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01-14-2002, 11:51 PM
I`m learning lots of good stuff from you all, but one item I haven`t seen any information on is what wash "soap" do you use for your frequent washings? That is, not one that will strip all wax off -- seems like Dawn dish detergent is pretty popular for that.

Rather, what product should I use, once I`ve got a good wax job on my car, to float the dirt and grime away without removing all my wax, too?


chris -- the neophyte detailer

01-14-2002, 11:54 PM
Meguiars Gold Class is the cheapest best all around car wash easily found over the counter. Pinnacle Bodywork Shampoo is my favorite.

01-14-2002, 11:55 PM
Welcome to the forum!!!!!1

There are several good washes out therea few that I can quickly think of:

Meguiars Gold class

Zaino wash

P21s wash

I suggest doing a search...I remember many threads about washes...search with keywords shampoo and maybe soap.

01-15-2002, 12:27 AM
My preferences:

Eimann Fabric Power Wash

MG Gold Class

Just used my Blackfire wash this weekend, need to post a review, very good stuff.


01-15-2002, 12:42 AM
My list.

1. Zaino wash

2. M Gold class

3. Autoints product C

4. Pinnacle Bodywork Shampoo


01-15-2002, 12:53 AM
I use either Meguiars Gold Class or Mothers California Gold. The California Gold smells great, like bubble gum and has loads of soap bubbles, aka suds. For some reason One Grand and Pinnacle Body Wash do not suds up enough for me, it must be the water in California. I need suds for a good wash.:D

01-15-2002, 12:57 AM
Was thinking about switching from Meguiars Gold class to P21S, price is not an issue but is it better,what do you guys think?

01-15-2002, 01:06 AM
My fave is the Zaino. It cleans great, gentle on wax (replensishes Z sealant), sudsy, very slick stuff when washing too..

01-15-2002, 08:05 AM
c240, I`ve used the P21S and then switched to Pinnacle. I don`t know if it`s the water here in the Bay Area or what but wasn`t getting enough suds for my liking with the P21S. If price isn`t an issue, give the Pinnacle a shot. It was better suds for me and lasted longer. Just a dash goes a long way.

01-15-2002, 08:34 AM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by ru1thirst [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>c240, I`ve used the P21S and then switched to Pinnacle. I don`t know if it`s the water here in the Bay Area or what but wasn`t getting enough suds for my liking with the P21S. If price isn`t an issue, give the Pinnacle a shot. It was better suds for me and lasted longer. Just a dash goes a long way. [/b]</blockquote>
That`s wierd. I live in Los Angeles and I found Pinnacle to be lacking in suds. Have you tried Meguiars or Mothers? The amount of suds is far superior to Pinnacle. The Pinnacle feels like plain water, not very slippery like Meguiars or Mothers.

Preachers Sheets
01-15-2002, 12:44 PM
I like Mothers Gold out of all the others I have tried:

Blue Coral

Meguiars (the pink stuff and the higher class stuff)

Mothers (the gold looking type)

There are a few others but I can`t remember the names.... I got the blue coral (if thats the name of it) and I have been using it for quite a while (over 1 month, at least once a week) and my car still sheets like crazy, if I spray it the right way I don`t even need to dry the larger sections of my car so I know it`s not taking the Klasse off of my car.

01-15-2002, 01:43 PM
Neophyte, please check out this link:

Car Shampoo (`http://autopia-carport.com/forum/showthread.php3?s=&threadid=5185`)

01-15-2002, 02:02 PM
I love the Meguiar`s Gold Class, after using a few different ones (thanks to smaller sample sizes or ones that came with kits I bought).

Even better - a gallon of MGC at Target the other day ran me $8.99. 9 bucks! Good price, good performance, and smells just like hair shampoo (the car smells like a beautiful woman when I`m done.... ok, so maybe I am spending too much time in the garage :)

Michael H
01-15-2002, 03:07 PM
If you would like to see a comparsion of some car washes have a look at:

http://www.waxwizard.com.au/html%20files/observations.html (`http://www.waxwizard.com.au/html%20files/observations.html`)

I personally like Zymol car wash the best.

01-16-2002, 11:18 PM
P21 is a great wash. However, my only real complaint is that it doesn`t suds up as much as I would like. I need to use a bit more car wash than usual to get my desired results. I`m also a big fan of the Pinnacle shampoo. This latter wash makes car washing a bit enjoyable. Laters