View Full Version : Some decisions to be made for my shop at work...advice wanted

04-04-2004, 01:12 PM
I manage the detail shop at a new/used car dealership. To put in simply, our distributor sucks. He tries to push his subpar Eagle One Pro Detail product line on me all the time and the higher ups don`t understand the difference when I say I need better products so I can be more efficient and turn out a better job. Well we are now in the process of switching to Automagic which makes me happy but that deal may not go through as our contract with E&M Auto Paint is for another year or so. E&M also can get me Meguiars and 3M products. The higher ups told me to get whatever I wanted/needed and don`t worry about it. I hate using the Eagle One compounds and polishes with my rotary. They are junk in my opinion. All the other products we have from Eagle One are fine like the All Purpose Cleaners and such and car wash soap. I don`t usually do the washing and clean up stuff I`m mainly just the rotary/paint work guy. I don`t want to break the budget getting a million different products from Megs and 3M. I need to have my order ready by tomorrow and I`m asking for advice on which Megs or 3M compounds/polishes you would get if it was up to you. I need to work quickly, I don`t have all day to be buffing out a car. I have some edge pads, but I usually only use 2 pads, 3M compound pad, 3m polish pad. Give me some ideas on which products to order. thanks

04-04-2004, 02:12 PM
If you`re like me, 90% of the time you buff it once, slap some wax on it, and shove it out the door. I have some CarBrite stuff I`m using up before I switch to Meg`s, but when I do I`m getting #80 Speed Glaze, #83 DACP, #82 SFP, and #26 Wax. From my experience, 3M likes to turn plastic white so if time is a factor, that`s something you don`t want to have happen.

04-04-2004, 02:15 PM
Yea it`s a buff/wax/send it type of thing but it still needs to look pretty nice. Thanks for the response.

04-04-2004, 03:04 PM
I use Auto Magic at my shop (NJ), i am very happy with their products. I also use some Pro products, we used to use Ardex, but my supplier, Pal Automotive switched to AM, and am happy they did, i prefer AM over Ardex.

04-04-2004, 04:20 PM
AM makes some pretty good things I would try out some stuff from them. ther bc-1 is a good polish and top it with bc-2 wich is pretty much a glaze and wax you should be fine... and there cleaners are pretty good as well... going back to my days working for dealers any way AM was a good move... If you do need some compound there GS woks good but does cause moldings to turn white if you hit them. hope this helped!!!!

04-05-2004, 06:21 PM
Now that you bring it up, Auto Magic does make really good stuff. It`s quite a bit cheaper than 3M or Meg`s.