View Full Version : I need your input on what to do?!?!?

05-02-2011, 10:54 PM
I have this new customer of mine that introduced me to his Audi today and it looked like this:
What do you recommend I do to bring back the shine? I have a PC and was thinking about using the new microfiber pads from Meg, the Cutting and Finishing pads. Can you give me some feedback on what I can use. Im kinda new to paint correction of this size.

05-03-2011, 04:57 AM
Keep in mind that Audi clear is known to be extremely hard. If you are using a PC I would highly recommend the Megs MF pads with D300 and D301.

05-03-2011, 09:34 AM
I may be wrong, but the clear on that hood looks almost completely shot. Sometimes i will try something by hand in a spot to see if it will even bring a shine out of the paint.

05-03-2011, 10:11 AM
That would certainly be a test for any product. From the looks of it, I may concur with jjpcali.
I would ask the client if the car has been in an accident, and repainted or, if those are replacement parts from a junkyard or something of the sort. The fact that the trunk isn`t remotely close to the rest of the car is certainly suspicious. Since you`re new to this level of paint defect, ask him/her as many questions as you can before you attempt anything at this car. You don`t want the blame pointed at you for anything.

Good luck

05-03-2011, 10:19 AM
The marring is not going to come out with just a PC no matter how much you work it. Those are pretty bad IMO. Only a rotary would really level the marring I see in the hood pic

The biggest issue you have with the hood is the base coat and clear coat are failing. That`s the cloudiness you are seeing, nothing but a repaint can correct that.

However you can improve the look of the clear somewhat but that cloudy looking finish is not going to go away.

05-03-2011, 11:41 PM
Interesting! Thank you for your feedback. I will get with him and ask him more indepth questions about it later this week and get back to ya`ll on what he said and other facts I can find out about the paint. Its funny cause its only the hood and the top part of the trunk the rest of the paint is fine

05-04-2011, 07:38 AM
Use caution with this one. You could easily be blamed for the already failing clearcoat. Inexperience can get you in trouble if think you can correct that hood & trunk. I would pass were it brought to me.

05-10-2011, 11:25 PM
Do ya`ll think the new Meguiars MF polish system will work?

C. Charles Hahn
05-11-2011, 12:50 AM
Do ya`ll think the new Meguiars MF polish system will work?

NOTHING will work on that hood... the clear is shot. Period.

I don`t quite know what to make of that trunk. Could be a junkyard panel that was never refinished to match the car, could be another case of clear failure, or (and this one`s a stretch) it could be heavily oxidized single stage paint.

You might be fine to correct the rest of the car but tell him Mr. Hood and Ms. Trunk had better go on a candle-lit dinner date in the paint booth. ;)

05-11-2011, 10:54 PM
bahaha, I will let the client know... He did buy it used so no telling what happened to it but I guess it would be a good time to get intouch with a good body shop. Thank for the help ya`ll

Setec Astronomy
05-12-2011, 06:23 AM
Wait you guys...I agree it looks like the clear is failing, and that kind of makes sense as the OP is in Arizona. But isn`t this a great opportunity to try Opti-Coat 2.0 as a "restorer"? Admittedly, the OP may not be experienced enough to tackle such a restoration, but I thought the O-C 2.0 was going to dial back our refrain of "that needs a repaint!"

Bill D
05-12-2011, 08:57 AM
As an A4 owner, glad I didn`t see this before I went to bed, would`ve given me nightmares! So sorry to see, but yes it`s more or less RIP for the clear on that thing. Do keep in touch with the customer though. Have him return once he gets the panels painted so you can remove the marring the shop will put in them. :)

05-12-2011, 05:38 PM
Wait you guys...I agree it looks like the clear is failing, and that kind of makes sense as the OP is in Arizona. But isn`t this a great opportunity to try Opti-Coat 2.0 as a "restorer"? Admittedly, the OP may not be experienced enough to tackle such a restoration, but I thought the O-C 2.0 was going to dial back our refrain of "that needs a repaint!"

I don`t think it would restore that paint.