View Full Version : Interesting Weekend

03-22-2010, 10:19 AM
I worked on three cars over the weekend. One of Saturdays job was a newer Cadillac escalde, it was for some friends that I have done a few cars for over the last several years

Its parked outside year round, a DD for them and has not been touched paint wise, since they got it new. its washed in those automatic car wash places on a regular bases.

The over all condition was pretty decent just in real need of attention.

I spent 7.5 hours on the car, and brought it back to life, one thing going for me was it was pearl white which helped in the paint correction area.

I turned the car back to her on Saturday afternoon, we did the walk around showed the work to her, answered any questions.

Sunday I get a call from her husband and he wants to understand why I didn`t do the engine bay and appears that I missed some storage bins in the car somewhere?

I said that 90% of the time that I detail cars, no one asks about the engine being done, so I don`t do them normally. As for missing a storage bin, no problem its possible, I"m human and don`t know every cars storage system.I`m pretty methodical about how I got threw a car but I could have missed something.

I told him to bring the car back next weekend, I will do the engine bay and correct whatever he thinks needs done.

I think what really surprised him was my price for the work done. I had quoted his wife 2 to 3 bills for the work and that was over the phone, but I wouldn`t really know until I could see the car. I picked the car up in there driveway, the key was inside so I never saw her until after the work was done.

I charged 3 bills for that job, and felt that it was worth that.

Every so often someone will get a tad bent over what they think detailing should cost. Some just think of it was glorified car washing. Maybe what they should do is come and shadowed me threw the process.

I have only received a hand full of complaints on any of my details, most are not of missing areas, but that someone has greater expectations about why their 10 year old DD doesn`t look like brand new, after having been neglected for years.

Lesson learned everyday!:D

03-22-2010, 10:28 AM
So he was mad that you didn`t do the engine bay? Or that you charged them $300? Or both?

Sounds like he sent his wife to you when he should have been there to describe exactly what he wanted done.

03-22-2010, 10:42 AM
The main thing is Dave you keep your cool :cool: and it all went well.
Great Job another Happy Customer :cheers:

03-22-2010, 11:00 AM
So he was mad that you didn`t do the engine bay? Or that you charged them $300? Or both?

Sounds like he sent his wife to you when he should have been there to describe exactly what he wanted done.

He wasn`t mad, it was more about the price that caught him off guard. I don`t think his wife related that to him. Then once he knew that he really got touchy about what was done. Had she said do the engine, maybe I should have asked, and in most cases I do. I just didn`t here for whatever reason.

I agree with you, he should have been the one to say what he wanted done, then I would have got it all done at once, The part about missing the storage area, is nothing more than him venting about the cost.

Lets face those Esclades are monsters to clean, and 300 bucks is what I charge for that.

The main thing is Dave you keep your cool :cool: and it all went well.
Great Job another Happy Customer :cheers:

Thanks nothing to get excited about, just do the correction is all

03-22-2010, 12:46 PM
$300 is pretty damn good for a days worth of work. In the area I`m in people won`t pay for good work. The most I can get is $200 for an SUV and I have to spend 20 minutes explaining the full process and why it could take 12 hours or more. I`ve quoted semis at over a grand and still got the work. I guess it just depends on what they expect to pay before they call.

03-22-2010, 01:54 PM
$300 is pretty damn good for a days worth of work. In the area I`m in people won`t pay for good work. The most I can get is $200 for an SUV and I have to spend 20 minutes explaining the full process and why it could take 12 hours or more. I`ve quoted semis at over a grand and still got the work. I guess it just depends on what they expect to pay before they call.


My full car details go at 200 to 250 my SUV are at 300 to 350

Since this was someone that I had worked with in the passed and knew the car was not over the top bad, I kept it at 300....that said some view this as car washing and some wax

03-23-2010, 03:44 PM
Around here if you charge $300+ for a detail you better be ready for this :inspector:

I have Personally found I can make more money with less hassle spending 3-4 hours on a car and charging $150-$200 :dance2

Unless someone is familiar with the intense labor involved in a major paint correction your better off claying and slappin a coat of carnauba on it and calling it a day :popcorn