View Full Version : I gotta be honest, I`m kinda losing faith here.

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The Duke
09-12-2009, 02:32 AM
I really can`t seem to get ahead in relationships. I`m always asked how I`m still single or many assume I have a girlfriend. I get asked if I have a girlfriend a lot. Anytime I seem to try and make a move I find out she has a boyfriend and having morals, there`s a dead end (I`m not one of those people who try to pry the two apart in the hopes I`ll get a chance. I`m not a wanker). I`m just starting to think, if so many people assume I should be in a relationship, why aren`t I? I`ve been told I`m somewhat decent (passable?) looking person and many are kinda surprised when I tell them I`m single.

Ugh...I need to clear my head with some Mr. Guinness.

09-12-2009, 06:47 AM
All I can say from the other side of the fence is - don`t look a gift horse in the mouth. ;)

09-12-2009, 07:51 AM
Been there for many years. Try the grocery store, it worked for me. My wife was working in the deli and thats how I found her. Shed auctually seen me a year plus before that. Between those she worked at a convenience store, and I did ask her if she wanted to go to the stock car races that night, she was working. Shes not a local so she had no idea who I was, SURPRIZE on her. Weve been together since Halloween 1999. And yes Im OLD.

09-12-2009, 11:08 AM
Don`t sweat it man, it will happen for you if you want it to.

Also Jared has a valid point :lol2:

09-12-2009, 11:20 AM
When you stop looking it will come to you.

09-12-2009, 11:46 AM
When you stop looking it will come to you.

+1000. Been where your at OP. Just continue living your life, enjoy it and before you know it, you`ll have somebody. Usually when you least expect it.

09-12-2009, 03:56 PM
I can;t add much to what has been sadi.
what`s your rush?


The Duke
09-12-2009, 04:06 PM
Been there for many years. Try the grocery store, it worked for me. My wife was working in the deli and thats how I found her. Shed auctually seen me a year plus before that. Between those she worked at a convenience store, and I did ask her if she wanted to go to the stock car races that night, she was working. Shes not a local so she had no idea who I was, SURPRIZE on her. Weve been together since Halloween 1999. And yes Im OLD.

I worked in one for 2 years in High School. Lots of fun. Lots of hot moms too...;)

09-12-2009, 05:23 PM
I worked in one for 2 years in High School. Lots of fun. Lots of hot moms too...;)

addresses of these stores please.
i like hotttt moms.

09-12-2009, 05:43 PM
After four marriages I have no comment on losing faith. My suggestion is enjoy what you have right now.

09-12-2009, 05:56 PM
After four marriages I have no comment on losing faith. My suggestion is enjoy what you have right now.

We should all listen to you. YOu have more experience than most of us. :rofl

The Duke
09-12-2009, 08:19 PM
After four marriages I have no comment on losing faith. My suggestion is enjoy what you have right now.

I`m kinda sick of what I have right now to be honest. I`d rather have a fun and then a failure, then nothing ever happening.

tuscarora dave
09-12-2009, 09:07 PM
I`m kinda sick of what I have right now to be honest. I`d rather have a fun and then a failure, then nothing ever happening.

in that case then ask one hundred girls out over the next three months, a few are bound to accept your invitation. (law of averages) good luck

The Duke
09-12-2009, 09:58 PM
in that case then ask one hundred girls out over the next three months, a few are bound to accept your invitation. (law of averages) good luck

I`ve thought about it. The problem is I`m having trouble finding 100 that meet the criteria (mine and thiers).

09-12-2009, 11:23 PM
Play the ANTI game.
Tell a really hot woman if she doesn`t mind being seen with a guy far better looking than her you`ll take her to dinner.Then walk away.... she will follow.
You need fast reflexes for this maneuver as some women will immediately try and slap you,but I promise there will be some who will bite.

I treat my wife like a goddess,but when I was dating the more I ignored a woman the more they chased.If I was the bad boy(like the above example)they threw themselves at me.