View Full Version : Continue to Be Amazed at M205!

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10-25-2001, 04:44 PM
Be back in about 2-1/2 weeks. I`ll check in when I`m over there and let ya`ll know what they think of folks with a southern accent.

10-25-2001, 08:51 PM
Oh, fine! Take off before I had a chance to give you my Jaguar parts shopping list.

I am a certified Anglophile. I envy you!

10-28-2001, 08:49 PM
Have fun! Be prepared to see some of the dirtiest cars you`ve ever seen. Laters.

10-29-2001, 06:01 AM
From jolly old England! Winter is starting here they tell me. It looks like rain. Big surprise there! I can`t wait to get back to the states but it is very nice here. Going into London this weekend for some site seeing. Lots of cars I have never seen before here. We have a Vauxhall Omega or some such thing.

10-30-2001, 12:33 PM
One car I didn`t understand why they don`t sell in the States is that RAV4-sized Land Rover. But I guess they will next year, now.

Take a look at the A-class Benz and have a good chuckle.

Other cars I thought were strange were C200 Mercedes, 216 BMW, 725i BMW; but if gas was $7 in the States, I`d drive a four-banger, too.

If you`re by the Palace have a look at the Queen`s cars. Blitz is supposed to be used on them!

10-30-2001, 12:56 PM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by Autopia 98 beau [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>If you`re by the Palace have a look at the Queen`s cars. Blitz is supposed to be used on them! [/b]</blockquote>I would have thought Autoglym more appropriate :)

BTW, beau - they have a town called Hatfield

10-30-2001, 01:05 PM
CCB, good to see you made it there in one piece, cheers :)

10-30-2001, 01:17 PM
Good to hear from you bud. Hope that you are enjoying England.

Please do a favor for us appreciative Americans and thank the Brits for their omnipresent support especially in these times. They are surely high up on the list of our closest allies. :up

10-30-2001, 02:23 PM
Actually, that RAV4-sized Land Rover is coming to the US for 2002. It will be called the Freelander and should be at dealers soon. I think the price range will be upper $20`s-lower $30`s.


10-30-2001, 02:44 PM
A-class Mercedes, what a strange car, but it seems Mercedes are selling them by the bucketload.

I am not sure if the Queen applies Blitz herself, but it does have the royal seal to show the Queen at least buys it.


Alfa 164

Autoglym & Blitz

10-31-2001, 04:19 AM
I brought this up last evening, saying it was good to have at least one ally we can depend on. This earned me a lecture on how stupid Pres. Bush is. However, this was from an American girl, not a local. I get tired of that. If you don`t like him fine but if all you can do is parrot the left-wing press I really don`t want to hear it. I had one guy from Austria tell me that they all considered him a murderer because of the executions that took place in Texas while he was governor. Sigh. No more politics for me while I`m over here - just too frustrating.

Flying was no problem, much less hassle than I figured it would be. When I was going through my laptop case yesterday I realized I carried a penknife on board the plane with me. Oops.

Husker Z
03-24-2010, 08:33 AM
So, I`m working on my mother-in-law`s Buick Lucerne, Pearl White, 48K miles and never been waxed, lives on a farm and probably hasn`t been washed with anything but a scrub brush and well water since it was brought home.

Anyway, her and my wife are in DC all week, so I told her to leave it and I`d try to get it detailed for her in the evenings this week, while juggling my 5 year old and getting my 1.5 year old back from my parent`s house tomorrow, so the hours will be limited. Well, I got around to giving it a complete wash last night and had no idea what was in store for me. I used P21S on the rims/tires and you should have seen the puddle of black crap at the base of the tires after a few minutes, holy crap. I foamed with Griots car wash, twice, then two bucket washed it to see what was under all the filth. It is a complete mess, rail dust spots everywhere and just road grime from living on a poorly maintained asphalt road that gets "re-oiled" every year or so.

So, I pulled it into the garage to get a better look and under the fluorescent lights, it`s even worse, swirls and rids every where! At this point I didn`t think there was anyway I`d be able to get very far on it before their return on Friday, but thought I`d give it a shot. I gave it a thorough clay barring with my Blackfire clay (which is an outstanding clay) and it ate up half of the bar, easily, I`ve never had a clay bar look the way it did when done, but it did a great job and gave me a clean slate to work on. It was getting late at this point and I was beat, but I was really curious to see what kind of improvement I`d be able to make with the 205 using the LC Orange Kompressor pad. The hood was by far the worst, so I gave it a shot on half of it.

I did about 6 passes and could tell I was making some kind of progress, but had no idea how much. Well, after wiping off the haze, I was flat out blown away, it`s freaking perfect!! There isn`t a scratch or swirl on it and the Pearl Paint looks crazy deep. I actually wanted to keep going around the car I was so excited, but it was approaching 1:00 and I have to come to my real job this morning, so I thought better of it.

I will get final pics when I`m done, but I was just so excited about the 205 I had to post! I don`t get a chance to do many details, so I don`t get to use it all that much, but now I know why just about everyone on here raves about it and uses it as their go-to polish.

I plan on topping it off with BFWD and then putting a coat of Midnight Sun on it. I`ll try to get some final pics up by Friday night or so, we`ll see how it plays out. Having both kids back tomorrow night means I won`t get to start working on it until well after the sun is down.

Oh and I`ll be using Zaino AIO on the chrome rims, it seems to really work well on the GM chrome.

Happy Humpday everyone!!

03-24-2010, 09:08 AM
Sounds great Zack... can`t wait to see the pictures!

I`m also a big fan of M205. It has the power to cut and finish in one step!:Dancing Dot:

Husker Z
03-24-2010, 09:40 AM
Sounds great Zack... can`t wait to see the pictures!

I`m also a big fan of M205. It has the power to cut and finish in one step!:Dancing Dot:

It truly is great stuff and so easy to use. Can`t believe I have a cabinet full of stuff that I`ll never use though!!! Hell, I have a three step Griots system that hasn`t even been opened hardly. I did the hood of my blue car right when it came in and it hasn`t been touched since. :mad:

03-24-2010, 02:49 PM

Looking forward to seeing some pics. I can`t wait to try it myself.