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11-16-2001, 09:20 AM

I`ve been talking to Brad B. since he`s a local, but he`s on vacation so I need some quick advice. I`ve got a Black Magic Passat that wasn`t always babied. It`s got some swirl marks that aren`t horrible, but definitely there. Here`s my plan with a few questions:

1st: Dawn the car. What concentration should I use? Should I just wash it like I normally do? Should I even use the dawn, or should I just use the Meguiars gold class I normally use?

2nd: Dry with a synthetic and blot with high pile cotton.

3rd: 3M Finesse It II. As many coats as it takes. Circular motions, or something different?

4th: Meguiars Medallion Premium Paint Cleaner to get rid of the 3MFIII haze. Just because I already have a big bottle of it and Brad thought it would work fine.

5th: ?? Looking for some advice on a nice glaze or sealant or something that will give me that deep wet look.

6th: Meguiars #26 wax.

7th: Pull out a lawn chair, get a beer and just grin.

TIA for all input!

11-16-2001, 10:24 AM
Checkout THIS LINK (`http://autopia-forums.com/`). Read "David`s Page" then consider buying the ebook. It is very compresensive covering all the details (pun intended). It is also a win-win. You get a great resource of information that you can access at a moments notice. The site gets necessary funding to support this bbs. We all get to continue enjoying the bbs! :)

11-16-2001, 10:32 AM
Okay...is that the response all first time posters get? Do I not get any advice untill I buy this book? That kind of defeats the purpose of a forum. I came here because I was told there was great advice here, not great advertising. Zaino sponsors the site anyway.

11-16-2001, 11:00 AM
Umm, you had zero replies. I`m just trying to help. I bought the ebook and I like it. If I have questions as I go about detailing I can reference the ebook. Ok more specifically for step number 5 I would consider Meguiar`s #7 Glaze or 3M`s Imperial Hand Glaze. I have some of the #26 wax and it works pretty good. I think it is best to apply two coats initially. Then you`ll need to monitor its protection and rewax as needed. For my truck that I keep outside two coats would last 6-8 weeks with a weekly wash.

11-16-2001, 11:05 AM
Thanks for the help. Since it`s getting close to winter, should I consider a polymer instead of the wax to last longer? After this weekend, I don`t know how nice it`s going to be.

Langley Interior Car Kare
11-16-2001, 11:14 AM
:)...of course you know that you cant go wrong with anything db says....that said....f your gonna dawn(to get all your old crap off) and make a good base...make sure its the original formula...and dont forget its really concentrated..so a little goes a really long way....i think i squirted a quarter-sized blob into my 5 gallon bucket...then i washed the car like i always do(with the dawnand the 2 bucket method)...then i rewashed it to be sure all the dawn was off(some think this is repetetive...make up your own mind)...i love meguiars gold class....i use waterbandit and follow with an Mf for what little is left(a good quality cotton is just fine).... never used finesse itII but i know you have to use something to get all that crazy haze off...the meguiars paint cleaner i have used and i dont see any reason you cant use what u have to get the 3M off with that...alot of people like to use a machine to apply the 3M but i guess your going by hand...no biggy...i know someone else will tell you about circles v.s back and forth with that...sealants u got zaino/klasse are my 2 choices...you have a dark car so the klasse may be the better choice...and i know youll love the deep look that all the klasse users talk about(i have a dark car but happen to prefer Zaino)...just be careful after u decide what sealant u prefer....what goes just under it for a base is imprtant....you odnt want to dawn...then do all these other things....then have to dawn again.....no what i mean....or put a wax under the sealant...that wont last....the base of it all has to be your paint or as close as u can get to it...i hope i am expressing that right....once you decide what the final sealant will be...then youll know the order to do it in....but you have it down buddy....

ps...i dont think Shortcut meant it the way u took it....the ebook is a touchy subject around here lately...dont know why...anyway....use the search thingy up there too....thats got 20 ebooks worth of stuff in it....

as far as the zaino sponsor thing...thats news to me....i didnt know that....i knew that CMA ..etc...was here...but not zaino...i remeber a thread not too long ago that was deleted by a moderator for "spamming" about zaino....what exactly is meant by sponsor in your post...it sounds like u mean part owner...or something like that.....just what i got from it...i could be wrong...anyway...

dont yell at Shortcut..hes cool....:D ;)

11-16-2001, 11:17 AM
Polymer Sealants will out last any wax.....period. They are great for winter use because on average the last for around 4-6 months. So that way your car is protected, and you dont have to try and get wax to bond out in 20 degree weather.

P.S.- This site is NOT sponsored by Zaino. It is sponsored by Classic Motoring Accessories.

11-16-2001, 11:24 AM
No disrespect was ever meant. As for the Zaino sponsor thing, click on the link in the first reply and then click on "Books" on the left. One of the first lines says: "This page is sponsored by... Zaino Bros` -- Originators of Show Car Polishâ„¢" They sponsor something. Anyway, thanks for the advice. I know Zaino is only available on-line, there are no distributors in St. Louis. Is Klasse the same way? Are there any products that would be readily available? I found a good 3M distributor here. So if I use Imperial Hand Glaze or something like that, I would then put the polymer over that. Would I then apply wax over that to get a little more shine for a little while?

Langley Interior Car Kare
11-16-2001, 11:29 AM
From....CMA(properautocare.com)...yosteve.com(an autopian memebr...he has sample kits for like $16)....i dont think the sealant can go over the IHG....li dont use it but im 99% sure the IHG goes over the Klasse....after the Sg part of the Klasse...

11-16-2001, 11:32 AM
Showroom is right the polymer sealants will outlast waxes. The only sealant I`ve used is Mequiar`s #20 Polymer Sealant and it does last noticably longer than their #26. #26 however does have polymers in it to increase its durability.

Personally I take all of the statements of longevity with a grain of salt because when you let a paint`s finish go too long it means you have to do more surface prep before resealing with wax or a sealant. It is easier to wax or seal before it is really needed as preventitive maintenance.

And please excuse my bad manners. The least I could do is start out with a welcome. Welcome to the group StLB5! :)

11-16-2001, 11:32 AM
You can`t apply polymer over Imperial Hand Glaze. The oils in the glaze will not allow the polymer to bond properly. You can`t have anything on the surface if you are going to apply a sealant. The surface must be perfectly clean for the sealant to bond to the paint.

You would have to apply the sealant first, and then whatever on top of that. Your plan in your first post look pretty good, but if you are going to use a sealant make sure you do that in step 5. Then you can put a wax on top of the sealant if you want to.

11-16-2001, 11:32 AM
Yeah, YOSTEVE is a fellow B5`er. I`ve seen him over on clubb5.com. The problem is this is probably the last weekend when the temp will be over 60. Worst case I`ll IHG it and put on the wax. I`d love to go polymer for the added protection. Has anyone used the Meguiars #20 Polymer sealant? I think I could find this.

11-16-2001, 11:37 AM
For a store bought product Meguiars 20 Poly Sealant is not bad, but I am not sure it will give you the look you desire.

If you are looking at store bought items, Liquid Glass is also an option.

11-16-2001, 11:38 AM
Thanks for the welcome. You guys are sharp, and fast responders too, which is good since I`m going on a shopping spree over lunch! The only reason I`m looking for longevity is because of winter. During the summer I`m a once-a-weeker. So let`s stick to Finesse It and then Meguiars products do to availability. The #20 will go on after the paint cleaner? and then can I do a glaze and even a #26 wax after that?

11-16-2001, 11:45 AM
The Meguiars Poly Sealant would work fine over the paint cleaner. When is Brad going to be back? I ask because he has Klasse and Zaino, maybe you could buy some from him if you need it by this weekend.