View Full Version : Never forget!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-11-2009, 09:01 AM
Today marks the anniversary of the one of the most tragic days in American History. Those who where alive then and old enough to remember will never (and should never) forget.

Don`t just take a moment today but strive everyday to appreciate and remember the brave police officers, fire fighters, military personal and civilians who raced to save the victims against unbelievable odds. Unfortunately it took our weakest moment to reignite the fire that made America great: Unity

Remember all the men and women, young and old, who you have never met, that are willing to die for you.

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Never Forget

imported_User Name
09-11-2009, 09:05 AM
I was standing about 300 feet from the South Tower when plane #2 hit and then when it fell.

Kept my pulverized dust covered suit for about six months after. Remained in a depressed state for about six months. Tragic day which should have never happened.

Lost two friends that day, a cop and a guy that worked in the Trade Center.

09-11-2009, 09:35 AM
I was not in Manhattan that day, but I have friends that were. We still talk about it frequently. I find it very telling that the person that occupies the Oval Office is not going to the ceremonies in person - that he`s sending Biden instead. This, to me, is unforgivable. What a brush-off.

I keep a file with a number of photos that I received from my NY friends and co-workers. I visit it frequently. We all need to remember who did this and why. We must be ever-vigilant.

Hardly a day goes by where I don`t give thanks for those front-line, first-responders who really do hang it all out on the line every day.

Never forget.

09-11-2009, 10:11 AM
great post. Try and shake the hand of some one in uniform that risk their life everyday for our freedom.

09-11-2009, 10:57 AM
My son-in-law is a fire-fighter and I thank him every time I see him...
You are the guy who runs INTO burning buildings when everyone else is running OUT of them!

My father is retired Army. He was "paid" to get shot at.

Those of you in the uniformed services, firefighters, law-enforcement, EMS, etc., whether still active or retired....firstly, you are not paid enough for what you do.
Secondly, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts!



09-11-2009, 11:01 AM
I was not in Manhattan that day, but I have friends that were. We still talk about it frequently. I find it very telling that the person that occupies the Oval Office is not going to the ceremonies in person - that he`s sending Biden instead. This, to me, is unforgivable. What a brush-off.

I keep a file with a number of photos that I received from my NY friends and co-workers. I visit it frequently. We all need to remember who did this and why. We must be ever-vigilant.

Hardly a day goes by where I don`t give thanks for those front-line, first-responders who really do hang it all out on the line every day.

Never forget.

i was at the police training academy that day... sad day for us all.. please remember he`s only one person and no one person can be everywhere all the time. i think he was at the pentagon ceremony and greeted all the family that lost loved ones..

09-11-2009, 12:55 PM
I also will never forget being a member of a Fire Department on Long Island for close to 18 years before we moved to Florida.Lost a bunch of good freinds when that happened some in FDNY and NYPD and also Transit.Matter of fact the Guy who was in charge of both towers who survivor was a member of my company his name is Alan Reiss you can do a goolge search on his name.

09-11-2009, 01:49 PM
Was living in Folsom, California, getting ready to go to work, when my fiancee here in Bellevue, WA., called me in a pretty hysterical voice. We watched this unfold on television together over the phone, and just hurt all over.
While we can never fully relate to how it felt for those who lost their lives or the lives of loved ones there, we can all stop for a second and say a short prayer for them, according to our individual religious beliefs.

We who have served in the Armed Forces, are grateful to serve or have served, in the cause of Freedom, for those that needed our help, and I know that any one of us would not hesitate to go back and defend that very Freedom again.

May we all be encouraged to remember the countless lives of men, women, and children, who have either laid their lives down for their brothers, or have had their lives taken away way too soon, by acts of terrorism, etc..

The only consolation I can think of personally, for this terrible act 8 years ago, is that I believe that those innocent people were spared the horror of the situation, and taken to those at a better, peaceful place, to be held and comforted, and reunited with loved ones, family members, friends, who had gone on before them.

May all of you who were directly or indirectly involved with this also be comforted and blessed.

God Bless America !

Dan F

Old Pirate
09-11-2009, 02:17 PM
My brother work for a company in Tower 1, but they had just moved out of there that same week. He lost alot of good freinds that work there.

Old Pirate
09-11-2009, 03:05 PM
Anyway my avatar is me in those nasty mountians of visitor friendly Afghanistan.:biggrin: