View Full Version : Success even with a wax spreader

10-16-2010, 12:07 AM
Used Meg`s Marine #49, #45, and finished with #56 with an Orbital. Terry bonnets for the first two, and a MF bonnet for the last. See, success can be had even with an orbital. I`m ready to graduate to a DA as soon as my spring tuition is paid for for college.

Attached are before and afters as well as two other projects from the same day.

10-16-2010, 12:11 AM
I`ve got the boat that goes with this trailer next week. It`s been sitting in the water for 2 months. Can`t wait to work on that beast with all that`s growing on it

tuscarora dave
10-16-2010, 11:36 AM
Those are some nice results for using a wax spreader. Before I found DC and AG I used to figure the price of a wax spreader into every detail I did. It was a drag having to run out in the middle of a detail because my $30 orbital burned up right in the middle of the job. Eventually I bought a Mega Cyclo kit and it was like Paradigm shift in the world of detailing.
Good job you did there. What brand of orbital are you using and have you had any overheating problems with it?

10-16-2010, 12:49 PM
Thanks, yeah its just a Ryobi and I have had one burn up on me. I was still learning my ways and looking back now, I know that I had too much compound on the bonnet. Too much resistance for too long a period. The Ryobi has a year warranty so I just ran in, exchanged, and got back to work.

I`m thinking of getting the new Meg`s DA, v2. I have had a few suggestions towards the Cyclo but they`re a bit pricey. How much did you pay?

10-16-2010, 01:01 PM
I use a Griots polisher and love it. I think its the best polisher in that price range and definatly the most powerful. Its the best $150 Ive ever spent.

10-16-2010, 11:18 PM
Shouldn`t I just spend the extra $30 to bump up from that Griots polisher to a DA? Ive seen the Megs DA v2 for $180.

10-17-2010, 12:09 AM
I haven`t used a Megs so I really have no opinion of them either way. Dave would be the man to give an honest opinion on them. I can say that going from a PC to my Griots was like night and day.

10-17-2010, 09:09 AM
Ive read a lot of good reviews on the Griots. Is it capable of paint correction?

10-17-2010, 01:04 PM
Good results with an orbital. I have a PC 7424 I have used for 2 yrs, I also have a rotart I use and just picked up a Griots 6" with a 25 ft cable now debating on what to do with my pc. The new Meg V2 is very nice but the deal I got on the Griots I could not pass up.

10-17-2010, 01:22 PM
You can absolutly do paint correction with a Griots. The power this machine makes is right up there with units twice the price. Ill post some pics tonight when I get home of some black vehicles I`ve done full corrections on using only the Griots. In most cases I use a rotary for cutting, but the more I use my polisher, I`m finding less need for the rotary. They really are good machines...even though my first one was a lemon. The lifetime guarantee took care of that with no questions asked.

10-17-2010, 03:09 PM
Search tooltopia great deal on DA

10-17-2010, 07:41 PM
Here are a few pics of what the Griots polisher can do. Pair it with good pads and products and theres not much it cant do.



This car had a full correction done a few months ago with a rotary, and while not swirled, it just wasnt to where it could be. I went back over it with the polisher and SSR1. This was taken before wax or sealant.

10-17-2010, 10:02 PM
Your results look great. Warranty was a concern of mine and lifetime sure sounds good to me. I`ll look into tooltopia. I have a busy week this week so I might have enough extra to squeeze in a polisher. Thanks for the help guys. I`ll keep at it with my orbital until then.

tuscarora dave
10-18-2010, 06:06 PM
The first wave of many products have issues, take the X-Box 360 for example. The first ones caught on fire but improvements have been made and a better unit came out after the bugs were worked out. When the first wave of GG 6" polishers came out there were a few threads where they had vibrated apart. Lately I have seen less and less of these threads. I would think that Griot`s has taken this feedback directly to the manufacturer in attempts to improve the reliability of their product.

The PC has had years to prove themselves as a great machine but has recently been purchased by Black and Decker. Still I don`t recall ever seeing a negative thread concerning the PCXP.

The Megs G110V2 does what it is supposed to do but I feel it is about the same as an old style PC power wise.

The Cyclo is just a mule of a polisher, very powerful and does a great job at correcting paint. It also works great at scrubbing carpets and floor mats when geared up with brushes instead of pad holders. I paid about $420 for the mega Cyclo Kit and had everything I needed less products to get started correcting paint. While it is a great machine power and quality wise it is somewhat a pain with having two 4" polishing heads in that if one of the heads comes off the side of a panel it spins very fast and slings product. I wish Cyclo made a single head DA. I would definitely recommend a Flex 3401 before a Cyclo if you`re willing to drop that kind of cash as they are about the same price.