the hardest part would be doing the roof. hehe

01-25-2002, 01:03 PM
If you do that dump truck you are going to have to check into the hospital for a few weeks and have them re-attach your arms. hehe

01-25-2002, 07:30 PM
I just want to see him get the dump truck in the garage.:eek: :D

Redcar GUY
01-26-2002, 02:47 AM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by bretfraz [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>I just want to see him get the dump truck in the garage.:eek: :D [/b]</blockquote>
LOL I will be doing it in the drive way.....:)

01-26-2002, 11:19 AM
A dump truck! Now exactly Why would anyone want to detail a dump truck? Kind of funny really. If anything, I hope you don`t do much more than a wash and a 1 step product on that animal. Laters

01-26-2002, 11:33 AM
hummmm..and the inside..where the garbage goes???Call the neighbor kid over to help on that one..


10-25-2010, 09:39 PM
Im not exactly sure what these are called ,door post moldings maybe?

Anyway my van is a 2010 bought in Jan this year and this is whats happening to them . The only thing Ive ever done to them is dress them with vinylex every now and then . It rained all week here and now they look like this.

Any clue whats happened to them ? They looked like someone maybe buffed them and burned through. Ive never seen this before.
Iim going to see if they will replace them.


10-26-2010, 12:37 AM
Some door post moldings are prone to going "wild" on you if you touch them with the wrong procedure and/or product, I have recently found..

Awhile back I had fits with an `07 BMW X5 with black Shadowline Trim.

One side, after I just washed it, went ugly and would absolutely not respond to anything I did until I got this one product called "TM 1000", that is made to "restore, clean, beautify, protect exterior bumpers, painted trim, etc..."
It made me think that perhaps some trim pieces are possibly not made in the same country they used to be made in, and unfortunately, they respond differently than OEM pieces.

The reason I found out about this product was because I had a suspicion that this side of the vehicle had been painted, and when I called the Body Shop that would have been the most logical one for BMW paintwork,, they immediately knew the vehicle, knew they had replaced that trim and said to use this product on it, and it worked, thank goodness..

You should first try to get the Dealer to replace, not fix, replace it, and hopefully it will be ok and stay that way.

If it`s painted plastic, you really have to be extra careful on it if you are trying to buff it, so that you dont run through the paint..

I know others have said that you can just buff the heck out of it with Meguiars 105,etc., but I am especially leery of doing something like that on a Client`s vehicle, unless I am ready to pony up the $$$ to replace the trim piece if it fails to respond or gets uglier..

Good luck; thank goodness your vehicle is new and is probably still under warranty.

Im going to stop by that BodyShop soon as I have time and talk to them about this issue with Shadowline trim, since I detail alot of Bimmers and have never seen this issue until that X5.

Dan F

10-26-2010, 01:01 AM
Hey Thanks Dan for responding.

Ive never seen anything like this let alone a new vehicle . Thats the worst 2 moldings but they are all starting to look that way and only after all this rain did this appear although I knew the one side had an odd circle appearance it was very faint. In fact you can barely see it if the sun is not shining on it.

I would not dream of buffing on these peices , you cant see it but the moldings are textured and surely a buffer would do damage to them and maybe thats what happened to them in the first place . Why someone would do that I do not know!

Ive got these weird circle marks in several areas of the paint too and have taken it in a couple times for it , they told me it was factory defect .

It feels like my van has been marked by aliens LOL:D

imported_Flash Gordon
10-26-2010, 05:00 PM
Your avatar sure is spooky lookin :Snowman:

10-26-2010, 08:14 PM
If you say that you have similar round, etc., circles in your paintwork as well, then it should be a pretty good assumption that something happened on the way through the paintbooth process for your vehicle, and the Dealer should be willing to fix all of it, which would probably require a sanding down to the issue under the paint, fixing it, and repainting it again and insuring the problem areas are gone for good.

I have read somewhere that among the many reasons it could be, that the use of Infrared lights to dry paint can cause these circles, if the lights are too close to the paint..

Good luck with this, let us know how it goes.

Dan F