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Tex Star Detail
06-13-2009, 01:03 AM
Was involved in a hit and run today. Had a dealership car I was dropping off at a body shop 2 towns away. Amanda, my woman followed me there. Dropped it off and she picked me up and away we went back home.
On the way back, 2 lane road, traffic was coming to a stop. We were doing about 5MPH when Amanda looked in the rearview and panicked. I was in the passenger seat, so I turned around to the right (towards the door), and looked between the headrest and door pillar. (B-pillar?) And BAM, we were nailed from behind. TONS of traffic out, so many witnesses. We were pushed into oncoming traffic, which was traveling 45, if not faster. A car swerved to miss us and all I could yell was GRASS, GRASS, GRASS. Telling her to head for the grass. We went down an embankment and into a ditch.

I hit my head where the seatbelt bolts to the pillar and my head snapped back. Due to my position, my head did not hit the headrest, but snapped back beside it. I was FURIOUS.. I jumped out getting ready to confront the A-hole. I looked around and seen no truck with damage. Everyone stopped said he took off. Apparently he flew through a field fishtailing, over a few signs, and high tailed it through a residential neighborhood. I literally ran on foot about 4 blocks trying to chase him, though he was already gone. I left Amanda in the car and my adreneline was through the roof. Witnesses said he was pushing 60 through the neighborhood hitting fences and poles. I get as far as I can and stop due to pain. A motorcycle and 2 cars that seen the accident took chase after him. I never seen him, the truck, or anything. I was running blind. I guess they finally caught him after a high speed chase for a few miles. From what the officer on the scene said, they have been looking for him. He had actually did this 4 times earlier that day... hit and runs. They finally caught that SOB. I get back to the car as does Amanda. She was sitting in a passer bys car who was helping her. The EMT`s showed up as well as Fire. I get to the car and pretty much colapse. The car got towed off and we were taken to the ER. Thank goodness our kids were at home with Family.
On the way to the ER, the pain really hit me. My neck and back were killing me. Everything got blurry and starting to spin.
After a few X-Rays and CT Scans of my head they though I had fractured my neck! :eek: I had a neck brace on for 3+ hours. Another scan showed normal. Thank goodness. Amanda is fine too, we`re just still shaky and sore.

After they got this guy, he fought with cops at the station. The officer on scene said that they "have a special welcoming" for guys like that at the station. As far as I know, they were getting ready to taser his ass.

We have to wait until Monday to even know who he is, if he has insurance, if he was drunk, illegal immigrant, and so forth. Monday morning we are getting a lawyer though, we are going to get him everything. (and since we were in a wreck, we have to buy 3 new carseats since they were in the car)

Car was a 2004 Nissan Sentra 4 dr. Won`t know the extent of the damage until Monday when an adjuster gets out to look at it.

Sorry for the rambling.... I`m still in shock. I

06-13-2009, 06:13 AM
I hope that you and Amanda will be ok. You will be sore for a week or so. They need to toast that guy, he could have killed someone in that neighborhood.

06-13-2009, 06:53 AM
Nice to see you are OK,take it easy over the weekend i am sure you will sore and stiffer in a day or two.Check your policy and see if you have uninsured motorist coverage,chances are he had a stolen car.You might have to rely on your insurance to cover the cost.

Nice to see you are both OK...:D

06-13-2009, 07:37 AM
Man Chris! It sounds like it was probably a good thing that you didn`t get a hold of him. Glad everyone is going to be OK.

Let us know how it all unfolds from here.

06-13-2009, 07:41 AM
Glad you`re ok.

But, you will be alot more sore today and tomorrow.

Scott P
06-13-2009, 10:10 AM
That`s terrible to hear. I`m glad you two are fine, albeit a little sore. I`m glad to hear that the guy was caught. It`s good to see some people help chase him down.

06-13-2009, 10:34 AM

Be glad that you where not hurt seriously, hope that you guys are not to sore today!

Tex Star Detail
06-13-2009, 04:32 PM
Yes, it is nice to know that there are actually nice people out there that are willing to do what they can to help out a stranger(s). They didn`t have to stop or even chase the guy for that matter. One lady pulled over with her toddler in the back seat and offered Amanda to get in her car and sit in the A/C and calm down. We failed to get her name and number, but did get the 3 other names and numbers from the witnesses who stopped and filled out a police report and helped us. They will all be getting a Thank You card, a free detail from me, and most likely, Amanda will get them tons of cookies.

I did take it easy today, though I had to work at the dealership. I had tons of cars to do. I called my employee and told him the deal. He offered to work by himself today and stay late. But being the work-a-holic I am, I showed up and did light work. Glass, rinsing, taking off license plates and stickers, ect... I did cancel a few appointments for this weekend though, not trying to keep my body from healing.

Unfortunately, we cannot do anything with a rental car until Monday or get info on the ass that hit us. Amanda ex husband did however, loan us his Ford F-250, which I WILL clean up... it`s nasty...

06-13-2009, 09:09 PM
If you`re smart, take it easy, do not do any work until your lawyer has had time to hear the case and start work on taking that A-HOLE to the carpet.

I`m sure this tool got a royal welcome to the local lock-up. :dnaughty

Thankfully, you`re OK for the most part. I`m just hearing and seeing the local news about two 19 year old kids killed after hitting a police car traveling the opposite way. Cop is in hospital and must be devistated on the news these kids were killed due to bad judgement on the kids part, making a turn in the path of the cop car.

Take it one day at a time now!


Tex Star Detail
06-15-2009, 04:19 PM

The guy HAS insurance (for now) He is a 21 year old, white male. He was drunk, 5:30 PM.
Also found out he is on probation for a marijuana charge.
Charges: (that we were told so far for just us)
hit and run
leaving the scene of an accident
felony fleeing
damage to an officers car more than $200
multiple property damage charges
wreckless driving
resisting arrest
assaulting an officer (jail house)
assaulting an officer with a deadly weapon (his truck)

and I am sure there are more that we weren`t told. And that was just from our case. He has, I believe, 3 other hit and runs that day...

And the plot thickens..... dun dun dun.....

Already contacted a lawyer as well.....

06-15-2009, 04:43 PM
Wow...sorry to hear about this. It`s good to hear that the young ones weren`t in the vehicle while this lunatic went on his rampage. I hope you are fully compensated and that you both have no long term health issues from this incident.

Mr. Clean
06-16-2009, 09:50 AM
Tex, sorry to read about the incident. Hope everything works out.

06-16-2009, 12:33 PM
Glad to hear there were no serious injuries. Sounds like this guy may be a habitual violator, and if so he will get some serious time. We handle around 150 hit and run accidents a month in my county.

Mr. Clean
06-16-2009, 12:46 PM
...We handle around 150 hit and run accidents a month in my county.

06-16-2009, 01:27 PM

The MOPE has insurance,and should pay off your car and other added expenses.:bow

The not so Rosy stuff is this,He will be in the crowbar hotel for some time by the sounds of the charges.His age comes into play on the side of YOU cant get blood from a stone.At his age he most likely has no attachable assets to go after.:inspector: This will be up to the lawyer and the insurance co.Getting a good attorney will help cut through the red tape with the no good insurance companies.

I am sure you are still having neck,back,and other pains due to the unfortunate event.HEAR ME.... YES you and all parties are having problems that will require attention from a Good doctor and many specialists.While in most cases he is most likely under insured and has just the state required limits.

Keep a log of all transactions for anything related to the event.miles from home to hospital and doctor appointments and so on.Not that this will not be a speedy case,in most instances the insurance co will want to see what the idiot has for assets.:inspector:

It could be a while but never give up and remember They Will Pay you but they are not fast...

Don`t be in a rush to settle and remember to tell the lawyer you have concerns regarding problems down the road due to this incident.:bigups

Hope this was a help...:D


Dewey Cheatem & Howe Esquires LLc.:dnaughty:idea