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12-14-2001, 04:10 PM
Its been raining here for 3 days now and is suppost to clear up tonight.I have to work both day this weekend from 8-5 and my truck is nasty its driving me crazy.How many days between rain do you guys wash your ride?you know if it rain for 2 days and quits for two day but you now rain is returning.Do you wash in those 2 days without.It was dry here for about a mounth and a half so I been spoiled on the xtra clean ride for that long.:confused:

12-14-2001, 04:49 PM
I never let my car go unwashed for more than a day after it rains, even if I know it`s going to rain in the next few days.

Even when it is raining, I try not to deviate from my weekend washes. I will still take it to the car wash, soap it down, drive it home and dry it "QD-style".

I`m just a bit anal about acid-rain getting on my car because I live in smoggy Los Angeles.

Brad B
12-14-2001, 05:08 PM
I have even washed my car in the garage WHILE it`s raining. Just can`t stand to see it dirty. That may be the plan tonight as well. The car is wet from today`s rain but I can`t wait to wash it tonight while watching ESPN on the tube. Therapy, I guess.

12-14-2001, 05:14 PM
I have gone as far as wash in the rain when it has been raining for days on end like it can here and it is dirty. Do not have to worry about the car ever drying then. When the sky finally goes blue I wash it again the correct way.

Langley Interior Car Kare
12-14-2001, 05:54 PM
but you have to really twist that waterbandit hard to get the moisture out...even BIGBLU couldnt hold it all....been rainin here for 3 days and more tomorra....:(

12-14-2001, 06:09 PM
I actually like it when it rains out because the dirt is wet all day long, and then when I get home I just rinse my car off really well and the dirt just lifts up and away. I follow up with a nozzles stream on all the panels and it looks brand new. I don`t mf unless I acutally wash BTW. With Klasse on my car it comes off clean when rinsing, dirt won`t readily stick to it and water spots on my silver car aren`t apparent :up

If you`re not going to wash it, cause you`ll drive it again the next day only for it to get dirty again, leave it out in the rain and then rinse off the dirt. Of it doesn`t work get some Klasse.

12-15-2001, 10:23 AM
Last night when I got home 8:30 pm my wife and I where eating dinner and I ask her if she would help me outside after dinner.She gladly said she would(long pause) doing what hunny?I said I need you to hold the flashlight so I can wash my truck:eek: I thought she was going to choke on her food:D

12-15-2001, 10:32 AM

That is true love -- Holding the flashlite. I hope you got her a real nice Holiday gift. :D

12-15-2001, 11:05 AM
OMG, Todd :eek: I have never seen a greater example of true love.

I`m sure your truck loves you just the same, I know I love my car that much.

Your wife sounds cool too ;) Next time you can hold the flashlight :D

12-15-2001, 11:30 AM
You ought be happy for the rain man. No rain=lack of water=no washing of cars. Its a drought in Pa.

12-15-2001, 11:44 AM
regardless of the weather. If it is SUPER cold below freezing, I at least wash the wheels with warm water and soap.

My car actually gets cleaner when it rains. It washes it if it rains hard on the car while it is parked, and dries perfect.....no spots. If I drive the car in teh rain, it gets the dirtiest from spray from other cars............

12-17-2001, 12:06 AM
I`m glad that you all don`t seem to mind rain too much. I, for one, hate it when it rains. I hate it. My Zainoed car leaves these horrible dirty water spots all over. It is pretty bad. You can see the dirty spots from well over 25 feet.

12-17-2001, 07:44 AM
Washing or detailing your car by the pale moonlight. Now that is true love. :)

KR CoolShine
12-17-2001, 07:54 AM
I has rained here off and on for five days. Sunday and today are washouts -- 3 plus inches over the two days.

But, yesterday, I was determined to wash the Subie, condition the leather in the XJR, 303 the vinyl, wax the wood, AND wash the XJR.

Got the Subie washed just as the rain started back up.

Did the interior of the XJR in the garage. By the time I needed to wash her, it was POURING outside. Well, I pulled the car out, washed her up, pulled her back in to dry.

Good thing I had the heater running in the garage. And, I am really glad that I have hot and cold water in the garage so that I can wash with warm water these days!

Now, where is that floor drain that Brad left somewhere near my house?

08-05-2010, 10:02 PM
No, its not a blower or anything super cool like that, but this was a necessity for all my supplies/equipment. Its a ReTrax sliding toneau cover. Installed it in under 2 hours with a little help from my dad to lift it into the bed. I think it looks great. It locks in any position and slides quite easily too. Was a bit on the expensive side, but it fits my needs perfectly.

Here`s some pics with my new camera too, picked up a Nikon D90 (blows my D40 away). Oh and before you point out the truck is dirty and has holograms/swirls/&buffer trails.... I know lol. I haven`t had any days off to actually detail it yet. Maybe later this month? haha.











