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10-09-2001, 02:30 PM
I have to still say that Blitz is one helluva wax!!

I have been trying to get the car nice and clean before winter, and have used my Pinnacle Paint cleansing lotion one section at a time, and following up with a coat of Past Glaze. I did the car in two sections, one section per weekend. Drivers side went first, then the passenger side.

This weekend was the 3rd weekend. I had used the lotion and PG on the entire car, then followed up with a 2nd coat of PG.

This weekend I Blitzed the entire car. The car looks beautiful, almost painfully so. Even my wife will admit that the car looks "better than usual." I`m so tempted to try AIO and SG, butI can`t imagine anything looking better than the Blitz layered on top of PG.

Blitz is a truly wonderful wax. I`ll never get rid of it.

10-09-2001, 02:46 PM
can`t imagine anything better than PPG and Blitz?

How about AIO/SG/PPG and Blitz? The SG is a great surface (pallete) for that other stuff to work off of. Plus you will have all the durability of the SG base. I will be trying the PPCL/AIO/SG/Souveran very soon. :)

10-09-2001, 03:01 PM

Hey, I`d love to see some pics if you got any.

10-09-2001, 03:16 PM
and in this pic the car wasn`t clean.

I`ve got to get a digi-cam..

Brad B
10-09-2001, 03:18 PM

Your experiment puzzles me. I would have put the Pinnacle Paste Glaz over the Blitz.

Blitz is so much harder and more durable that it seems like a better base that the PPGlaz which is very light and less durable.

But your eyes are the best judge. Isn`t experimenting fun?!;)

10-12-2001, 01:33 AM
I would definitely agree with Brad`s thoughts. The Blitz is a better base. It`s more durable and adds some real good depth. Normally, you want to just add some pop or shine over the depth. And since the Pinnacle Paste Glaze is less durable than Blitz, it only makes sense to apply the PPG last. Laters.

10-12-2001, 11:54 AM
verrrry nice!

i like the look of the A6. The A6 and S4 were on my short list before i bought my car. what color is yours? is it santorin blue?

i also like the smoked covers on the tail-lamps. i`m not usually one for smoked covers, but they look great on your car!

02-22-2010, 01:11 PM
Don`t you hate it when someone tells you "It`s just a car"? I don`t get it. You make a huge investment and purchase a car that you love and want to take care of and keep it looking it`s best, and someone makes that statement to you. Do people realize that a car is most likely the second largest investment that you will ever make? If you are going to make a purchase that large, why wouldn`t you want to take care of it? Do you buy a house and let it fall appart? Then why wouldn`t you want to take care of your car?

Sorry for my rant, but it gets frustrating when people always think you are crazy for trying to keep your car pristine.:banghead:

02-22-2010, 01:25 PM
these are the same "heathens" that park 6 inches from your doors and bash you no matter how far away you park...they seem to gravitate to the pristine cars.

02-22-2010, 01:36 PM
....and I bet there home looks like this inside! :D


imported_96 Z-Ragtop
02-22-2010, 01:37 PM
My wife uses that line ALOT. That is, of course, until her sister, friends, neighbors and everyone else compliments her on her SPOTLESS car.

Then, and only then, do I get a sign of appreciation. It amazes me how people view others without consideration. I work 60-70 hours a week, then detail cars on the weekend, and people remark, from time to time, how I need to find a hobby or do something else with my free time. It is what I enjoy to do.

02-22-2010, 02:03 PM
Don`t you hate it when someone tells you "It`s just a car"? I don`t get it. You make a huge investment and purchase a car that you love and want to take care of and keep it looking it`s best, and someone makes that statement to you. Do people realize that a car is most likely the second largest investment that you will ever make? If you are going to make a purchase that large, why wouldn`t you want to take care of it? Do you buy a house and let it fall appart? Ten why wouldn`t you want to take care of your car?

Sorry for my rant, but it gets frustrating when people always think you are crazy for trying to keep your car pristine.:banghead:

and why do people have garages keep all their junk in the garage then park their $30,000 car outside. sheesh!!!!:huh:

02-22-2010, 02:13 PM
....and I bet there home looks like this inside! :D


People actually do live like that. It`s pretty said. Can you imagine what their car looks like?

02-22-2010, 02:27 PM
All you have to do is look around any hi-way, parking lot or intersection, and it becomes pretty obvious that MOST people have that same "It`s only a car" mentality!!!!!:banghead:

02-22-2010, 03:55 PM
My wife uses that line ALOT. That is, of course, until her sister, friends, neighbors and everyone else compliments her on her SPOTLESS car.

Then, and only then, do I get a sign of appreciation. It amazes me how people view others without consideration. I work 60-70 hours a week, then detail cars on the weekend, and people remark, from time to time, how I need to find a hobby or do something else with my free time. It is what I enjoy to do.

My wife does that to me too. She thinks I overdo the detailing thing and then tells me when she gets compliments at work on how her car always looks clean and shiny.:out:

IMO, most people just see cars as a tool. It gets them from point A to point B. How it gets them there is inconsequential. As long as the car doesn`t break down on them, they`re happy. I think Toyota (their recent problems notwithstanding) would sell a lot less cars if everybody saw their vehicles the way we do on these forums.:)