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05-25-2009, 05:35 PM
Hey guys,

I`ve been doing alot of reading here and on other forums about detailing. I think I`m ready to tackle my first project. I have an 1989 Nissan 240SX that hasn`t been driven for like 8 years. The interior is pretty dirty, as you can imagine, and theres lots of nooks and crannies I have to get into. And a crapload of vinyl and plastic. Unfortunately, i`m in Canada so we don`t have some of the all purpose cleaners you have in the USA.

I heard that Meg`s Quik Interior Detailer isn`t really good for dirty interiors. So I need some kind of all purpose cleaner that I can use on carpet, plastic, vinyl, leather, etc. Again, i`m in Canada so the stuff we have here is like Simple Green, Simoniz, etc. We don`t have Meg`s APC here :(

Anybody here any good things about Turtle Wax ICE Interior Cleaner???

Cole`s Notes: I need an all purpose cleaner thats availiable in Canada

05-25-2009, 06:09 PM
Why does it have to be available in Canada? Shipping from the US to Canada is legal. Buy yourself a gallon of Megs APC+ or Poorboys APC, or Optimum Powerclean and go to town. A few spray bottles so you can mix up different dilutions and you`re in business.

05-25-2009, 06:31 PM
Yes, I could. But I don`t want to pay $30 to ship it here. I`m not going to spend $45 on a $15 product :(

05-25-2009, 06:42 PM
Yes, I could. But I don`t want to pay $30 to ship it here. I`m not going to spend $45 on a $15 product :(

LOL Stick around, sooner or later you will. :D

Anyway, Welcome to DC!

Fantastic is a home use APC that seems to be safe on most material. It is used quite a bit on boat interiors. Some Simple Green is thought to be OK, but I don`t happen to use it. I do think it needs to be diluted.
Woolite mixed water makes a good APC as well.
Carpet could be cleaned with whatever products you have available in Canada for home carpet cleaning.
Prestone and Blue Coral both have OTC automotive carpet and upholstery products, but I don`t know if they are sold in Canada. Folex is another good product, but again, I don`t know if you have it in Canada.

Be patient and some of our members from Canada will probably have some suggestions on products and where to buy them.

If you can get access to an air supply, blowing out the nooks and crannies with a blow gun would be a good place to start.

05-25-2009, 07:01 PM
Yes, I could. But I don`t want to pay $30 to ship it here. I`m not going to spend $45 on a $15 product :(

Then don`t buy $15 worth. Buy a gallon like we do. I make up some 4:1, 10:1, and 20:1 in quart containers. A gallon used that way will last me dozens of cars. If you are only using it for your own car, that`s nearly a lifetime supply!

05-25-2009, 07:09 PM
Then don`t buy $15 worth. Buy a gallon like we do. I make up some 4:1, 10:1, and 20:1 in quart containers. A gallon used that way will last me dozens of cars. If you are only using it for your own car, that`s nearly a lifetime supply!
Meguiar`s APC and APC+ is $15.99 a gallon.
We need to spend more of his money to make it worthwhile. :D

05-25-2009, 07:18 PM
You might have a Meguiar`s Dealer in your area.
Check out Meg`s Dealer Locator. (http://www.meguiars.com/dealerlocator/)
I would have done it for you, but you didn`t list any location information.

05-25-2009, 07:42 PM
You might have a Meguiar`s Dealer in your area.
Check out Meg`s Dealer Locator. (http://www.meguiars.com/dealerlocator/)
I would have done it for you, but you didn`t list any location information.

I am in Mississauga, Ontario, but finding a dealer won`t matter. Apparently Meg`s doesn`t sell APC up here because of chemical regulations that our government has.

As a matter of fact, I`ve never seen any of Meg`s Detailer Line (http://www.meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2131) up here. We have stuff like QID, NXT Wax, Hot Rims and stuff up here, but none of the Pro Line of products.

05-25-2009, 08:32 PM
Here is what I`m dealing with.


Big job, huh? Looks like I have my work cut out for me. I`m going to try to clean it with soap and water, and if that doesn`t work, i`ll have to get a heavier cleaner.

I`ll let you guys know how it works out.

Mr. Clean
05-25-2009, 08:54 PM
Yeah, start with some Woolite & Water (8:1). For stubborn areas, use an old toothbrush and/or a nail brush. Don`t go overboard with agitation while using those tools. You may have to go over it more than once, but looking at the pictures, it sure looks very doable.

05-25-2009, 09:03 PM
welcome to DC :welcome:

you can buy all the good stuff locally from eShine Canada- Car Wax, Car Polish, Microfiber, Polishers, Tire Dressings, Detailing Supplies. (http://www.eshine.ca) ..Chris carries a lot of good stuff ;)

05-25-2009, 11:32 PM
Doesn`t look that bad. Just general dirt. Some APC or Woolite should knock that out in no time. In fact, the interior that I did on Saturday was worse than that, and it`s driven daily.

Big Leegr
05-26-2009, 09:18 AM
Fantastic is a home use APC that seems to be safe on most material. It is used quite a bit on boat interiors.
Is available in Canada.

Some Simple Green is thought to be OK, but I don`t happen to use it. I do think it needs to be diluted.Should be diluted. Is also available in Canada. Have found that it leaves a somewhat sticky residue if not rinsed or if too strong a dilution is used. Shouldn`t be used on aluminum. Can buy a RTU bottle of antibacterial Simple Green at Canadian Tire. (Haven`t use it, though.)

Woolite mixed water makes a good APC as well.
Woolite is sold as "ZERO by Woolite" in Canada. Found in the laundry aisle of stores.

Prestone and Blue Coral both have OTC automotive carpet and upholstery products, but I don`t know if they are sold in Canada.
The Blue Coral aerosol cleaner is sold in Canada at Canadian Tire under their Simoniz brand. Works well for cleaning general dirt, but not so much (IME) for stains.

Folex is another good product, but again, I don`t know if you have it in Canada.
Is available at Canadian Tire, Zellers and Home Hardware, among others.

If you have a Home Hardware around, their Natura line is pretty good. Their all purpose cleaner cleans vinyl etc. very well. Their carpet cleaner is great especially if you don`t have an extractor. You can just spray and wipe a lot of dirt out easily. (And it`s even supposed to be enviro-friendly!)

You seem to have a fair bit of scratches in your plastic. You should look at getting a polish for that, as the plastic will look dull after cleaning. (Same as a swirled up car will look dull after washing.)

Get some Q-tips ® for cleaning the grooves around the buttons.

05-26-2009, 10:29 AM
A 1" to 2" paint brush works good in crevices and vents.
A little cleaner/soap and water or even a QD sprayed on the brush will get a lot of it for you. I wrap the metal sleeve that holds the bristles with some electrical tape to keep it from marring anything.
I don`t think you will have that much problem cleaning things up, but the scratched plastic will probably be a challenge

05-26-2009, 05:43 PM
So I went out today and bought:
-A bottle of Castrol SuperClean (I bought it for some engine bay detailing, but do you think it`s safe for some interior uses?)
-A bottle of Meg`s Quick Interior Detailer (just to upkeep the interior once I clean it up)
-Some microfibre towels
-Toothbrushes and nail brushes (for the cracks and crevices)

I think i`m just going to try some Woolite and water, then protect the vinyl with Meguiar`s Vinyl Conditioner (#40)

Can you guys recommend a plastic polish?

Also, what is the correct process for cleaning with the Woolite/Water mix? Is it like spray on, scrub, then wipe off?