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tuscarora dave
03-30-2009, 04:09 PM
here are a few pics of my daily driver after a weekend of polishing. Sorry no before pics but it did need some correction as it was pretty marred. My process was as follows.

wash with PB spray and wipe
clay with megs smooth surface clay
clay lube PB spray and wipe
wipe dry with PB Mega plush MF
polished with Makita then Cyclo
1st pass wool cutting pad with PB SSR 2.5
2nd pass wool finishing pad with Caffrey auto supply CASnesse it finessing compound (light polish)
3rd pass no cut foam polish pads on Cyclo and PB PWS
Wipe clean with PB spray and wipe
machine apply PB EXP with foam finishing pads on Cyclo
I do plan on topping EXP with PB Natty`s red once the sealant cures for a few days. Thanks for looking, TD

03-30-2009, 04:42 PM
Even with the first picture being blurry, you see a fantastic shine. Looks great!!

Question - with that color car, couldn`t you have gone from the wool cutting pad straight to the finish polish via the Cyclo?

BTW - How is the rotary going?

flash gordon
03-30-2009, 04:44 PM
:cool: Dave, Thats a good lookin Buick. But what happened to interior? Looks like you have something to do this weekend. :cool: :dcrules

03-30-2009, 05:40 PM
It is a Buick ! It must have been swirled up with all that you did. I see your stash in the back seat. How did you end up at a touchless car wash? Did you a lot of work in their parking lot?

Old Pirate
03-30-2009, 06:12 PM
Looking great from your shots TD!.......:bigups

03-30-2009, 06:13 PM
Super shine dude.

03-30-2009, 07:00 PM
Pretty cool pics. :inspector: I hope that sprayer on your seat doesn`t leak.

03-30-2009, 07:11 PM
Great shine, flake pops !!

I love the reflection pic of the neon signs, very cool !!

Great job.

03-30-2009, 07:31 PM
Very nice... good job.:D

tuscarora dave
03-30-2009, 08:08 PM
It is a Buick ! It must have been swirled up with all that you did. I see your stash in the back seat. How did you end up at a touchless car wash? Did you a lot of work in their parking lot?

I just wanted the neon in the reflection shots so I pulled in to the car wash to take some pics. Thanks for the reply and the nice words

tuscarora dave
03-30-2009, 08:32 PM
Even with the first picture being blurry, you see a fantastic shine. Looks great!!

Question - with that color car, couldn`t you have gone from the wool cutting pad straight to the finish polish via the Cyclo?

BTW - How is the rotary going?

This job was just as much for learning the limits of the rotary as it was for producing a fine looking finish so I did some experimenting with the rotary. First I did the entire top of car as described, then on one side I did the 1st and 2nd pass very quickly but saw the next day that that just would`nt do as there were still wet sanding marks left behind. (oh yeah I forgot to mention that I removed the painted on pinstripes and did a little wet sanding too). On the other side, I did the 1st pass only making sure to really break down the polish til it disappeared then followed that with the Cyclo and PWS and I could`nt tell a difference at all. So to answer your question, Yes. As far as how the rotary is going, I believe I got the hang of the rotary with the wool pads but the foam pads are a different story. I tried the foam pads on an earlier job and had a hard time with them hopping and grabbing and such but my sister`s car is going to the body shop soon for some repair work and a total repaint and I think I`ll practice on it with the foam pads a little before I use them on a customers car. Thanks to all of you for the kind words and thanks for looking, TD

03-31-2009, 12:56 AM
Looking good Dave! What foam pads were hopping on you?

03-31-2009, 07:33 AM
nice work Dave:bigups ...practice makes it easier no matter what the pads ;)

tuscarora dave
03-31-2009, 04:07 PM
Looking good Dave! What foam pads were hopping on you?

I was using a edge 8 inch green light cutting pad and SSR 2.5 and it was giving me a hard time then I goy against a part of the front clip that had been repainted with soft paint and it was`nt good so I chickened out and finished the job with my cyclo. I have other paint repair to do on that front clip though so it is`nt a big deal and it was a very small burn. I will get it with practice. I think maybe I did`nt have the pad primed enough.

03-31-2009, 04:30 PM
just be careful with cutting pads (especially on a rotary) as they don`t stop cutting until you tell them to ;)