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10-02-2001, 10:16 PM
<strong class=`bbc`>Porter Cable Results-Click here for set of 6 thumbs, expandable[/b] (`http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=1722739&a=13824316&f=0`)
#6 shows a particularly good reflection of the sky. One thing nice about black, it casts a Navy blue when the sky is blue, which is rare around these parts ;)

<strong class=`bbc`>~Washed with Dawn
~Claybarred with Griots claybar and "Speed shine"
~Griots Machine Polish 3 with just a tad of Show wax mixed in (Desmonds suggestion, great one at that!) PC speed was 4.
~Polish removed by hand after each 2x2 section was done.
~Griots Show Wax, two coats, applied by hand.
~Griots "Speed Shine" hand buff with cotton towels. [/b]

10-03-2001, 02:48 AM
Very very nice, and the kids looks nice too.

Want to adpot another one? :D j/k

How did it go from season to season in just a few pictures? The young kid was wearing t-shirts and shorts in one pic, then to full winter wear another pic?




10-03-2001, 07:49 AM
Mt.Rainier is 14,000 feet. We were at approx. 6,000 feet with that pic where the oldest has a coat on, the youngest still has his baby fat ;)

10-03-2001, 08:31 AM
Awesome pics!! That is one heck of a shine?? Is that white F-Series yours??

10-03-2001, 08:41 AM
Yes, F250 for winter time(We don`t get snow often, but when we do, its needed with the mountains around here) and typical yard work, we bought it new 10 years ago, good old 300 cu inch Straight Six, best damn engine Ford ever built!. Wife drives the Explorer (Affectionately know as "The Exploder" in regards to 5 recalls over 1.5 years) since her job (Trauma unit RN) requires her to make it to work regardless of weather.

10-03-2001, 10:17 AM
I would have to agree with you with reguards to the "300" being the best engine Ford ever built. It didn`t have a lot of HP, but it`s a torque monster. The 3/4 ton w/ a 6cyl is very rare as well. Most had a 351 (4x4`s). How bout some pics of the truck??

10-03-2001, 10:32 AM
My apologies, its a F150, I used to have a F250 and yes, it did have a 351 in it.

10-03-2001, 11:48 AM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by Ripsnort [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>My apologies, its a F150, I used to have a F250 and yes, it did have a 351 in it. [/b]</blockquote>Ah ha!! I caught you!! j/k Actually, I just wanted to say that!!;)

10-03-2001, 11:56 AM
And you were eloquent too! Great bunch of guys on this website, haven`t seen any "BBS cat fights" since joining on awhile back. Salute to you all!

10-03-2001, 12:19 PM
I love the Roundel on the wall! I am looking at getting a 2002 330ci. Do you like the ride? If you don`t mind, can you tell me a bit about the car? Thanks!

10-03-2001, 12:43 PM
Hi MarylandBimmer,
There are better cars out there for `the ride`, but nothing corners like this car for under $40k.(Base price on a 325 starts at $27k). I test drove alot of cars, even had money down on a Cobra SVT, but then I saved the Bimmers for last, and good thing I did, because I would have never test drove the Audi`s Honda`s,Saab`s Mercedes counter-parts... Read this link for my post delivery report:

http://www.bimmer.org/3series/messages/archive/msgsy2001w37/48860.html (`http://www.bimmer.org/3series/messages/archive/msgsy2001w37/48860.html`)

10-03-2001, 01:49 PM
I think the car is really quiet.....but then again I was coming out of a Mercury Mountaineer! What I do notice is that the cabin noise is pretty much the same at 35 as it is at 105. I really don`t hear any wind noise at all. As for everything else, I can easily say that I have never driven a car that handles like the 330i with the SP. The only downside to the SP is the tight suspension for "normal" driving. I have the automatic which is really excellent. Very responsive. The sport shift is fun to play with in automatic mode, but pretty stupid in manual mode. The only downside from the Mountaineer is that I can`t load a refrigerator into the back....:D

Delivery was very easy. NO problems noted and still no problems after 5 months except for a windshield wash jet that needs an adjustment. They did put on a sealant, I think it was Polymer II, but I was not at all happy with the gloss so I stripped it and Klassed/Souveran. Much better now!

About 10 years ago, I went to the BMW VIP course at Moroso Speedway in Florida. They had Mercedes, Volvo, Jaguar, BMW and Audi. We were allowed to test each one on a 1/4 mile straight, figure 8, obstacle course and a skid pad to test the "new" ABS system. Then we drove it on the regular oval course as fast as we could. I think I hit 110 mph and I thought I was COOL! Of course the BMW was superior in all tests and then drivers from Skip Barbers Race School took us for a race in stock 5 series against 3 other 5 series. Well I thought we were gonna die! These guys were driving 3 inches apart at 110 mph around the curves in controlled 4 wheel skids! I don`t know how fast they topped out, but it was considerably faster than my "cool" 110. Suffice it to say, I was very impressed with BMW and put it on my list of "must have`s". I think they are still doing this VIP thing occassionally and if you can do it, I highly recommend it!


10-03-2001, 02:07 PM
Concur with your analysis! Haven`t driven the Steptronic, but the stick is alot of fun! You`re correct about the suspension, it IS sport! Luckily, we don`t have bad roads around these parts (1 inch of snow a year max,warm winter temps. and no road salt means less pot holes!)so the ride is a very pleasant one.

The cabin noise I noticed at first, but similiar to you out of a Mountaineer, I came out of a Ford product family that is nice and quiet..now I don`t even notice the cabin noise, I believe Road and Driver (in their 2001 10 Best Vehicles award) noted the cabin noise slightly higher than Audi`s and MB`s in the same class (76 decibals I believe at 75 mph) but this car has so many pluses that its a small price to pay(Turn up the 12-speaker HK stero system!). I wouldn`t want to travel across country in it consistently as, say, a traveling salesman, but then again, this car isn`t built for that. It LOVES high RPM`s and cornering. Very happy customer (and thankfully, I have the "Good Aux Fan" that is causing alot of heartburn with early 2001 production model owners.)

I envy that trip you had in FLA. !!! I had no dealers with me while test driving all sorts of foreign cars (they trust old bald guys I guess!) so I got to push a few of them around agressively, out on country roads where I wouldn`t endanger anyone, but none I drove faster than 70 mph(just cornered and accelerated the hell out of them). The Audi`s had the best torque, and get up and go...I probably would have bought an Audi if I hadn`t previously owned one (long ,expensive story, I`ll never own another Audi, even though they`re a different company today than they were 20 years ago).

10-03-2001, 02:25 PM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by Ripsnort [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>I believe Road and Driver (in their 2001 10 Best Vehicles award) [/b]</blockquote>I believe you meant to say "Car and Driver". It`s been a long day, hasn`t it? ;)

10-03-2001, 04:41 PM
"Road and Driver",. LOL, yep, actually short night! ;)