View Full Version : Good point and shoot camera?

09-27-2001, 11:56 PM
I recently used some Nevr-Dull on my exhaust pipe. This stuff is fantastic. It removed four months` worth of accumulated exhaust crud.

The only thing that the Nevr-Dull failed to remove was some little black spots. I do not know where the spots came from, or what they are made of. Does anyone know how I might remove them? I would like to use a non-abrasive product if possible.

09-28-2001, 08:10 AM
Hey Dude.....

It sounds to me as if you have some road tar spotting on your pipes. I would use a bug and tar remover and then just re-polish with the Never Dull.

Hope this helps. :D

09-28-2001, 08:20 AM
I know this sounds dangerous but before I knew anything about detailing I used paint remover to dissolve the baked on tar. If the bug and tar remover does not work, try a little of that. The paint remover did not seem to affect the chrome in any way at least on my vehicle. I just wiped and rinsed it off.

01-23-2010, 12:18 AM
I think my Kodak Easyshare 6.1mp camera has seen better days.
I keep getting blurred pics and it`s frustrating. I`ve dropped it a few times, so I think that may have something to do with its on and off poor performance.
That said, I`m looking for some recommendations on a point and shoot type camera.
Nothing fancy. Just something decent that takes nice pictures without having to adjust focus and things like that...

Jeff U
01-23-2010, 06:08 AM
For good camera info do a google search for "Ken Rockwell" and check out his site.

He makes a living reviewing cameras and posting his reviews online.

I`m fairly sure he gets nothing from the companies so the opinions are all his and not bias to any manufacturer.

01-23-2010, 09:20 AM
My camera is a Canon PowerShot ELPH. My wife wanted a point and shoot camera, so we bought the Canon Powershot A490. Large viewing screen, 10 Megapixel, 3.3 optical zoom. GREAT quality pictures. We paid $109 at Sears.


MB Fan
01-23-2010, 10:10 AM
I love my Canon Powershot G10IS:


This is 14.7megapixel with a digic 4 processor (same as their $1500+ line). It has a 28mm wide lens which is handy when you want to get a whole car in a pic without stepping back too far. It also has a 5x zoom to give you pretty good close ups of your detail work.

The camera I had before was a Canon Powershot SD 980IS. It is also a great camera and a little less $$ than the G10. I gave it to my daughter - she wanted something smaller that was easy to slip into a pocket.

Canon recently introduced the G11 which looks similar to the G10 but has lower megapixel at 10, but has a higher ISO for better low light capabilities.

It is hard to beat the Canon lineup for good quality at a reasonable price.

01-23-2010, 11:18 AM
Canon definitely makes a good product. I`ve dropped mine numerous times, stepped on it, kicked it once, and nearly ran over it a couple times! (I`m just a big klutz!):out::biggrin: Camera still works great!:clap:

01-23-2010, 12:01 PM
In terms of point and shoot, I would get a canon over any other brand. I have had an excellent experience with mine, moreso than the kodaks or nikons. I do however like the Nikon DSLR`s... but the Canon Point and Shoots are affordable and offer excellent features and are user friendly.

imported_Flash Gordon
01-24-2010, 03:46 PM
My wife bought me a Kodak 12 megapixel camera for Christ-X :Gift:

She has a really nice one, but want let me touch it.I mentioned several months back that I needed a camera to document my work. I however have only taken about 10 pictures and those were of my dog. I actually at this very moment couldn`t even tell you were the camera is :redface:

She gave about $150 for mine with a spare battery, case and memory card. She got it at Best Buy :Snowman:

01-25-2010, 11:50 AM
i am a professionally trained amateur photog guy and i use canon slr gear.... but for point and shoots the canon g series cameras are almost as good as their slr counterparts...

imported_Flash Gordon
01-25-2010, 01:11 PM
I got my hands on my wifes camera :drool5:

Its a Canon Power Shot SX20is 12.1 Mega Pixels Da Rules!

It takes a fantastic picture and I`m sure its one of the best on the market for its price range as my wife researches the heck out of everything she buys :spy:

I have no idea what I...Urrrrh, I mean She paid for the camera :cursing:

01-25-2010, 07:03 PM
I always go Cannon for P&S and Nikon for DSLR :clap:

02-08-2010, 02:51 PM
Check out Panasonic Lumix (http://www2.panasonic.com/consumer-electronics/shop/Cameras-Camcorders/Digital-Cameras/Lumix-Digital-Cameras/model.DMC-ZS3K_11002_7000000000000005702) P&S`s also. Just got a ZS3 to complement my Pentax DSLR and so far it`s been a a real treat. Not a lot of manual exposure control but we didn`t buy it for that, just wanted a good all-round pocketable camera with HD video and a nice zoom lens.

Street Dreams
02-08-2010, 04:54 PM
Canon G11... on par with an SLR I`d say