View Full Version : TH0001 as a dishonest person?

Jack Kruer
03-27-2009, 05:05 PM
In an effort to address a situation appearing recently on another community, I would like to offer a detailed account of the past few months relationship between this company (CMA) and two of your fellow detailers.
I will explain how these people came to our attention and eventually our employ.
Any of you that have followed our site since its inception, know we are one of the oldest sites dedicated to detailing and detailing products. You also know we have introduced to this industry some items that are now considered mainstays in your arsenal of cleaning products and tools. Items such as microfiber towels were introduced to this industry for the purpose of cleaning and polishing by my predecessor Terry Freiberg long before anyone ever thought of selling them for that purpose. (They were originally develop for cleaning glass and eye glasses by the Japanese), the ?Waffle Weave? drying towel was our discovery in 2001, actually by me as we were deciding what we could do with this strange looking new towel sample we had been sent. (I actually set it on my desk, next to a soda in a paper cup that had condensation all over it. I touched the cup by accident with the towel and the phrase??it sucked up water like a sponge? was coined).
One of the better known lines of detailing products and one of the better waxes was created by Terry in 1992 as an answer to a supply problem we were having with another company.

Now we move into the present and the scenery has changed, wow has the scenery changed and frankly, our company was not playing its ?A? game. Oh, we were taking care of our customer in the same high fashion we always have, but we were not addressing new markets and systems as we might have.
We installed a new game plan two years ago to help better address our retail customers and our detailer community so we could serve them better.
The hard labor of everyone at CMA is finally starting to bare fruit. We have expanded a number of our key lines, (Meg?s, Mothers, Lake Country, and Blackfire) and we are in conversation with a few more, exciting companies, that are not yet on our site.
We are addressing every page and every item on our site to be sure it serves your needs to the fullest. We have recently added our newest item, a community where anyone, weekend enthusiast or professional detailer can go to discuss detailing and detailing products openly without too many politics. We are employing a zero tolerance for drama, in an effort to keep this a fun, informative community.
We wanted to start this community for some time but wanted the right people involved. The search for these ?right? people led me to Todd Helme. In my first meeting with Todd, it struck me how similar our outlook on various things were, from business, family, friends, and how a community should look, (I have to tell you it was a little scary). I felt I had found the ?right? person to help guide us in developing our community ? and so it began.

We started building ?TruthInDetailing? and asked Todd and others for advice and input as to what they felt people would like to see and how people would like to participate in the community. We wanted people to really take an active role in how this community grew and how information, truthful information, was delivered.
While I may not be the smartest guy in the room, it did not take long to decide to try to hire Todd to help us not only in ?Truth in Detailing? but also in other areas of our business. I felt it would help us to insure we had an honest, factual site and honest, factual community. We are certainly not without fault, but we always make good on our mistakes and will constantly strive to improve our level of service.
I have talked with a number of you asking for your help in policing our business for accuracy. I appreciate all that have contributed and will continue to take your advice on our site and this community.

When it came time to hire more people, I asked Todd for recommendations, thinking that having professional detailers on staff was not a bad thing. It would allow us to give the best information to our customers and offer products the detailing community wanted. He suggested I talk to a few of his local friends.
I interviewed some them and hired, (recently) Angelo Gonzales. In the short time I have worked with ?ZOOMZOOM? (One Week), I will tell you what many of you already know, he is one very nice , honest, dedicated detailer. Angelo will be a major contributor to the future of this company and our relationships with all of you.

Any of you that have had the privilege of spending any amount of time with these two professionals, know it is not in their fiber to be anything other than honest, dedicated detailers.
Anyone insinuating in whatever cheap self-serving form they choose, are anything else, obviously do not know them or me and has some other agenda in mind. There is no ?spy-vs.-spy? going on here. We are just trying to save the world from dirty cars, one at a time, not cure cancer.

This is the only response we will post on this and I ask you all to respect our rules. Please DO NOT start any other threads on this subject, be they complimentary or otherwise.
Let?s keep this a place to talk about cars and detailing,


Jack Kruer