View Full Version : White Paint Scratch Repair/Making it Shine

10-09-2009, 06:27 PM
I have a white 1990 Eclipse and there are small scratches on the fenders and rear spoiler. They aren`t deep and almost look like a spider web in the paint. Whats the best way to remove scratches from white paint? From what I`ve read white is a hard paint and is the most difficult to remove scratches. I`ve never done much detailing besides the basics but I`m good with cars and do pretty much any work it needs myself. Once I remove the scratches I really want to make the car shine. What are some good products to get the paint looking good. I`m not looking for the car to be perfect and I also don`t want to spend a ton of money on products. I have a buffer to use. Thanks for any help or tips.

10-09-2009, 06:33 PM
First things first.

Can you post pics of the scratches?
Can you feel the scratches with your finger nail?
What kind of buffer do you have access to and do you have experience with it?

10-09-2009, 08:06 PM
I`ll get some pictures of them tomorrow. You can`t feel the scratches at all. I`ll check the buffer tomorrow as well, I`m pretty sure its a cheap one. I`ve used a buffer once before but thats it.

10-10-2009, 02:06 PM
Got a picture of the scratches. The picture is on the rear spoiler where its the worst. The ones on the fenders wouldn`t show up in pictures. Also the buffer is an MVP WI-4536 6" Buffer/Polisher its the same as this one
Heres the picture of the scratches. (http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l128/Red94Sol/1010091453a.jpg)

10-11-2009, 11:30 AM
By the looks of the pic I have to say that is clearcoat failure. You can polish the area to remove contaminents from the cracks and then add an lsp. It will take you eye away from it. your other option would be to repaint.