View Full Version : I`m looking for someone to solve a mystery

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black bart
08-10-2010, 09:28 AM
Last Friday I drove to town and on the way home I got caught in a downpour but only was a mile from home when I got in it.

When I got home my wife said it had been pouring down for 15 minutes.
I parked the car in the back garage because I did not plan on using it for awhile and yesterday my wife was out their and she came in saying the car looked like it had oil on it.

I went out to see and it had spots about the size of my thumb all over the hood roof and trunk.

The car did not have any dirt on it I drove the last mile in the rain very slow and waited for a minute before backing it into the garage and their was nothing on it but the spots.

I sprayed it with Poorboy S&W and wiped it around but I could see it had little to NO affect on the spots they were very plain to see after cleaning with the S&W but when I wiped it with a dry towel the spots came off.

I wiped a small area with the dry towel and it removed the spots.

If you wipe with your finger it would just smear.

The way the S&W seem to just lay on the surface and only a dry towel would remove it I think it was some kind of oil.

I was not following anyone close no other vehicles were close to me to blow oil on me.

It has rained here several times per week all summer so their would not be a accumulation of oil on the road.

what was on my car and were did it come from.
Could it be possible that the oil in the gulf evaporated into the clouds and it came down here in Indiana.

I just don`t know where all this oil came from.
If it was not oil what was it.

08-10-2010, 09:47 AM
Did you drive under any amount of tree`s? maybe sap or something like that.

Other than that Bart, I would say a space ship flew over you with a oil leak:rofl

08-10-2010, 10:13 AM
I`m no oil-ologist, but I think if they oil broke down enough to evaporate, that it is highly unlikely it could "reform" in the form of oil again. Some biologists in the Gulf say that microorganisms have broken down the oil and eaten it, as the once huge slick has quickly diminished in the warm waters of the Gulf. You could also check the prevailing wind and weather patterns for the past few weeks - I wouldn`t think that a pattern of Gulf-to-Indiana would be prevailing. Then again, I`m not a weather-ologist either.

I`d be inclined to think it might be some sort of LSP or LSP combination. not sure what you have on there. Maybe it`s the last QD you used. My guess would be that it was something already there on the car that the rain agitated.

black bart
08-10-2010, 10:18 AM
Did you drive under any amount of tree`s? maybe sap or something like that.

Other than that Bart, I would say a space ship flew over you with a oil leak:roflNO tress and my wife said it had been pouring down for 15 or 20 minutes before I came home that should have washed the road.
I was just a mile from home when I hit the rain and I drove that last mile really slow to avoid throwing stuff up on the car.

I live in a rural area and their is no traffic so if you want to drive 15 mph your not holding anyone up.

This has been the worst summer I can remember it is hot and humid and rains all the time I may as well be living in Florida.

Next week they are predicting a high of about 80 with low humidity all week it is about time I`m sick of this Gulf coast humidity.

08-10-2010, 10:28 AM
NO tress and my wife said it had been pouring down for 15 or 20 minutes before I came home that should have washed the road.
I was just a mile from home when I hit the rain and I drove that last mile really slow to avoid throwing stuff up on the car.

I live in a rural area and their is no traffic so if you want to drive 15 mph your not holding anyone up.

This has been the worst summer I can remember it is hot and humid and rains all the time I may as well be living in Florida.

Next week they are predicting a high of about 80 with low humidity all week it is about time I`m sick of this Gulf coast humidity.

What was your last LSP product and combo...wondering if its a reaction to the water?

When was it applied

This also supports my space ship theory:D:D

black bart
08-10-2010, 10:29 AM
I`m no oil-ologist, but I think if they oil broke down enough to evaporate, that it is highly unlikely it could "reform" in the form of oil again. Some biologists in the Gulf say that microorganisms have broken down the oil and eaten it, as the once huge slick has quickly diminished in the warm waters of the Gulf. You could also check the prevailing wind and weather patterns for the past few weeks - I wouldn`t think that a pattern of Gulf-to-Indiana would be prevailing. Then again, I`m not a weather-ologist either.

I`d be inclined to think it might be some sort of LSP or LSP combination. not sure what you have on there. Maybe it`s the last QD you used. My guess would be that it was something already there on the car that the rain agitated.The LSP is Duragloss 105 and it was cleaned with PB-S&W This is the same thing I have on all 7 vehicles.

I got rained on in my Exploder with the same thing and had nothing other than a few water spots to clean off.
I have been using 105 and cleaning with S&W for several years and this is the first time I have seen this.
Dave may be right I probably had a space ship puke on me. :wall
The good news is it did not harm the finnish and it wiped off I just don`t know what it was or where it came from.

black bart
08-10-2010, 10:32 AM
Duragloss was applied last October I do all of them once a year in October
I clean every time I drive them with S&W they never get dirty just a little dust.

black bart
08-10-2010, 10:46 AM
One other thing I noticed it had nothing on the sides so it is not something that was sprayed up on the car by my tires because the only place that I found this stuff was on the hood roof and trunk.

It had to be something in the rain.
I can not check any of my other vehicles because they were all in the garage nice and dry.

No harm done but I never had this happen before.:passout:

08-10-2010, 12:53 PM
It`s possible wherever you drove to and parked that something might have "fallen" on the flat surfaces of the vehicle. Something with an oily texture that you may not have noticed until the rain had it grouping together in spots.

08-10-2010, 02:04 PM
I would guess diesel :hmmm: did you drive at all behind a Semi:confused:

Mr. Clean
08-10-2010, 02:28 PM
Black Bart says "I`m looking for someone to solve a mystery" to which I reply (borrowing from Jimmy Buffet)
Oh, I wish I had a pencil thing mustache (the Boston Blackie kind) then I could solve some mysteries too.

black bart
08-10-2010, 02:29 PM
I would guess diesel :hmmm: did you drive at all behind a Semi:confused:I think I did while I was on the bypass in Marion but I did not notice anything on the windshield until after it was parked in the garage.

Where the wipers ran it was clear but the portion where the blade don`t wipe looked just like the hood and I forgot to mention when I used Invisible glass on the glass it acted just like the S&W it just streaked but did clean up ok after considerable wiping.

I think it was some kind of oil and you may be right it may have been diesel.

Apparently the 105 is still holding up well after nearly a year because after wiping it off I don`t see any color shift it all looks the same.

I have been using these two products together for several years without issue so I think it was definitely something that got on the car

Mr. Clean
08-10-2010, 02:45 PM
Black Bart, reading your description of where you live brought to mind the song Way Out Here by Josh Thompson. Don`t know if you listen to country music radio, but if you have maybe you`ve heard it. If not, check it out I think you`ll like it. The first two verses go like this:

Our houses are protected
by the Good Lord and a gun
And you might meet `em both
If you show up not welcome, son.

Our necks are burnt, our roads are dirt
And our trucks ain`t clean (:eek: my own editorial comment)
The dogs run loose, we smoke, we chew
And fry everything out here, way out here.

black bart
08-10-2010, 03:29 PM
Black Bart, reading your description of where you live brought to mind the song Way Out Here by Josh Thompson. Don`t know if you listen to country music radio, but if you have maybe you`ve heard it. If not, check it out I think you`ll like it. The first two verses go like this:
NO I never heard that one before but I don`t listen to country music.
Where I live is very different than the big city I was a long distance trucker for 42 years and did not get to spend much time here.

I used to tell people I paid taxes on property in Indiana but I lived in a truck.
I like it here where I can do what I want without some one complaining we had a busy day here today I saw 2 vehicles go down the road.:rofl
Not much traffic and if something comes by it will be a BIG John Deere tractor or a Ford super duty diesel pick-up.
I can leave the doors unlocked and leave the car sit in the drive all night with the keys in the ignition and it will still be their the next morning.
just like South side Chicago HUH.

Mr. Clean
08-10-2010, 03:57 PM
Well here`s the utoob link, see if you like it. (you`ll need speakers on)

YouTube - ‪Josh Thompson - Way Out Here‬‎ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLvziNM2eyE&feature=av2e)