View Full Version : Ice scrapers count as Car Maintenance, right? :)

11-22-2009, 10:36 PM
I bought a new ice scraper last year that was absolutely awesome! I`ve been in the frozen north here for about twelve years and I hate HATE HATE winter. I have no idea why I live up here really... If it weren`t for my job and my house, I would certainly just move back down to Dallas where it is warm. Anyway, one of the things I hate almost as much as shoveling my driveway, is scraping my windows. It isn`t a problem in the mornings, but by the time I leave work for home I definitely have to. I`ve tried every scraper out there and have never seen anything like this before, so I decided to pick one up and give it a shot. I bought it from Autogeek.net for about $20. Kinda spendy for an ice scraper, but I think this may be the last one I ever have to buy, so it was worth it! Here it is on their site. (http://www.autogeek.net/windshield-ice-scraper.html)

Here are a couple shots of it in action. You wouldn`t believe how much easier it is to clear your windows with this thing compared to a normal ice scraper!


You can see that I brushed off the snow first before I was able to remove the ice. The brush is reviewed a little further down in this post.


Having it in the `two blades apart` position is just awesome. You are able to keep the blades at the optimal angle while the handle pivots to allow you to put precise pressure on them at all times. It is amazing! Seriously, if you live in a winter climate and hate scraping windows, then this is the tool for you. And if you are going to say that using a CD case or credit card works fine for you, then you need to get your head examined and then get one of these.

I know Autogeek backs up their products 100%, so I would imagine if you bought one from them and didn`t like it or it didn`t work, then they`d probably let you return it. I don`t know if it is available anywhere else, but the tag says it is made by a company in Denver and I would imagine Autogeek is just a distributor. Anyway, it is worth it if you are in the market or want to get someone the perfect gift if they live in a snowy climate.

I saw another fairly innovative tool in their booth at SEMA this year. I`m not sure if it is the tool for me, but it was pretty crazy looking. It is called the Ice Bulldozer or something like that. (http://www.autogeek.net/ice-dozer-ice-scraper.html) It was certainly appropriately named. The sucker LOOKS like a bulldozer even. I would think it would be hard to get the right pressure on the blade to clear off the ice, but I guess it works. If you are torn between which one to get, I would suggest getting the other one and waiting for a review on this one. I haven`t heard from anyone who has used it and it doesn`t look like something I would use. It would take up a ton of space in the backseat or wherever you put your ice scraper, so double no.

One other suggestion, and the one I was using and still carry in the car, is this set from OXO. (http://www.autogeek.net/oxo601.html) Sometimes you need a little extra reach and you don`t want to be rubbing up against the car while you scrape your windows. The brush on this one really helps clear the windows before you have to get busy with the ice. Of course, don`t get the brush too close to the paint as that can cause scratches and swirls, but you can move a ton of snow off your car with this and become less of a traffic hazard for others. It is actually something you`ll get pulled over for and cited for not clearing the snow off your roof and back window before driving off somewhere, so having a brush is essential. Even if you park in a garage at night, there will always be those times when it dumps on you while you are at work or something and clearing the snow off is important. This isn`t as cool as the bionic scraper I reviewed first in this thread, but it is still an awesome combination for anyone you are looking to get a gift for.

It always surprises me how many people don`t carry an ice scraper in their car during the winter. When I see people out in the parking lot trying to clear their windows with credit cards and whatever else they can find with a straight edge, I usually try to offer a hand and clear it off for them. Then I give them one of the ten thousand ice scrapers I`ve collected over the years and keep in my trunk during the winter months. lol I don`t know where they all came from, but I`ve got like fifty of them still and I usually give away seven or eight of them during the winter months. Now that I`ve found what works best for me, I really don`t need all of these other ones anymore and I wish people would quit sending them to me as a joke because they know how much I hate snow. lol

Hopefully this was a helpful review. I know not everybody has to deal with winter the same way others do, but improper ice removal tools and techniqes is something that damages cars all winter and I`m just trying to give some advice in case you were looking for a better tool. I don`t work for Autogeek and I`m not compensated to review their products in any way. I do find it interesting that a company in Florida carries the best ice removal tools I`ve ever used though, so the irony is worth sending them some traffic I guess. lol

11-23-2009, 03:46 AM
cool product dude. Thanks for bringing to everyones attention. Ice is bad in Indiana- no question.

black bart
11-23-2009, 07:47 AM
I live in Northern Indiana but since I`m retired I have no such problems I keep my vehicles in a heated garage and if I leave it sit outside while shopping and it is snowing I use the remote start before I`m ready to leave and the windows are clear and the car is warm.

I don`t like the cold weather but we don`t have that much of what I call cold I like the cool fall days and would NEVER move to the gulf coast man I was a long distance trucker for 42 years and I don`t know how people can live in that heat and humidity.
Every time I had to go down their I thought I was going to die before I got out of their.
You could not pay me enough to live in that climate you can put on enough clothes to keep warm but you can`t remove enough to be comfortable in the South..


11-23-2009, 10:40 AM
Dallas had its share of wild weather days. A couple winters before I moved up here we actually got enough snow to make a snowman. The freezing rain gets really old too. I suppose something like this would be very useful in those type climates. lol

If I could afford to live in San Diego then I`d be there in a heartbeat. Or even Northern California would be nice. I just need to find a job out there that allows me to afford the cost of living. lol $70K in Utah is like $30K in Cali, so it will be awhile before I can get out of this God forsaken climate... It is pretty this morning, but freaking cold!

Here is my backyard this morning. Good thing I washed the cars this weekend. lol


11-23-2009, 10:47 AM
Nice Ice Master and great pictures.

12-01-2009, 12:34 PM
I`ve been fielding a several questions a day about ice removal generated from posting this review on a couple different sites, so I decided to take a crack at the other ice tools at Autogeek. I`m going to leave my car outside of the garage and get a nice thick coat of ice on it to do some testing of the Ice Dozer and hopefully get some snow on it here in the next few weeks so I can review the ice pusher tool as well. One thing I can say is that these are heavy duty ice and snow removers for people serious about visibility and safety in the winter. Here are some pictures out of the box. I`ll start a new thread with pictures when I am able to review them.







Scott P
12-01-2009, 06:05 PM
That seems like a lot of scraper when all you need is that one thin slot at eye level. :)

12-02-2009, 11:33 AM
That seems like a lot of scraper when all you need is that one thin slot at eye level. :)

LOL Ain`t that the way it seems? lol Around here they have started to issue citations for not clearing your windows as well as for not clearing the snow off your car. It creates a hazard when you are driving with snow flying off your vehicle blinding those behind you. I`m all for people being fined for not being safe. I`ve only spent the last five of my 33 years parking in a garage, so I know it isn`t that big of a deal to push the snow off before you leave. It is just part of the morning ritual and people should just plan on getting out the door five minutes early to get it done. I`m glad there are better tools being created to make it easier and safer on the car.

12-03-2009, 01:41 PM
Well, I left my car outside last night and even took a spray bottle of water out and soaked the windshield and side windows. This morning all that I had was frozen water beads (darn RainX spoiling my testing) and it wasn`t good enough for a test. There must be zero humidity right now because the back window and other two side windows didn`t even have any frost on them at all. I didn`t waste the ice though. I took a little video of the Ice Master in action on that at least. I`ll post that when I get home tonight. It looks like I`ll need to wait for a snowstorm after all. :( I was excited to get these things tested out.

12-04-2009, 01:21 PM
Click here to see the Ice Master at work. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1Q04qvPDZs)