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03-12-2010, 11:14 AM
Our house was burglarized yesterday afternoon. Someone came in threw the backyard slider and took my laptop that was on the coffee table in the front room, that room faces the front street of the house. What they did was take my son`s school backpack, dumped it out and put the LT in it. I don`t see any evidence that they went into any other part of the house.

I left the house about 4:30 PM to do some grocery shopping, my son was across the street at the neighbors house as he seems to live there. I called him about 5:15 to ask him a question, then he called me at 5:30 PM to say that the LT was missing and his backpack stuff was all over the floor. He had come home to get something to eat

I suspect that it was kids but really don`t know. I had the police come out and make a report just so I have something on record.

All that said I am just happy that my son didn`t surprise this idiot, that could have changed things a lot.

So today I get to start looking for a new LT to replace the stolen one.

I would also like to say that owning a firearm is still have no interest to me, so please do not make this thread into a rage about how much better I would be off with one in the house...Thanks:D

03-12-2010, 11:30 AM
That sucks the big one! Thank god no one was home and they catch the jackass that did this.

Mr. Clean
03-12-2010, 11:31 AM
Sorry to hear it. Been there done that :mad: Good news sounds like it was "just" the laptop which can be replaced (hopefully you have your files backed up to portable media - and that you didn`t have any sensitive data stored)

As for the firearm issue, even if you were so inclined it wouldn`t have done you any good in this instance; and as in my case they took a number of mine along with jewelry etc. I had one "antique" gun that wasn`t able to be replaced and our jewelry exceeded our limit (beware a seperate rider is required for excess jewelry - too bad our insurance agent never told us about that :mad:) So we took a fair hit. And in our case, it was likely kids that were our kids age at the time - due to their minor status the police could not officially reveal the identities, but word gets around.

03-12-2010, 11:31 AM
sorry to hear Dave .. you need a bigger dog :notme:

03-12-2010, 11:41 AM
Thanks all

The only back lash is my wife, she was like a cat on a hot tin roof last night. It should settle down this weekend.

03-12-2010, 11:48 AM
Dunno, might take longer for her to settle down. Not only is it frightening, but it`s also a voilation of comfort and safety.

03-12-2010, 12:01 PM
I would also like to say that owning a firearm is still have no interest to me, so please do not make this thread into a rage about how much better I would be off with one in the house...Thanks:D

There do seem to be a few "go ahead, make my day" types who believe this is exactly what guns are for.

03-12-2010, 12:25 PM
The best advice i can give you.. check yer local craigslist... if you see the laptop pop up for sale in the next few days.. call the cops and then bust this person..(make sure you have proof its your laptop)

03-12-2010, 12:38 PM
If you would have put a no burglars sign on the door, they would not have come in.

03-12-2010, 12:49 PM
Sorry to here that, robbers are getting much more brazen nowadays. Just be thankful everyone is safe and sound, items can be replaced. Never the less it sucks to know someone was in the house when you were gone. Make sure the neighbors know so they can all be on the lookout for strangers,new vehicles riding around the neighborhood.:cool:

03-12-2010, 01:01 PM
Sorry to hear, Dave.

I was a burglary detective for quite a few years. Your wife`s reaction is a familiar story. The emotional trauma caused by a break-in and feeling violated frequently does much more damage than the loss of property.

I`m happy to hear that everyone is OK. Best wishes.


03-12-2010, 02:25 PM
Dunno, might take longer for her to settle down. Not only is it frightening, but it`s also a voilation of comfort and safety.

Thanks Ron!

There do seem to be a few "go ahead, make my day" types who believe this is exactly what guns are for.


The best advice i can give you.. check yer local craigslist... if you see the laptop pop up for sale in the next few days.. call the cops and then bust this person..(make sure you have proof its your laptop)

Sounds advice and thanks

If you would have put a no burglars sign on the door, they would not have come in.

Funny I just printed one up, this place is protected by a Red Ryder popgun, enter at your own risk

Sorry to here that, robbers are getting much more brazen nowadays. Just be thankful everyone is safe and sound, items can be replaced. Never the less it sucks to know someone was in the house when you were gone. Make sure the neighbors know so they can all be on the lookout for strangers,new vehicles riding around the neighborhood.:cool:

Sorry to hear, Dave.

I was a burglary detective for quite a few years. Your wife`s reaction is a familiar story. The emotional trauma caused by a break-in and feeling violated frequently does much more damage than the loss of property.

I`m happy to hear that everyone is OK. Best wishes.


I`m learning that today, she locked every door on the house before leaving today and told me that the dishwasher was on in-case I heard it running. I`m up stairs in my office.

03-12-2010, 04:38 PM
Chances are good it was a neighbor or someone who knew your son was across the street.

black bart
03-12-2010, 05:05 PM
That sucks you may want to consider getting a dog he would have scared them off.
At least they did not take your most cherished items your PB S&W

03-12-2010, 05:09 PM
That sucks you may want to consider getting a dog he would have scared them off.
At least they did not take your most cherished items your PB S&W

he has a dog it probably played with the guy :rofl

and good point at least they didn`t take your 5 gallon :huh: