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Ed Fisher
01-03-2002, 02:52 PM
Yo !! What`s up guys ?

After a looong while without hearing from you guys, messing with diseases (suspected BIG-C of my wife but Thanks to God after the operation, she`s freed of that terrible thing !!)

And guess what ? We are expecting a BABY after all those 14 years of marriage !!!!

Car detailing ?? CAN`T EVEN THINK OF IT !!!

I`ll do it with my son or daughter (whichever turns out to be) I will let you guys know about the progress... We will know the baby`s gendre about 2 weeks later... I don`t know if I`m gonna be able to offer you guys virtual cigars !!

That "jumpin` joy" smily is just for me...

Yeeeee haaaaaa


See ya guys soon !!


01-03-2002, 04:04 PM
My warmest wishes to both you and your wife. Best of luck to you in the New Year.

Hopefully you will be able to get out and detail some time (don`t stay away for too long, or you might turn to the dark side of the force, or a really dirty automobile).

Best regards.

01-03-2002, 05:39 PM
Are you really in Istanbul? I was there last summer and I really liked it (probably because I was in Greece, too, and I had that to compare it with. Greece is a mess!)!

01-03-2002, 09:39 PM
Hello Murat! Glad to hear from you. You need to come by more often. Take care, buddy!:bounce

01-03-2002, 09:55 PM
Murat, good to see you buddy! Haven`t heard or seen from you in ages! Some of the `old timers` from the old forum have seen to disappeared...or are in stealth mode.

Congratulations with the expected baby...you`ll be a great dad!

Keep in touch,


Ed Fisher
01-05-2002, 02:58 AM
Well, I had no other place on the net that would welcome me back so warmly. Thank you all...

Well, it has been snowing like mad here for the last two days and the snow layer is some 25 cm. (approx. 10") The northerly wind is blowing at a speed of 40 kph and gusting up to 105 kph. The temp is -3 degs at the highest. All in all it is a disastrous and freak weather out there (for Istanbul`s standards) But reading your warm messages has made me feel as if it was summer once again and I suddenly felt like going out and applying some carnauba !! :D

And no matter boy or girl, I will teach my kid to detail as I do myself... BTW, I bought this instrument named PS2 (Sony Playstation-2) as a new year`s gift to my home so that I could play DVD, DTS and all kinda media for a single price. They gave me a bonus DVD Game named Gran Turismo - 3 ... I am wound up in that game nowadays !! Cars in such realism that I became a kid once again !!! I feel sort of ashamed of myself but can`t help it... :rolleyes: (Momma where`s my candy baaaaaarr ??? )

See ya guys soon...


01-05-2002, 03:53 AM
I got the same set up for my boy for xmas....great game... I love them rally cars!!

01-05-2002, 11:36 AM
Hey Murat,

Welcome back - good to hear from you after so long. Congratulations to you and your wife on the coming baby - you will definitely be a great Dad.

Keep in touch - hope we will see more of you on the forum

Ed Fisher
01-05-2002, 11:55 AM
Well, dunno if I will make a good dad but well, my kid will definitely be a good DETAILER !! :D

I` m gonna train him / her to be a freak on car detailing, far more keener than myself !! :eek:

01-05-2002, 12:34 PM
Welcome back and congradulations on the double dose of good news.

01-06-2002, 11:24 AM
Great to hear from you Murat. You are sorely missed here buddy. Who can ever forget all your classic stories. I`m sure your child will detail good enough to get compliments from the men who work at your local dealerships. I`m sure the men will lift your car and look at the undercarriage and say, " Damn! Now this kid can detail!" Laters buddy.

01-06-2002, 02:33 PM
hey murat, congratulations on the baby and i`m glad to here your wife is doing well. it`s great to here from you too.

i have sent many an hour playing grand turismo and need for speed on my old trusty playstation, believe me your not alone buddy.

01-06-2002, 02:38 PM
Good news, hope all continues to go well `Dad`.


01-06-2002, 04:41 PM
Congratulations! Welcome to fatherhood. Just to let you know what you`re in store for...

Today, I decided to do my last coat of protectant. My little girl was asleep and my wife wanted to take a nap. So my 3 1/2 year old son and I decided to go do the manly stuff together. I got him a spray bottle with water and some old cotton rags and let him "detail" my wife`s car. He worked at it for 30 minutes while I put the protectant on my car. It was great until he wanted to see what effect a rock would have on my car.:eek: Don`t worry I stopped him in time.:p

I can`t wait until he`s a little older and really can help with me with the cars.

You`ll love being a Dad. There`s nothing better!

Ed Fisher
01-08-2002, 09:38 AM
I would nrever fuss about my dear kid scratching the crap out of my car... I haven`t had a kid for the 14 years I have been maried. (If I will have the kid) I would let him / her wipe the car with even a piece of 80 grit sandpaper and stroke his / her head for the efforts spent...

I miss a kid so much... :)