View Full Version : Bonehead 101

03-09-2004, 01:31 PM
I started my nightly ritual as usual when I got some from work last night - which is to UGE my car :) -wellllll..those darn 4* Platinum bottles they kinda all look alike and umm..err well oops

I sprayed the hood like I normally do and it glopped out rather than a fine mist - I though "huh that`s funny, why is it green..OH SH*T!!!!" I SPRAYED THE WHEEL CLEANER ON MY HOOD !!!! YIKES - luckily I had a clean MF in my hand wiped it off and S&W the area - I could tell right away where the wheel cleaner had hit I think it ate my coats of TS for dinner....:( S&W again to be sure then applied a fresh coat of TS to the whole hood...

God what a bone head....

03-09-2004, 01:35 PM
Fear not... I`ve done the exact same thing. I accidently did it with the leather conditioner once too when I thought it was UPP. Now I try to keep them all seperate. For awhile there I wrapped the lids with blue painters tape so I could tell them apart. I`m glad that 4 Star puts those stickers on the top now.

03-09-2004, 01:41 PM
it`s either shake well or Gloss enhancer but that would require me to read :)

Mr. Clean
03-09-2004, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Jngrbrdman
I`m glad that 4 Star puts those stickers on the top now.

That is a nifty feature when you`re reaching into the bucket. Two thumbs up for that!

03-10-2004, 08:51 AM
Put a strip of masking tape or duct tape on your detailing product so you can easily identify it. I put mine right on the sprayer handle so I can quickly see it in the bag I carry. I use masking tape on the S&W, duct tape on the BnB, and black electricians tape on the QD+.

03-10-2004, 12:50 PM
The degreaser I use at work is called Kleenz-Oil, and I use Kleenz-All for seats. Both are a redish color and in generic spray bottles. Needless to say I`ve degreased a couple seats.

03-10-2004, 10:31 PM
Groebuck, you crack me up. Knock on wood, I can`t think of a time I`ve done that....yet.