View Full Version : 427 bucks on a digital camera...

04-04-2004, 10:06 PM
well, today i finally decided to get a digital camera, so i can share my not so good jobs with ya peeps, and maybe get some advice. anyways, it costed me about 427 bucks. at first, the camera was 300 bucks, but i needed a memory card, extra long lasting charageable batteries, and this 2 year warranty agreement, so it ended up costing me about 400 bucks. anyways, its a nikon coolpix 3200, and what i find really interestinf about it is that i can record 15 minutes of nonstop video with sound. cool eh? anyways, time to take some pics!

make me wonder how much detailing stuff i could have bough with 427 bucks, as a pose to a digital camera...

04-04-2004, 10:13 PM
:rolling Digital cameras are a lot like the Detailing Habit. It starts out with a simple thought "I just need to get me some polish and a rag...." Then you do a little research. :bigscream

If it makes you feel better, the $427 doesn`t get nearly as much detailing stuff when you have the shipping charges to Hawaii! :ticked

04-05-2004, 12:25 AM
Hey Zesty,

It`s a great investment, and you chose a great one. For me, it was between that and the Fuji Finepix 3800. The guy offered me more with the Fuji, and $525 later, it was at my doorstep. Both give superior quality shots. Now all you need to do is cruise DC and ebay for some great angles!!

Good job! :bigups

04-05-2004, 12:42 AM
Hi zesty-man,

Wow...for someone so young. You sure have a lot of money. :D

I don`t remember being able to afford even a bus pass at your age yet alone a digital camera for $427. :(

Not even a micro fiber towel. Ooops...that`s right they didn`t even have micro fiber towels back then. :lmfao

Well, I still have my trusty Olympus 4040 4MP digital camera I bought 2-1/2 years ago for $575.00. I don`t think I would buy another one until I see 10+ MP at the consumer or novice level. I have seen 8.0 MP digital cameras just coming out. But I will hold off until then. They say, to get even close to 35mm film photo quality you need to be up to 12 to 13 MP.

With Aloha,
Ranney :)

04-05-2004, 01:37 AM
ah, so i did make a good investment! yay! the guy at comp usa was telling me that this camera got far superior shots to this other camera i was gonna get. i wasnt too sure if he was trying to con me into buying a different camera or something, but i guess he wasnt kiddin.

ah, as for you ranney, my daddy has a lot of money. nah just joking, i have to pay him off... i figured, i would pay him 100 bucks every week for the next 4 weeks. hehe, i guess i got a lot of christmas money, because after all, thats all i asked santa for. no t-shirt, video games, computer stuff, just money (and maybe a few gift certificates).

i just realized, a digital camera consumes your time. ive spent about 4 hours fooling around with it. time i should have spent studying!!! and now its about 9, and i still have to finish my resarch project thats due tomorrow!:brick: