View Full Version : Help!! I tried swirl removal on my car :(

10-16-2009, 02:32 AM
Ok, I know, I should have tried this on a test panel or something first... Anyway here is the story.

I have HEAPS of swirl marks on my car. The front quarter panel was really bad, and every day I walk past it on my way in and out of my house. I went over it with a medium cut meguires polish with an orbital buffer, and then a light polish with the same buffer.. Came out pretty good. reduced the swirls from what I could see.
So I decide to try the bonnet. I square off a section and do the same... It has reduced the swirls somewhat, but it is a different colour. It isnt as deep black as it was before.

I would like to remove all the swirls and have it looking as perfect as reasonably possible (it is an older car that hasnt been looked after by prev owners).

Some advice on products/techniques would be REALLY REALLY appreciated!



tuscarora dave
10-16-2009, 05:06 AM
looks to me like you have introduced a haze into the paint with the medium polish, What kind of orbital are you working with? You will need at least a porter cable 7424 and a few different grade of pads.I would suggest purchasing a kit from We Are Car Care -- Car Wax, Car Polish, Auto Detailing Supplies, Car Buffers & Car Accessories Store (http://www.autogeek.net) that contains a few different pads and polishes if you don`t already have that stuff. The poorboys world kit comes to mind. Next would be a light cutting pad and some sort of finishing polish. Keep checking back here as some others are bound to offer suggestions. Good luck. TD

10-16-2009, 05:23 AM
Porter Cable seems to be an American company...

I am a total beginner here, I probably should have done A LOT more research before touching my car :(
Any chance there is a hand applicated product you may know of? Meguires is sold over here in Aust... something in their line up??

Another question that comes up after this, is where do you all get your info from? How did you learn polishing, products etc. We dont have any automotive stores where anyone would know about polishing to help you with products. Im looking for a pro to give me some advice/steer me in the right direction to learn how to properly buff a car to give it the best finish possible.

This is frustrating!

Thank you for your help so far, much appreciated!

tuscarora dave
10-16-2009, 05:31 AM
Porter Cable seems to be an American company...

I am a total beginner here, I probably should have done A LOT more research before touching my car :(
Any chance there is a hand applicated product you may know of? Meguires is sold over here in Aust... something in their line up??

Another question that comes up after this, is where do you all get your info from? How did you learn polishing, products etc. We dont have any automotive stores where anyone would know about polishing to help you with products. Im looking for a pro to give me some advice/steer me in the right direction to learn how to properly buff a car to give it the best finish possible.

This is frustrating!

Thank you for your help so far, much appreciated!

Hang in there, keep coming back here for your knowlege. Knowlege and experience are two different things. A lot of us including myself started the same way that you are right now. I would suggest meguiars scratchX and a cotton terry towel at this point to try by hand, maybe follow up with some cleaner wax with a microfiber towel or applicator. I do this for a second living so I will help as I can but I have to leave for my first job right now.TD

10-16-2009, 05:43 AM
Thanks Dave,
I will pick some of that up tomorrow. I saw a demonstration of the Scratch X on youtube, and it looked like a decent product.

I really appreciate your help, other then here, is there any other places for information?

Thanks again! Have fun at your first job! I `clean cars` as a second job also. *notice... I dont cut or polish any cars in that job!!*

black bart
10-16-2009, 07:22 AM
I hope you are young and have good arms because removing swirls by hand is something I would not want to do.
They make machines for that but unfortunately the cheap little buffers like they sell at Wal-Mart are a waste of money and will do very little for paint correction but i guess it would beat doing it by hand.

10-16-2009, 08:51 AM
try looking at www.waxit.com.au (http://www.waxit.com.au/) they have a complete line and machines ;)

10-16-2009, 12:03 PM
Porter Cable seems to be an American company...

I am a total beginner here, I probably should have done A LOT more research before touching my car :(
Any chance there is a hand applicated product you may know of? Meguires is sold over here in Aust... something in their line up??

Another question that comes up after this, is where do you all get your info from? How did you learn polishing, products etc. We dont have any automotive stores where anyone would know about polishing to help you with products. Im looking for a pro to give me some advice/steer me in the right direction to learn how to properly buff a car to give it the best finish possible.

This is frustrating!

Thank you for your help so far, much appreciated!

Try hitting it with Meguiar`s ScratchX with a foam or microfiber applicator pad. Apply some onto the pad and work it into the area really thoroughly and then late it haze up for a minute or so, and then buff it off. You may have to repeat the application the get rid of all the dullness and haze because you`re only working by hand.

You need to browse car care websites, they usually have very detailed write-ups and videos on this stuff, that are completely free. Autogeek.net has great write-ups and videos for sure that will teach you everything you need to know. Checkout YouTube also, there are lots of videos there. A lot of car care websites can ship internationally as well.

10-16-2009, 04:41 PM
Great advice guys! Thank you.
I will give the scratch X a try.

The Orbital Buffer I was using is a bit of a toy. It has power, but doesnt have different speeds, and just wool bonnets of varying types. I am going to use the softest bonnet (a lambs wool one) to buff off the Sctatch X after it has hazed.

I am looking into buying a rotary buffer today. Just looking at pricing etc at the moment, then will go to some smash repairers to pick up some old panels I can practice on before anything!

Thanks for all your advice so far, I look forward to learning more from this site and hopefully one day contributing something of value to others to learn from!!


Mike Phillips
10-19-2009, 02:18 PM
I went over it with a medium cut meguires polish

Sounds like you`re describing M-0116 Medium Cut Cleaner?

If so, then if you read the back label under "Method of Application" it will say,

For use with a rotary buffer only.

The product uses macroscopic diminishing abrasives, (large and chunky), and tools like an old fashioned orbital buffer, (we call them "Wax Spreaders), don`t have the power to effectively break down the abrasives so that the product will buff-out clear.

Like others said, try the new ScratchX or any reputable SMR that is recommended for use with an orbital or DA style polisher.


Mike Phillips
10-19-2009, 02:29 PM
Great advice guys!

I am looking into buying a rotary buffer today.

Don`t start out with a rotary buffer, it`s overkill for most enthusiast detailers, instead get either a Griot`s Garage Random Orbital Polisher or the new PC 7424XP.

Both offer plenty enough power to remove most swirls, scratches and etchings while being a much easier tool to use and a much less involved tool to use for multiple step buff-outs.

Plus you get the Velcro backing plat to make switching to different buffing pads quick and easy.

Two threads to check out,

Tips and Techniques for using the PC 7424XP Dual Action Polisher to remove Below Surface Defects (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/expert-tips/20021-tips-techniques-using-porter-cable-7424xp.html)

Griot`s Random Orbital Polisher (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/questions-about-porter-cable-7424xp-7424-7336-griot-s-meguiar-s-dual-action-polishers/20437-griot-s-random-orbital-polisher.html)
