View Full Version : 2 Weeks and Still only partly done!

04-17-2011, 07:51 PM
It has been such a long time since I posted. So long, last time the url was DC!

A couple of weeks ago I finally made time to wash the Jag. Man it felt good to detail again. I washed with Wolfgang soap and used my UDM (yes, I was one of those that bought one) with a green LCC smart pad and PB Polish with sealant.

I had some red paint marks from the boys hitting my car with the Mazda door (aargh!). The PwS was not removing all of them so I stepped up to an orange pad a used a little Clearkote vanilla Moose Compound. Then went back over that spot and the entire car with PwS on the green pad.

Fast forward to this weekend where I washed the car again and then applied a coat of Wolfgang sealant. I`m looking forward to seeing the results tomorrow.

Oh, I used Bare bones on the wheel wells and PB BnB on the tires.

I also gave the Mazda a quick wash and dry.

04-24-2011, 04:13 PM
Update! 1 week later I washed the car.

Wheels were not very dirty so I just used a wheel cleaner I bought on sale locally and soap and water.

Finished the tires with PB Bold n Bright and the wells with C G Bare Bones

Wash with 1Z Perls Shampoo


I don`t use this soap often. Only if the car is not very dirty and recently detailed. It has low suds which is fine, decent lubricant and decent cleaning ability. Not my favorite soap but excellent for some applications.

Door jams cleaned with PB Spray & Wipe

Exterior spruced up with WG DGS Spray

I used Clearkote rubber/vinyl protector on the trim bits. I got this as a sample. Normally I use PB Trim and Restore. i thought I would give the Clearkote stuff a try. I applied with a foam brush. It went on easy and looked fine. Will have to see how it lasts and if it streaks. I can`t imagine anything being better that PB Trim and Restore!

PB Natural Look
Seats: Lexol cleaner followed by Four Star Leather Conditioner

I had a really bad black stain on the seat. I thought I would not be able to remove it but a foam pad with Lexol and a lot of elbow grease removed it! Wish I had taken a before picture.

Here is a shot before starting. Not too dirty just brown dirt blobs left by the rain

During the wash, you can tell that I had sealed if a week before:

The finished product:



Thanks for looking!

04-24-2011, 06:37 PM
Looks good. I wonder what the durability of the spray sealant is compared to the regular sealant.

04-24-2011, 06:45 PM
Awesome job !!!

Garry Dean
04-24-2011, 07:53 PM
Nice job. Welcome back!

Bill D
04-24-2011, 10:12 PM
Gotta love a British Racing Green Jag! Nice! :bigups

Oh, I used Bare bones on the wheel wells .

I`ve been curious about this product for a while as I think it and Griot`s Undercarriage Spray are the only dedicated wheel well dressings out there.

How do like it? Is it easy to apply? How`s the durability?

One old trick I read a long time ago I`ve been using for a while now is spraying and applying Pledge with Future Shine on the wheel wells. Stands up nicely to rain, sprinklers, and general moisture but I`m wondering how Bare Bones might compare because Future isn`t completely user friendly when used for detailing purposes.

04-25-2011, 07:42 AM
Gotta love a British Racing Green Jag! Nice! :bigups

I`ve been curious about this product for a while as I think it and Griot`s Undercarriage Spray are the only dedicated wheel well dressings out there.

How do like it? Is it easy to apply? How`s the durability?

One old trick I read a long time ago I`ve been using for a while now is spraying and applying Pledge with Future Shine on the wheel wells. Stands up nicely to rain, sprinklers, and general moisture but I`m wondering how Bare Bones might compare because Future isn`t completely user friendly when used for detailing purposes.

I really dig the Bare bones. My only complain is that I don`t buy anything else from there so it is a pain to order. I should try the Griots to see how it is. Previous I would use a tire spray like Wet and Protect (I think that`s the name) and it worked well, but once I tried BB I never went back. It is easy to apply and long lasting (at least for me). I use a trigger sprayer and just spray it on. It coats well and doesn`t take a lot of product.

I am curious about Griots but truthfully I recall the other board dissing their products until they started selling them. So I don`t know the real story :huh:

Bill D
04-25-2011, 11:17 AM
I`ve never tried the Griot`s either, so I can only go by what I read as well. What made me reluctant to try it is that I once read that it`s greasy and can attract dust and dirt but maybe that`s just exaggerated. In my case, using Future on my daily driver looks and lasts rather well. Different vehicles have different style and color wheel wells so it`s not necessarily universal for all of them.

04-25-2011, 11:31 AM
I am curious about Griots but truthfully I recall the other board dissing their products until they started selling them. So I don`t know the real story :huh:

I have used Griots, CG, and Adams. Griots seems to be greasier but cannot correlate to longevity yet. Griots is equal to or better. Griots does have a much stronger scent than CG. I find it surprisingly durable. Yes, the result drops when you drive it the rain but using it every other wash seems to work fine. I use car soap on maintained wells so I think this helps as well.