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09-27-2001, 08:44 PM
Just bought a new car a 2001 vette in yellow.Before that I had a black vette and used Zaino and Klasse the Klasse was better on the black but Zaino was better on my blue Toy 4X4.My question Ive had the worst luck with clay bar and was thinking about useing AIO or Pin body lotion instead to clean up the paint instead.Wash before and after with Dawn then hit it with Z1 and a few coats of Z5 then on to many coats of Z2 I feel the yellow will come out better with Zaino than Klasse.Will this work and will Z1 work on this combo?Any one else Zaino or Klasse on yellow.

Thanks for any input


09-27-2001, 08:59 PM
Well I am not going to get into the whole Klasse vs. Zaino thing, but I can give you some tips. There is no need to wash with Dawn twice. Just wash with Dawn the first time, then clean the paint with clay or whatever, and then wash with your normal car wash soap. Or wash with your normal car wash soap first, then clean the paint with clay or whatever, and then wash with Dawn. But their is no need to Dawn wash twice, you dont want to wash your car with Dawn too much, only a couple times a year max.

If you are going to use Zaino, then you can`t use AIO to clean your paint. AIO will not work with the Zaino system. You could use Pinnacle Paint Lotion though.

If you are going to use Klasse, you can use AIO or the Pinnacle. Or you can use both, the Pinnacle first and then AIO, then follow up with some SG.

Dont give up on clay bars. They do a great job, maybe you just got a hold of a bad one.

Good Luck!!

09-27-2001, 09:54 PM
And what happened?

Anyhow, I would wash the car in dawn and evaluate. If it needs further prep, go with 3M SMR or a paint cleansing lotion. Yuo can also try claying again with a quality clay bar. What you might think are scratches might only be clay residue on the paint........

Z1 and Z2 away after that. Zaino looks great on yellow vettes. Here is what to expect........

<img src=http://albums.photopoint.com/j/View?u=1575126&a=11974151&p=46065074>

<img src=http://albums.photopoint.com/j/View?u=1575126&a=11974151&p=52719355>

09-27-2001, 11:25 PM
It`s really hard to say that one of these two products is better than the other. I`ve tried both and I tend to prefer the shine and vibrant color that Klasse affords. However, I do now like Zaino for lighter colored cars. Again, you can`t go wrong with either.

09-27-2001, 11:40 PM
Which do you think would be best for a red car? I`ve investigated both systems and would like to abopt one. I`ve been doing polish/wax, and get a good shine, but it`s what I want. The protection of either Zanio or Klasse is better than wax, too.

One advantage of Klasse, though, is being able to use a regular wax once it applied, right? With Zanio, you can`t... am I right in this assumption? Does Zanio adequate compensate for the lack of a wax on top?

Just a few questions to all your gurus.

http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=1417631&a=11223653 (`http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=1417631&a=11223653`)

This is not my car, but it`s the same model/color as mine. Even the same year. I don`t know anything about it other than it looks like mine. I included it for an idea of the color. Will Zanio or Klasse look better on a red like this... or will I just have to try them and see for myself?

09-27-2001, 11:45 PM
Try them both and figure it out on your own buddy. Personally, I would prefer Klasse on red. I like the way that it gives a deep, brilliant shine to the color of your car. Some like the shine that Zaino gives, others don`t. For light colored cars, I would tend to try Zaino first though. Laters.

09-28-2001, 09:31 AM
Klasse will tend to darken the car making it look redder,etc,etc. Zaino will preserve the true color of your car make it look as if it was coated in glass. It is all a matter of preference like Don said. It is expensive to try them both, I would pick one, and I am sure you will like the results.

Here is an idea of what zaino looks like on dark red.......

<img src=http://albums.photopoint.com/j/View?u=1575126&a=11974151&p=44775394>

Here is an example of Zaino`s clarity and reflectiveness. Look carefully...see the GREEN grass on one side? Again, a matter of opinion and preference.

<img src=http://albums.photopoint.com/j/View?u=1575126&a=11974151&p=54012701>

09-28-2001, 06:36 PM
So... on red, Klasee will add more depth than Zanio, and Zanio will add more shine than Klasse? Is that about right? I`ve read about the "candy" look that Klasse gives, deepening the color, making it warmer. Zanio, on the other hand, won`t change the color so much, but will add a lot of reflective qualities?

Are they about equal in protectice on longevity?

Also, Z5 claims to remove swirl marks, apparently by filling then. Does Klasse do this, possibly in conjunction with another product?

09-29-2001, 10:56 AM
The Z-5 is very very mild stuff. This is not a great product for filling in medium to moderate swirls. Many other senior members have also shared this sentiment with me via personal email. For very light swirls, it is fine, but you may very well have to use multiple coats.

Klasse falls in the same category. The Sealant Glaze does fill in swirls a bit. You especially notice this effect with 2 or 3 coats. With regards to longevity, I would tend to think that Klasse is slightly better. The difference being minimum. Laters.

09-29-2001, 11:19 AM
So what`s best to fill swirls that would be compatbile with either Klasse or Zanio?

Even those two will fill swirls if you add enough coats, right?

09-29-2001, 02:50 PM
I would try to remove them rather than just fill them. You can use 3M SMR or 3M FI2 to remove your swirl marks. Both of the 3M produts are compatible with either the Klasse or Zaino system. Search the archives about removing swirls marks, I know there are many threads describing different methods and products.

Good Luck!!

09-29-2001, 03:29 PM
Try a few coats of Zaino Z5. If that doesn`t do it, remove them with 3M abrasives, dawn wash, and follow up with your favorite wax/sealant.

09-29-2001, 07:11 PM
Dk is right. Try filling them in first if they are only light to medium. A few coats of either Z-5 or Klasse Sealant Glaze should fill them in after a few coats. If this doesn`t work, then 3M SMR or 3M Finnesse It 2 would be your next bet.

09-29-2001, 07:55 PM
Those were my thoughts. I don`t want to abrade my surface unless I have to!

Old Pirate
01-22-2010, 01:49 PM
It looks like it`s going to be on tuesday night starting 8pm (EST). You had to down load the ProperAutoCare`s new toolbar to be able to get into the chat room. Hope to see some folks in there on tuesday evening........:wizard: