View Full Version : What happen to our WonderTwin?

We're Here
09-21-2001, 10:45 PM
Found a product a car condition nut might be interested in: http://www.no-ding.com/index.html (`http://www.no-ding.com/index.html`)

As a practical matter, I just don`t have the time to detail the ML and I`m wondering if someone here would be interested? We`re located about equidistant between Boston and Providence. Please PM me if interested

Thanks ... Alan

We're Here
09-24-2001, 08:09 AM
ditto ...

09-24-2001, 08:47 AM
Wow, those ding protectors sure are ugly though! My car currently has no less than 8 or 9 dingers..and I am VERY careful about where I park. I like to credit Acura`s use of aluminum foil thick sheetmetal and a lot of careless people around me that could care less about another`s property. Honestly, I`d rather deal with the dings or have them removed retrospectively than have those things affixed to my doors. Thanks for the link though!

09-24-2001, 09:07 AM
This is a product that uses "ugly" to preserve "beauty". I thought iof a similar product when I first got my Explorer in 1992. We were on vacation in the Ogunquit/Wells area on the Maine coast and had gone out to eat. I parked the Explorer way out in Timbktu, and some (expletive deleted) dinged the door on purpose :mad: !

I <strong class=`bbc`>woulda [/b]done it if thought it would fly...I <strong class=`bbc`>shoulda[/b] followed through with the idea..I <strong class=`bbc`>coulda [/b]been rich! :D

Preachers Sheets
09-24-2001, 09:46 AM
I live in Boston, MA. I would be able to detail your car if you needed someone. I am booked for Saturday and Sunday but let me know what you need done to your auto and we can go from there.

MidLife Cruiser
09-24-2001, 11:03 AM
Maybe you could get a magnetic American flag to put on the door. Right now, who would dare ding Old Glory?

Old Pirate
01-06-2010, 09:54 PM
I was wondering where is WonderTwin? She won our big prize last year and haven`t seen her here on the forum. Hope she`s doing OK...........:wizard:

01-06-2010, 10:13 PM
I was wondering where is WonderTwin? She won our big prize last year and haven`t seen her here on the forum. Hope she`s doing OK...........:wizard:

Last posts were Nov. 29 (last I could find)...mentioned this:

"There is something to be said for old fartdom. As I am right smack in the middle of kids/mortgage/college I am looking forward to catching my breath, grey haired or not."

Might be really busy!


01-07-2010, 12:20 AM
Ummm...I just got off the phone with her and she said to send it to me. Yeah....that`s..uhhhh...ummm...right. She said I could hold it for her. Let me know if you need my mailing address, Angelo. :wink:

01-07-2010, 08:39 AM
So great to be among careing people. I don`t know of any other forum (and I contribute to more than a few) who would ask and follow up on a member that hasn`t posted for while. :angel:

imported_Flash Gordon
02-06-2010, 08:37 PM
I was wondering where is WonderTwin? She won our big prize last year and haven`t seen her here on the forum. Hope she`s doing OK...........:wizard:

I have been wondering this also ^ :confused:

Her name is Stephanie :Innocent:

Last posts were Nov. 29 (last I could find)...mentioned this:

"There is something to be said for old fartdom. As I am right smack in the middle of kids/mortgage/college I am looking forward to catching my breath, grey haired or not."

Might be really busy!


She`s probally covered up doing 1st class paint corrections/details with all those fine products she won :Gift:

Angelo, hope she isn`t the one who beat you to that job today :mad:

Ummm...I just got off the phone with her and she said to send it to me. Yeah....that`s..uhhhh...ummm...right. She said I could hold it for her. Let me know if you need my mailing address, Angelo. :wink:

Nice try, but She already posted pics of her prizes on her living room floor :doh:

So great to be among careing people. I don`t know of any other forum (and I contribute to more than a few) who would ask and follow up on a member that hasn`t posted for while. :angel:

Speaking of which......^ :spy:

Where is The Ole Grey Whistle Test :toetap05: