View Full Version : I finally used NXT yesterday.... (long)

03-09-2004, 12:37 PM
First of all, I`m sorry for the lack of pictures here. I`ll try to add a picture later, but I don`t have my camera with me and its not my vehicle that I used it on. I`ll take pictures next time. I did this detail durring a time of the day when the sun wasn`t really up and I am dead set against taking pictures of cars in the shade when I am trying to give an honest review and impression of a product. Pictures in the shade show absolutely nothing.

I`ve had NXT since they presold it a month before it came out. It has just been too crappy outside to use it. I finally got a chance to use it on this truck that I maintain about once a month. The last time I touched it was in October and he got the typical end of year treatment. He chose UPP instead of the SG that I suggested because he likes the look of UPP better. Who am I to argue with the customer?

The truck was in pretty good shape after the winter. Its a brand new `03 Dodge Dakota with shell. I`ve been taking care of it once a month since the day he bought it and I`ve done my best to keep up with the automatic car wash swirl marks he has installed every week or two. Normally he just wants me to give it a good cleaning including the engine and interior and all that fun stuff. For spring he wanted basically the same thing. He said that swirl removal wasn`t a huge concern right now and he just wanted it cleaned up for now. Time was sort of an issue too.

So I take the truck home and start working on it. My initial plan was to just clay it and throw on a coat of AIO or something like that. If I am just going to have to strip it all off in a month so I can DACP and do the job right then there is no sense in wasting good product, right? Well, I finished with the interior and the engine and the bed and decided to give the bottle of NXT on my shelf a shot. It is supposed to `eliminate swirls` (how to you eliminate by filling? :dunno) and all that, so I figure its a good time to try it. The truck really wasn`t that bad off so either way I figured it would look fine.

First impressions
NXT does not spread nearly as well as UPP does. I applied with my PC and a red Meguiar`s pad. I figure that the red pad might help a bit with the swirls. I had to apply product to the pad at least 10 times. On this truck it has never taken me more than 4 applications of UPP to my pad to do the whole thing (including the roof of the shell and everything). This stuff doesn`t spread well at all. At least, it doesn`t spread well by PC with a red Meguiar`s pad.

The smell isn`t all that bad. I kept trying to place it. Its kind of fruity somehow. Kind of like a fruity bathroom air freshener or something like that.

Removal was simple. It buffs off really nicely. Very much like UPP in the way that it comes off. It didn`t streak or haze or anything. I like that part.

Appearance the next day
It was evening when I finished and I couldn`t really tell how it looked. It looked better than when I picked it up so I was pleased so far. One good thing about the lighting that I had was that if there were any streaks then I would have seen them. So again, A+ on the no streaking factor

I walked outside to check it out and was very impressed at first. The truck was parked near a chain link fence and it seemed to disappear into the fence because the reflections were so deep. It looked really nice. For an off the shelf product I don`t think I have ever seen its equal in any PepBoys or AutoZone.

I did notice that it didn`t do a whole lot for the swirls. I could see that they were a little diminished, but it wasn`t a difference that the untrained eye who didn`t observe the `before` very closely. So I have to give it a solid `C` for swirl removing ability. I`d rate it up there with #9, PPCL, and GEPC/SEPC.

Now for what I really think....
While I still think that it is a great product for an off the shelf `wax`, I can`t deny that the appearance was a little plasticy. It looked to me like immatation gloss and depth. You know how you can always tell when someone is trying to copy something? Hyundai has a new car out that "looks" like a Mercedes. No matter how hard they try, it will always be a Hyundai and if you look closely at the things that matter then you will see the difference. That is how NXT is. For all the postitive things it has, it still looks like it is trying to copy something else.

The appearance on this truck was outstanding, but it wasn`t UPP. UPP has always made the truck (which is light blue) deeper and more reflective. The colors it reflects with UPP make the blue turn to purple and red and green. It really brings out the metal flake in the paint and blows my mind. NXT didn`t do any of that. It was very glossy, but that`s about it. You know how SG is kind of hard and sterile shine? NXT is similar only it is what I can only describe as `sterile gloss`. Not that its a bad thing, its just what I call it.

NXT is a great product if you don`t have access to anything else. I would choose it over Gold Class or DuraGloss or anything else off the shelf. With proper prep work in the form of clay and polish, I think this would be a fantastic addition to anyone`s detailing regiment. However, if you have access to ordering online then 4 Star Ultimate Paint Protection is a better bang for the buck and certianly pleases me more than NXT does.

This is just one man`s review of the product. Opinions vary and this was just my first test with it. I`m sure that results and my opinion will change as I try it on other surfaces and other colors. For now, this post is my honest opinion of a very nice product.

03-09-2004, 12:44 PM
Thanks for the thorough review Jngrbrdman. I think I will stick with my current regimen of products.

03-09-2004, 12:48 PM
Yeah, same here. NXT is nice enough, but it wasn`t nice enough to make me want to use it instead of something else. If all you have been using up till now are waxes you can get at WalMart, then NXT will really impress you. If you have been using the finer things in life then it probably won`t be too terribly impressive. I give it credit for being one of the finer `off the shelf` products I`ve ever used.

03-09-2004, 12:58 PM
I applied NXT with a PC and a Meg`s yellow pad and didn`t use hardly any product, but that might be because my paint had been polished less than a month before application. NXT does seem to mute the metalics. Thanks for an honest and informative review!!

03-09-2004, 04:58 PM
From what I`ve read about NXT I can wait to purchase this product. Thanks for your review Jngrbrdman.

03-09-2004, 06:11 PM
NXT is a great product.

As I wasn`t expecting any miracle do-it-all kinda product, I was surprised about how good it worked and looked. See, in only one step, it makes a car look good, very good.

Of course it`s not a UPP competitor (it should sell in a month more than UPP sells in a year!) but, if you take it off the shelf, wash your car, apply it, wait while vacuum the interior and buff it, UPP, Zxx, SG and others WILL NOT WORK! NXT does. It`s made to be used by everyone, and it works great!

Of course if you wash, clay, wash, polish, AIO or UPCed, than UPP or Z2/5 or SG will look/feel great....So will EX or EX-P, or NXT, or TW.... But NXT isn`t made only for those of us who take all these steps.

Whom of us thought about replacing our the best product combo with NXT alone? Anybody???

Who is thinking that Wolfgang will be substituting everything else, anyone? I don`t, but everyone wants to use this NEW PRODUCT, and so do I :).

The same with NXT, it`s not expensive, it`s great in looks, it`s an easy one step product to use any time. It`s not meant to replace any of our vast stock of products.

I have A LOT OF PRODUCTS and just yesterday I`ve used NXT cause it was the right product for that one situation, and it came out great, as I thought it would ;)

Great review Jngrbrdman, I`m sorry I never saw your review on the Zaino products you got. (curious :rolleyes: )

03-09-2004, 06:24 PM
I agree jgv,
It is a great product ... and on some colors I am sure it is going to eliminate a few steps. I applied it after another product had been on my car for 6 - 8 weeks. If I would have used UPP or a pure carnuba, I would have had to do some prep work first (at least SFP) ... but I washed and applied NXT with my PC, wiped it off in about an hour and had a great looking car for a very little bit of work. NXT does seem to shine and fill better when applied with the PC. That is the beauty of this product ... Little Work - Great Results

03-09-2004, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by jgv

The same with NXT, it`s not expensive, it`s great in looks, it`s an easy one step product to use any time. It`s not meant to replace any of our vast stock of products.


From the limited use I`ve experienced, I also think the NXT is a nice product! However, like most others, I`ve decided to "keep" all my other stuff................ just in case! :D

03-09-2004, 07:39 PM
I was fortunate (?) enough to have three different cars with varying levels of swirl marks, oxidation etc. to test NXT on.

The first car was my Cavalier. It had a full detail (paint wise) in late December (clay, DACP, #82, #7, #20) a month later it had Megs cleaner wax + #16. Then two weeks ago it had it`s first coat (first two?) of NXT and a week later it`s 2nd coat (3rd & 4th?). The car came out the best looking it ever has. The reflections were astounding...especially considering the car is yellow. Even in direct sunlight there were no swirls at all, and the paint looked like it had just been applied and was still wet.

The Jeep was next and also the "2nd best" prepped car it had AIO X2 and #20, then a single coat of NXT (hand applied) a few days later. The Jeep came out looking really good and the next day there was a slight, but noticable improvement. Betwen the AIO, the #20 and the NXT about 90% + of the swirls were gone with the remainder much less visible.

Finally was the truck. It was by far the worst, tree sap oxidation (the paint had a grey cast to it...the truck is black), scratches and swirls out the wazoo. It got DACP and #82 prior to one coat of NXT. While I would have liked to take a bit more time prepping the finish, the truck turned out really well. Most importantly, dad LOVED the way it looked.

As for application and removal, I will admit that NXT isn`t quite as easy to spread as some waxes, and it takes more product than I`m USED TO using, the results I`ve achieved are worth the little extra effort.

03-09-2004, 08:49 PM
You haven`t missed my Zaino review yet, jgv. I still haven`t gotten around to using it yet. I need to find a good test car that I can try it out on. Last year all I seemed to get as test cars were red. Bah.... I want a black one or a blue one to try that stuff out on. I keep thinking that I`m going to try it out on my Accord, but I never get the chance and then winter happens and all that stuff.... I want to try this Wolfgang stuff I`ve got on the way on the Accord next. I`m still looking for a test car for Zaino and you can be sure that DC will hear it first. Autopia doesn`t care about me much these days. Most of the old timers have sort of migrated to other climates to retire. I think DC is a great place for me to try that out on. ;)

03-12-2004, 01:36 AM
Don: Did you apply all of your products by Hand or by PC? Nice work bro :D

03-12-2004, 06:09 AM
Originally posted by BaDm0theR
Don: Did you apply all of your products by Hand or by PC? Nice work bro :D

Applied by PC, removed by hand

03-12-2004, 06:22 AM
You should try the yellow meguiars pad. Also, i found that when i prime the pad before applying nxt helps a lot with spreading the product. Without priing the pad, it seems sticky and doesn`t spread very well. IMO, It looks really good on a non metalic dark paints. It gives a very wet look and darkens the paint.