View Full Version : Black 2004 Viper Mamba video

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11-27-2001, 12:02 PM
Ok, I posted this question a whil ago, and tried the recommended techniques. I have some wierd scratches (almost like a white residue/stain in the bumper). I cannot seem to get them out.

I read that there are re-dying products out on the market. Is this something that I might want to try? Are they spray-on products, or do they "paint" on? Will the black color match my car, or do the colors tend to be matte?

Any input would be GREATLY appreciated. This bumper thing must be taken care of before it drives me nuts!

11-27-2001, 12:07 PM
Did you ever try Black Again or any of these products?

http://www.properautocare.com/exterior-trim.html (`http://www.properautocare.com/exterior-trim.html`)

Langley Interior Car Kare
11-27-2001, 11:10 PM
stuff on the rubber trim around my sunroof...its not faded...its just that i want it to be darker than it is.....so...i noticed that it gets applied with a kind of shoe polish type gizmo at the top of the bottle...since ill be right next to my paint if i apply it...i could use a nice tiny foam brush to apply it....but...whats the story with damage to paint,,,,i mean if i get like a speck on the paint....while that sucker is drying(it says 5-20 minutes0...will it come off or am i screwed....thx buddy

Langley Interior Car Kare
11-28-2001, 04:13 PM
i wrote them an email asking about possible paint damge while applying it..they said....

"Forever BLACK is water base and can be removed while wet with a towel or with polish if it drys on the paint."............cool beans..im good to go..thx dood


anything else special i should klnow about apllication.any triks you got dood!!!!!!

Langley Interior Car Kare
11-28-2001, 08:15 PM

Langley Interior Car Kare
11-28-2001, 08:29 PM
WHAT UP WITH THAT....i went to the link...foreverblack .net...found the dealer in NY....the one i was getting...was $10.95.....after i went thru the form and all and added the shipping...........:eek: the shipping is $9........what the hay.......well.forget that ...ill go with CMA when i get my Xmas order stuff.....that site does have alot of cool car stuff though....thx

11-29-2001, 02:08 PM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by jazzyjack [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>or did Ron Ketchum delete his entries to this thread? What`s with that? [/b]</blockquote>
I don`t recall what exact replies Ron made but you may wish to check this (`http://www.autopia-carport.com/forum/announcement.php3?s=&forumid=3`) out.

Ron Ketcham
11-29-2001, 03:25 PM
Really, did once, then edited, put it up, it was gone.

Redid and reposted and they are not here either.


Ron Ketcham
11-29-2001, 03:28 PM
If CMA doesn`t sell it, it is "spam", OK, got it, goodbye all, I have been very careful to avoid that sort of thing except when asked, but if that is the attitude, enjoy your vehicles.



11-29-2001, 03:32 PM
You can`t leave Ron, you are one of the most valuable posters here. :( :(

11-29-2001, 06:03 PM

11-29-2001, 06:56 PM
:( :( What if someone else recommended the product? Would this be spam?

11-29-2001, 06:59 PM
I don`t think so, BW. I believe the point of this is to discourage those who are believed to have a personal interest in the well-being of a business from helping the sales of that business, whether it is outright advertising or friendly, helpful advice like Ron K and others give.

11-29-2001, 09:20 PM
Strange...Now it seems jazzyjack`s replies to this thread have disappeared.

Langley Interior Car Kare
11-29-2001, 09:28 PM
:confused: i know it was there i can tell from the answers/questions that i...puter etc..posted....i know the foreverblack link is gone...i still see the cma one though....i dont mind taking the links out....or even leaving the cma link in because they sponsor and all....but where`s the other words that were in the posts....without the links i mean,.,,,,