View Full Version : Got pulled over by the police... (irony inside)

09-25-2001, 10:17 PM
I have Aluminum non clear coded wheels on my Supra that need lots of work. Does anyone know of a good electric buffer to use. I`ve tried a drill, but it`s just not fast enough. I was also looking at products from Foredom (http://www.foredom.com/ (`http://www.foredom.com/`)) but they are pricey. Does anyone know where to get the foredom products cheep and what model would be best for polishing wheels?


Brad B
09-26-2001, 07:55 AM
Not familiar with the brand you mention but have had luck with the buffers and equipment from Eastwoods. They make a set up specifically for wheels.

http://www.eastwoodcompany.com (`http://www.eastwoodcompany.com`)

09-26-2001, 11:57 AM
Don`t forget Wenol.

01-18-2010, 02:57 AM
...for the most IRONIC reason ever - car was too dirty!!!! They claim that along with the car being too dirty, they could not see the license plate.

What`s funny is that I drove 45 kilometers while in front of my friends who said they could see the license plate with no problems whatsoever.

I don`t usually wash the car much in the winter aside from rinsing out the wheel wells, but I will give it a thorough rinse here and there. Needless to say, the car did not appear dirty due to the moisture outside.

They proceeded to make fun of me because I`m a detailer and the car is dirty. Had to bite my tongue and not snap back because at that point, it was evident they were giving me a hard time because they were bored.

I`m baffled at the irony! LOL :rofl::rofl:

01-18-2010, 09:03 AM
Now that`s priceless.

01-18-2010, 09:30 AM
Ouch!! Must have been quota time. I got pulled over last week for doing 93 mph in a 55 mph zone. I swear on the lives of my children that I wasn`t doing 93, but it`s hard to fight the state troopers. I even had a PBA card, and he wouldn`t accept it. The only reason that I was even over the speed limit, was because I was behind a truck with all kinds of debris flying off the back, and I wanted to get out from behind him. I explained this to the trooper, but he didn`t seem to care much.:(

01-18-2010, 09:34 AM
Ouch!! Must have been quota time. I got pulled over last week for doing 93 mph in a 55 mph zone. I swear on the lives of my children that I wasn`t doing 93, but it`s hard to fight the state troopers. I even had a PBA card, and he wouldn`t accept it. The only reason that I was even over the speed limit, was because I was behind a truck with all kinds of debris flying off the back, and I wanted to get out from behind him. I explained this to the trooper, but he didn`t seem to care much.:(

so maybe you were doing 85, cant really tell in those ultimate driving machines.....

01-18-2010, 09:42 AM
so maybe you were doing 85, cant really tell in those ultimate driving machines.....

Only to get by the truck, and then slowed down to the limmit. SUCKS!!!!!

01-18-2010, 07:31 PM
The best part about speed limit to 93 and then back down to the speed limit is it can happen SO FAST in a 330xi! Sucks you got snagged though.

I`m still cracking up about a detailer getting pulled over for a dirty license plate!

Old Pirate
01-18-2010, 07:44 PM
How much was the dirty ticket for?

01-18-2010, 09:56 PM
I didn`t get a ticket. They just complained about a bunch of crap and let me go (like saying that my 35% tints are `too dark` - lol). I guess they realized that they couldn`t get me on anything. Car was practically empty aside from some papers and a box with some PlastX and an MF towel. I have the remote for my deck in the cubby hole, and the lady cop questioned whether it was a bag of weed. I lol`d and showed them the remote. To make them happy I cleaned the license plate with some IG and an MF I had in the trunk. I`m pretty sure if I gave them attitude they would have given me a ticket (which I would have fought).

Chubby Davis
01-19-2010, 07:58 AM
Ouch!! Must have been quota time. I got pulled over last week for doing 93 mph in a 55 mph zone. I swear on the lives of my children that I wasn`t doing 93, but it`s hard to fight the state troopers. I even had a PBA card, and he wouldn`t accept it. The only reason that I was even over the speed limit, was because I was behind a truck with all kinds of debris flying off the back, and I wanted to get out from behind him. I explained this to the trooper, but he didn`t seem to care much.:(


I got one of those too: PBA Pro Bowlers Association. Carrying around 230 avg.

01-19-2010, 03:11 PM
Hey Guys, WOW That is funny :rofl:

Years ago my dad got pulled over, but only for the opposite thing, they said that my dads chrome was to shiny and that is was blinding people.

My dad told the police that their was no way he was going to dull it up for them! He never got a ticket though, all we did was just laugh about it! :rofl:

What is even funnier is that he was actually pulled over for going to fast in a golf cart! Only got a warning! The golf cart could do 35mph at full speed! We use it in town only for going to the football field and then back to the school for when we are workin! :rofl: but :cool:

01-19-2010, 09:15 PM
Cost me $204 to get around a drunk a few weeks ago. The 2 State Troopers didn`t seem to care.