View Full Version : Please make sure to post in the correct forum.

03-10-2004, 11:51 AM
This is just a request that for those who start threads to make sure to start them in the appropriate forum.

I have made it easy to select the proper forum yet some people don`t seem to understand I guess.

Here is a perfect example of what I am talking about:


In the future I will simply delete any threads that are in the wrong forum since moving them will not be much of a deterrent for those posting in the wrong forums.

Thank you for your cooperation.


03-10-2004, 12:04 PM
Dwayne - Thanks for making that announcement. I`ve noticed that there have been many threads posted in inappropriate forums lately. Some people only read certain forums, and may never see a question if it is posted in the wrong place. Speaking for myself, I tend to avoid responding to questions in the Professional Detailing forum, since I am a hobbyist detailer.

Hopefully, your announcement will help minimize this problem. Thanks again Dwayne! :mohawk

03-10-2004, 12:25 PM
:rolling :lmfao :lmfao :rolling
marj......YOU...A.. HOBBYIST, thats like a part time brain surgeon, or a seasonal rocket scientist
No matter what you call yourself, we all know that your results and overall knowledge qualify you as a Pro....nuff said


03-10-2004, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by elortt
:rolling :lmfao :lmfao :rolling
marj......YOU...A.. HOBBYIST, thats like a part time brain surgeon, or a seasonal rocket scientist
No matter what you call yourself, we all know that your results and overall knowledge qualify you as a Pro....nuff said

Eric - Flattery will get you everywhere! :-p :D I thank you for the kind words, but I was just trying to say that there are some topics that are better suited to the Professional Detailers forum than others. For example: questions about liability insurance, advertising, trailer setups, and bulk orders would definitely belong in the Pro forum. Questions about technique or products may be better suited to the Main Street or Car Care Products forums.

The Fuzz
03-10-2004, 01:23 PM
I would always refrain from responding to topics you have no knowledge of, but I wouldn`t suggest avoiding certian forums. Just because the title of the forum is directed to professionals, that doesn`t mean that you can`t respond. Pick and choose the topics you reply to. If its in regards to a topic you don`t know anything about then obviously ignore it. If you know the answer and can help then you should reply regardless of which forum the thread is in. Ladies are encoraged to post whenever and wherever they can. Like Mamma Fuzzard always says... "Shut that music off!" I don`t know what she meant by that, but I always liked to think it meant "Grow a mullet and go get the ladies, Tyrell." What does that have to do with this thread? Nothing at all. I just think its always a good idea to quote Mamma Fuzzard whenever possible.

03-10-2004, 10:35 PM
Well said Fuzz. I agree, if you think you can contribute, then express it. Some items of discussion could be in either Professional or Main Street, but :dunno.

I just like to help out where ever I can, but I agree with Dwayne, that post was out of the "box".

03-10-2004, 10:45 PM
Wait wait wait - we are not supposed to randomly post wherever the heck we please? CRAP.. I`ve been doing it all wrong :lol ...

and Fuzz I can`t go talking out of my a** trying to sound like I know what I am talking about? Don`t tell my boss that - I`ll be out of a job ;)..

but seriously folks - well said