View Full Version : It`s that ugly time of year again...Pollen Season

Scott P
03-17-2010, 11:25 AM
It`s that time of year again that is just miserable. I washed my car down first thing this morning. Three hours later, it is already green with pollen. No amount of wax or quick detailer will keep it off the paint. A force field would be nice, but it hasn`t arrived yet.

This lasts for amount a month. Then the Love Bugs show up. I was able to detail a friend`s Camry last week for the pollen started hitting. My car will have to wait a while for its full detail until this season passes by.

03-17-2010, 11:32 AM
Yes its started here in NO CA....I use a CA Duster for this, I know a lot of people think they induce marring, but I`ve not seen it to the point that I can`t remove those every few months.

For the time that it saves and makes the car look good again, IMO its worth it

I also use a lot of S&W

03-17-2010, 12:14 PM
POLLEN, the damn snows still melting and its muddy!!!!!!!

Scott P
03-17-2010, 12:25 PM
I snappped a couple pics. This is after three hours or so.



03-17-2010, 03:12 PM
We`re covered with pollen... cars and eyes! Can someone please tell me how a picnic table gets loaded with pollen, on a lanai, under the house roof line, inside a screened pool enclosure? The stuff is evil, I tell you!

03-17-2010, 05:52 PM
We should be about 3 weeks away from pollen as the first trees start popping. Around here, it is the pines that are killer. They can literally zap your lsp -- including Collinite.

03-17-2010, 07:07 PM
Yo, JH, it`s called wind! (just kidding with ya my friend).

LOVE the new avatar photo!!!

If you want to see something that will keep you awake at night just look at a magnified photo of a pollen granule on Wiki! Evil is an understatement. Looks like a Medieval weapon.

03-17-2010, 10:40 PM
Oh My, so thats what that stuff is. I started noticing it about a week ago. I am in Melbourne FL for the winter. Not sure I ever really noticed it in MI. I have 7 different waxes and sealants on my Prius. They all seem to welcome it equally. :inspector:

03-18-2010, 06:33 AM
LOVE the new avatar photo!!!

Long time, no see, buddy! Going to DF?

Hey, thanks but that`s not an avatar. It`s an actual photo. (The hat does make my face look fat though.) The previous avatar, the guy on the motorcycle, was not me, but Steve McQueen, contrary to popular belief.

AHHH-CHOOO! Excuse me, what`s this yellow stuff in the air?