View Full Version : How to remove overspray from car.

04-19-2009, 07:20 PM
I need to know a good way to remove overspray from my car without damaging the paint? thank you for you help in this matter

04-19-2009, 09:43 PM
Clay bar. Lubricate the surface with a detailing spray or carwash/water solution and then start moving the clay bar back and forth. It`s actually pretty easy. You`ll start feeling the difference as you move the clay bar around. I usually just spread the clay bar around while I`m washing the car. That way, the surface is already lubricated with the carwash soap and I save on detailing spray.:)

04-20-2009, 12:20 AM
A decent clay bar should remove the overspray

Old Pirate
04-20-2009, 04:55 AM
This little item should work for you in removing overspray faster than by hand,
Lake Country Power Pad Clay Applicator and also what helps too if doing it by hand is using P21S Total Auto Wash before claying. Hopes this helps you out.

06-07-2009, 09:46 AM
Clay-baby-clay is the only way to remopve over spray. I had a bad over spray when my wife`s SUV was worked on by a Ford body shop. Since she picked up the vehicle and not me she didn`t know to inspect the work. When she brought it home and I inspected it I noticed a lot of over spray and a panel interior left off. So I took out my clay and lubricate and removed the over spray and replaced the panel. I should have also sent them a bill for cleaning up after them.

06-11-2009, 05:44 PM
I have some yello road stripe paint on the underquarters of my wagon and Im gonna try the auto wash and Clay on that (um when the Rain Stops) argh!

06-11-2009, 09:14 PM
I have some yello road stripe paint on the underquarters of my wagon and Im gonna try the auto wash and Clay on that (um when the Rain Stops) argh!

You can try clay on the yellow road stripe paint, but I haven`t had very good luck with that. That paint is very thick and seems to have rubbery consistency.

What did work was pre-soaking with Tarminator, and scraping it off with an old plastic credit card.

I hate to use the word "SCRAPE" in the same sentence with paint, but it`s the only thing I could get to work!:cursing:

07-07-2009, 06:22 PM
I just recently washed my truck for the first time in about three months, after getting it out of the body shop. My wife damaged my left rear quarter panel in a drive-thru lane, so I had to take it in to get worked on. Isn`t it funny how you can tell someone what it is exactly that you don`t want done and no matter what you say, they still do it anyway?! I told the young man at the body shop that I was concerned with overspray and told them to make sure that they tape it well. He said, "Yes sir, we`ll make sure that we tape everything up well and not leave any overspray." So I picked it up and checked the panel that they worked on. No overspray anywhere on the panel. So I then checked the swing out door panel behind the driver`s side and it seemed fine.

Forward to this past weekend. As I was washing the truck, I noticed that I had some dirt and tar on the paint in the small space inbetween the cab and the bed. You know, the space that`s barely big enough to fit your hand into? As I washed it off I noticed that it felt kind of rough and still looked dull. Can you guess what it was? That`s right, overspray!! I then washed the rear bumper and noticed that the reflection in the lower corner didn`t look very clear. After washing it, I ran my hand over it and discovered more overspray. Man was I ticked. Normally I would have called them and chewed them out, but because it was my wife`s friend`s, husband`s shop, he saved me a ton of dough. More than sixty percent of what other shops had quoted me. So instead of getting mad I`ll just have to find a way to get it off.

The overspray on the bumper came off easy. I got some metal polish that I have and within minutes it was gone. I tried using some green clay that I have but it didn`t work. I`m going to try some of my purple clay that is a med-heavy grade and see how that goes. If that doesn`t work I guess that I`ll have to wet sand it.

Oh, did I mention that I had my bed cover on the truck when I took it in to get worked on and that I kept the key for it? Well when I got it back, I opened it a few days later to load some stuff and guess what I found? Empty tape rolls. That only tells me that they pried the top off and opened it somehow. Their detailer was also nice enough to polish the lid for me. About a week later I noticed that the fillers were fading and revealing some nice buffing trails. Yea!! I can hardly wait to work on it.

In case you`re wondering why I waited so long to wash it, it`s because I wanted to give it some extra time to allow for outgassing. I`ve learned alot about paint since joining this board!! Thanks for all your great knowledge everyone!! :D

Man, can I talk!!! Sorry for being so long winded.